春 Spring
秋 Autumn
贊歌 Song pf Praise
和調 Harmony
彈樂 Music for Pluck Strings
影調 Shadow Play Tunes
悲歌 Song of Melancholy
月夜 Moonlit Night
琴詩 The Poem on Qin
粵魂 Gaohu Concerto : Guangdong Spirit
聽松 Listening to the Pines
對花 Dui Hua
林中悅 Happiness in the woods
花園裡 In the Garden
鳳還巢 Phoenix returning to the nest
蟬之戀 Love of Cicada
大起板 Dachiban
湖鄉情 Nostalgic Feeling towards Lake
嫂子調 Sister-in-Law Tune
草原上 On the Prairie
旱天雷 Thunderstorm in a Sunny Day
流波曲 Roaming in Life
滿江紅 The River Is Red
烏尤黛 Wuyoudai, the Beautiful Girls
病中吟 Sigh of Ailment
蒙古馬 Mongolian Horses
閒居吟 Life in Leisure
陶愛格 Tao Aige, A Feeding Song
雙聲恨 Shuang Sheng Hen
楊翠喜 Yang Cui-xi
齊破陣 Arrays
小開門 Xiao Kaimen
京郊行 Outskirts of Beijing
夜深沉 Profound Nigh
大起板 Grand Overture
草原上 On the Prairie
憶秦娥 Lady of the Qin Dynasty
八大錘 Ba Da Chui
新春樂 Music for the New Year
柳葉錦 Liu Ye Jin
鍘美案 Beheaded Case
鳥投林 Birds in the Forest
二泉映月 Reflection of the Moon on Lake Erquan
娛樂昇平 Sing and Dance in Peaceful Times
春郊試馬 Gallopping in Spring
月牙五更 Crescent before Dawn
村間小童 Childhood in the Countryside
河南小曲 Tune of Henan
燭影搖紅 Red Candle Flickering in Wind
田間小唱 Singing in the Fielf
空山鳥語 Birds Chirping in the Mountains
葡萄熟了 Grapes Getting Ripe
鄉間小景 Landscape of the Countryside
醉翁撈月 A Drunkard Drags the Moon out of the Water
大姑娘美 Beautiful Girl
山東小曲 A Shangdong Tune
春風楊柳 Spring Willow in the Wind
月芽五更 Crescent before Dawn
春城節日 Festival in Changchun
平湖秋月 Autumn Moon on Quiet Lake
春到田間 Spring Comes to the Country
塞外情思 Thoughts beyond the Frontiers
寒鴉戲水 Ospreys Sporting with Water
禪院鐘聲 Toll from Temple
笙管合奏 Combination of Sheng and Guan
皮影牌子 Shadow Tune
萬馬奔騰 Horses Galloping
幻海情天 Fantasy Love
氣貫長虹 A Hero
花鄉鳥語 Birds in the flowers
花市迎春 New Year Eve
綠水長流 Flow of clean waters
阿里拉姆 Tune from Tibet
森吉德瑪 Mongolian Melody
反十字調 Anti-Cross Tone
月圓同慶 Celebrationof a Full Moon Night
湘中往事 Memory of the Past in Hunan Province
塞外情思 Thoughts beyond the Frontiers
白蛇傳組曲 White Snake Suite
哥哥回來了 My Brother is Back
孤獨的駝羔 A Lonely Baby Camel
朝格溫都爾 Chaogewendur the High Mountain
豐收馬鈴響 The Harvest Horse Bells
河北花梆子 Hebei Huabangzi
秦腔牌子曲 The Tunes of Shaanxi Opera
西皮小開門 Xiao Kaimen
《蘇武》思鄉 “SU WU” , Homesickness
《蘇武》榮歸 “SU WU” , Glorious Return
《蘇武》風雪 “SU WU” , Snowstorm
東可爾大喇嘛 Donkir,the Grand Lama
鄂爾多斯之春 The Spring of Erdos
錫林格勒隨想 Fantasy on the Xilinggele Prairie
馬頭琴的傳說 The Tale of Matou Qin
東可爾的戀歌 Love Song of Donkir
東可爾的戀歌 Love3 of Donkir
花自飄零水自流 Desolate Petals on the Guileless Water
遙遠的克日倫河 River far away
你待同志親如一家 You Treat the Comrades as dear as the Family Members
瀟湘花鼓、洗菜心 Xiao Xiang Flower Drum and Wash the Vegetables
呼倫貝爾我的家 My Home is on the Hulunbeir Prairie
絲絲淚、三疊愁 Tears and Triple Sadness
茅草屋裡的歌聲 Song from Thatched Cottage
紅軍哥哥回來了 Brother Comes Back
京劇鳳還巢 – 選段 A Tune from Beijing Opera
如歌,柳子戲韻,影調 Tune of North-western area
烏夏克木卡姆第一間奏曲 Tibet Tune
巴雅提木卡姆太子間奏曲 Tibet tune
我定要讓鐵牛奔馳在田頭 I Must Let the Oxes Coursing in the Field
馬頭琴獨奏《贊歌》這原是一首由胡松華創作的富有蒙古民族特色的旋律和情調之歌曲,由齊 • 寶力高改編移植而成為馬頭琴獨奏曲。
擂琴獨奏《鍘美案》移植自京劇唱段,劇情所述 “包龍圖打坐在開封府” 。裘派花臉唱段(西皮導板、原板、快板)。裘盛戎先生的唱腔剛中見柔、情酣意飽,神完氣足,唱來如火山噴湧,動人心魄。裘派唱法影響極大,有 “十淨九裘” 之譽。包公在開封府大堂上的這個唱段流傳很廣,深為大家所喜愛。
