中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

盧家熾  (LOO Kah-chi)

盧家熾:粵樂與國樂名家、高胡演奏家盧家熾先生一九一七年生於廣州,國立中山大學法律系畢業。少年時熱愛中西音樂,經常與三五知己結伴拍和唱酬於廣州西關。第二次世界大戰爆發,遷居澳門,以音樂為職業,在西樂夜總會及粵劇戲班擔任“頭架”音樂領導,聲名鵲起。 和平後,盧家熾先生移居香港,專事歌壇音樂、電影配樂、作曲與國樂的演奏工作。昔日“中聯”、“桃源”等電影公司之經典電影如《家》、《春》、《秋》、《慈母淚》、《夜光杯》等的配樂及主題曲,全是他的作品。 其後與黃呈權醫生、張永壽先生合力從事推廣與革新國樂的種種活動,包括把傳統的“廣東音樂”和“國樂”帶入當時的“中英管弦樂團”(香港管弦樂團前身),並參與樂隊的公開演奏。 一九四八年起,盧家熾先生開始參與香港電台節目的演出。 一九五三年往南洋一帶,與名藝人小燕飛、梁瑛登台演出,掀起當地粵曲熱潮。 一九五五年擔任香港電台粵曲節目《弦韻歌聲》與《空中歌壇》的音樂領導。 六十年代,盧家熾先生活躍於本港樂壇,他是首屆市政局香港中樂團的團長(其名銜相當於總監)。本港校際音樂比賽多次聘他擔任評判。他提拔後進,對推動業餘中樂活動作出重大貢獻。他又曾出任多屆香港中文大學音樂系中國音樂學位試的委員……。 他與香港電台的工作關係非常密切,一九六三年起籌辦《菊部新聲》粵曲比賽,歷十數年方告停止。一九六五年四月一日,由盧家熾先生領導的“香港電台粵樂隊”正式成立,擁有十二位合約隊員,每逢星期日下午在香港大會堂音樂廳舉行音樂會;另外,亦在工展會、大欖涌戒毒所、天后誕戲棚和公園等場地演出。港台粵樂隊的成立,不僅對推廣粵樂、提高粵樂演出質素起積極作用,同時亦為後來“龍翔劇團”的誕生,奠定了穩固基礎。 一九六八年五月,香港電台“龍翔劇團”正式成立,團中演員來自廣播劇組二十位藝員,由盧家熾先生領導的香港電台粵樂隊負責拍和。 一九六九年盧家熾先生赴美國紐約為華僑學校籌款表演,並在美國各城市文化機構示範演奏。旅美期間,哥倫比亞大學音樂系特別邀請他作專題研討。 一九七○年七月,盧家熾先生率領“香港電台粵樂隊”及“龍翔劇團”赴日本大“世界博覽會”表演;一九七三年起,參加香港藝術節演出;七五年五月領導“香港電台粵樂隊”和“龍翔劇團”於英女皇訪港期間作御前表演。“龍翔劇團”成立於香港粵劇面臨沒落厄運的年代,在惡劣環境中苦鬥,對維持粵劇這傳統藝術,功不可沒。 一九七八年,盧家熾先

王殿玉 (WANG Dian-yu)

擂琴創始人王殿玉,一八九九年十月十二日生於山東鄆城縣徐橋村一戶貧窮農家,一九六四年十一月二十八日病逝於天津,王殿玉字琢襲、潔塵,八歲時罹患天花,雙目失明。十歲拜馬玉修為師習三弦彈唱,後隨拉四胡之師兄石登岩一起,在陳坡鄉一帶賣藝,將三弦創改為墜琴,後又將之改革為擂琴。一九二三年,在山東濟寧正式以擂琴仿拉戲曲聲腔與笙管合奏等音樂,為當地民眾所喜聞樂見,一時名聲大噪,獲「絲弦聖手」及「絲弦大王」之美稱,沿途賣藝南下,足跡遍及半個中國。一九四一年,回鄆城,創立「東魯雅樂社」,招收了趙玉齋、韓鳳田、鄭錫佩、高自成及恩鳳印為徒,一九四九年,回家鄉,參加平原省大眾曲藝團,一九五三年,入天津市曲藝團,同年,參加全國第一屆民間音樂舞蹈匯演,獲優秀演出獎。 WANG Dian-yu     WANG Dian-yu was born on October 12, 1899 in Yun Cheng county, Shandong province and passed away of illness on November 28, 1964 in Tianjin. He was also named Zhou-xi and Jie-chen. When he was eight years old, he got smallpox and both eyes lost sight. At the age of ten, he learned the sanxian and singing from MA Yu-xiu. Later on, he followed his fellow apprentice to make live in Chenpo village. At that time, he transformed the sanxian to zhuiqin and then modified it to leiqin. In 1923, he formally and publicly presented the leiqin to play the operatic tunes and imitation on various instruments’ sound in Jining, Shandong. In 1941, he ret

劉湘 (LIU Xiang)

板胡演奏家劉湘,一九六三年十一月二十四日出生在長沙外婆家,父親便為他取名為劉湘。一九七六年九月,十二歲的劉湘考入海政歌舞團,擔任板胡獨奏和多種胡琴演奏。在一九七七年八月的文藝會演中,他演奏的板胡獨奏曲《地道戰組曲》獲