《鳥投林》寓意:中國音樂很多時候加入大自然的聲響;因此,鳥叫、蟲鳴、水流、風動,皆常為音樂素材。以鳥為主題並模仿鳥叫的名曲就有多首,《鳥投林》即為其中之一。與《百鳥朝鳳》、《蔭中鳥》、《百鳥引》等曲相比,《鳥投林》具有廣東小曲獨有的柔美怡然,群鳥競鳴的意味。置身田園,觸目皆為可親,所謂 “好鳥枝頭亦朋友,落花流水皆文章” ,如此得體自然之趣就是樂曲所要表達的情感。
《小開門》 京劇曲牌
楊寶忠:一九六○年演繹 2:28
Xiao Kaimen a qupai of Beijing Opera
It is a qupai (set tune) played by jinghu in xipi tone, another name for it is Xiao Baimen. The tune is bright and mellifluous, usually used as an incidental music of Beijing Opera, when the Empire goes on the stage, performers change clothes, writing letters, do some cleaning, celebration, officials hold court and go back home, etc.
YANG Bao-zhong : Performed in 1960 2:28
《夜深沉》 京劇曲牌 李慕良編曲
李慕良:一九六○年八月二十七日演繹 3:45
Profound Night a qupai of Beijing Opera adapted by LI Mu-liang
Profound Night is based on Lotus in the Wind, a qupai (set tune) from the Kun Opera Thinking of the Earth. It has been polished by numerous Beijing Opera musicians and got its title from the first few words of the lyrics. The music has well-organized structure, with a firm beat and a smooth melody. Having bold and sturdy quality, it is often used in Beijing Opera Beating the Drum in Defiance of CHAO and The Conqueror Parting from His concubine, as background music to the scenes where Mi-Heng beats the drum or Yu-Ji dances with the sword. In the edition adapted by LI Mu-liang, it is used to reflect the good willing to fight against feudal rules and obtain better life.
LI Mu-liang : Performed on August 27, 1960 3:45
《京郊行》 吳厚元曲
姜克美:一九九三年十二月演繹 王甫建指揮中國廣播民族樂團伴奏 4:25
Outskirts of Beijing composed by WU Hou-yuan
With a refreshing style and lively rhythms, this piece depicts the charming, picturesque scenery of the outskirts of Beijing. The special, energetic tune is filled with the spirit contemporary.
JIANG Ke-mei : Performed in December 1993; accompaniment: WANG Pu-jian conducted the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra 4:25
《雙聲恨》 佚名曲 伍日生傳譜
此曲又名《聲聲恨》,作者不可考,據老藝人憶述為二十世紀二十年代首先由棚面上手伍日生介紹出來,是廣東音樂譜子中最早的分段體式作品,樂曲旋律幽怨,曲調取材自《粉紅蓮》、《殺雄雞》等民間樂曲。按明代女詩人張紅橋《大江東》詞有「恨聲聲玉漏,今宵易歇」句,則所恨乃聲聲玉漏,時留之短促也;後有人將「聲」 與「星」同音,諧聲附會為《雙星恨》,是為嘆述銀河「商」、「參」(亦雙聲之諧音)二星,七夕一相逢之恨怨,概亦恨時留之短促也。樂曲主調為「正線乙反調」,中段轉用「正線正調」再轉回「正線乙反調」,末段以催板收結。
CD 1 (6) 朱海:一九六四年演繹 廣東民間音樂團五音合奏 3:22
Shuang Sheng Hen (Double Woe) anonymous music passed down by WU Ri-sheng
This piece was said to be popularized by a performance by WU Ri-sheng in the 1920s, the real composer is anonymous. It is in the form of the sectional structure of the earliest Cantonese music. The melodies of this composition are aggrievedly sounding. ZHANG Hong-qiao of the Ming dynasty wrote the poem entitled Big River Running East and there are the lines as “Resentful be it that the sound of the time dropper so disturbing, Tonight there is no slumber for me”. Later somebody used these lines to express the woe of the two planets in the milky-way because they have to wait as long as seven years for them to meet. Others say that it is a sigh over the flying of time. The main tune is yi fan, in the middle section the tune is changed to zheng xian and then back to yi fan again. In the last section the music is ended in presto.
CD 1 (6) ZHU Hai : Performed in 1964; ensemble: Guangdong Folk Ensemble 3:22
《楊翠喜》 佚名
CD 1 (7) 盧家熾:一九六○年代演繹 香江粵樂隊演奏 4:04
YANG Cui-xi anonymous music
Famous Tianjin prostitute YANG Cui-xi became more and more famous because she has relationship with the Empire’s relatives. Media such as Bei Yang Pictorial reported it. And Guangdong music Institute in Tianjin rehearsed an opera called YANG Cui-xi to reflected it. But the government reject to came it on. The score had been accomplished and the institute performed it. When YIN Zi-zhong went to act in Tianjin in 1920s, he brought the score back, and made popular as a classical music.
CD 1 (7) LOO Kah-chi : Performed in 1960s; accompanied by Hong Kong Cantonese Music Ensemble 4:04
《齊破陣》 呂文成曲 李助炘配器
CD 1 (8) 余其偉:一九九○年演繹 施明新指揮廣東民族樂團伴奏 2:08
Arrays composed by LU Wen-cheng orchestrated by LI Zhu-xin
The conflagration of war is burning. We have to fight against the invader and save our country. The warriors are bravely killing the enemies.
CD 1 (8) YU Qi-wei : Performed in 1990; accompaniment: SHI Ming-xin conducted the Guangdong Chinese Orchestra 2:08
《對花》 陝北民歌 雷雨聲改編
唐毓斌:一九六一年十月七日演繹 張惠琴鋼琴伴奏 2:21
Dui Hua a melody of Shaanbei arranged by LEI Yu-sheng
This piece was composed in 1958, according to a folk melody of north Shaanxi province. The musician designed to use gaohu to imitate the antistrophic melody about the flowers of each month. It is lively, interesting as well as well-knit.
TANG Yu-bin : Performed on October 7, 1961; Piano accompanied by ZHANG Hui-qin 2:21
《草原上》 劉明源曲
劉明源:一九九四年六月演繹 中國音樂學院民族樂隊伴奏 7:25
On the Prairie composed by LIU Ming-yuan
LIU Ming-yuan arranged and composed this piece in 1956, and it was chosen as one of the pieces for participating in an international competition. The music is obviously flavoured with Mongolian musical style, expressing the hard-working and brave character of people there and their heart-felt praise for the beautiful LIU Ming-yuan : Performed in June 1994; accompanied by the Chinese Orchestra of China Conservatory 7:25
《憶秦娥》 周成龍曲
馬曉暉:一九九五年五月二十二日演繹 魏國范阮伴奏 8:09
Lady of the Qin Dynasty composed by ZHOU Cheng-long
The composer composed this piece according to the content of a piece of poem with the same title written by LI Bai of the Tang Dynasty. It was specially written for the solo zhonghu.
MA Xiao-hui : Performed on May 22, 1995; ruan accompaniment: WEI Guo-fan 8:09
《新春樂》 馬光陸曲
馬光陸:一九九三年演繹 中國廣播民族樂團伴奏 4:17
Music for the New Year composed by MA Guang-lu
This piece was developed from themes of Henan operas and was written for zhuihu and orchestra. It is an instrumental piece with rich local style. The bright sound of percussion instruments introduces the lively melody played by the orchestra, creating an air of village life during the joyful New Year. In the adagio section, the composer fully utilizes various glissando techniques on the zhuihu, which makes the melody even
MA Guang-lu : Performed in 1993; accompaniment: China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra 4:17
《大起板》 何彬編曲
劉湘:一九九五年七月演繹 中央民族樂團伴奏 3:13
Grand Overture arranged by HE Bin
This piece was arranged according to a traditional piece of Henan instrumental music with similar title. The primitive, dominant introduction builds up a grand atmosphere; in the first section, the dialogue-like melody gradually increases its amplitude; with syncopation and the alternate appearance of 2-beat and 3-beat rhythms, the second section is passionate, jumping and lively; in the third section, the pitch of the music moves up the scale and the tempo also grows faster: with the appearance of downward glissandos, the music becomes even more humorous; when the glissando has eventually leveled off, the music jumps up an octave and repeats a previous melody; finally, first half of the third section is repeated with even faster tempo and greater force, reaching the climax of the whole piece. The whole piece is short and sweet and well-structured, without the need of mentioning its rich traditional spirit.
LIU Xiang : Performed in July 1995; accompanied by the National Traditional Orchestra of China 3:13
《八大錘》 大擂拉戲(唱腔仿拉)
王殿玉:一九五七年演繹 5:03
Ba Da Chui leiqin imitating on operatic song
The famous artist WANG Dian-yu, who was also a blind, modified the zhuiqin to leiqin, which has another name called dalei. It was a solo musical instrument at first. By using it, the performer can imitate the operatic songs and the sound of percussion instruments. Ba Da Chui is a singing tune of a Beijing opera. This kind of performance has another name Da Lei La Xi.
WANG Dian-yu : Performed in 1957 5:03
《柳葉錦》 白鳳岩編曲
白鳳岩:一九六一年五月十一日演繹 1:44
Liu Ye Jin compiled by BAI Feng-yan
The composer compiled the melody of this sihu piece from Hebei traditional music. Iit was developed BAI Feng-yan : Performed on May 11, 1961 1:44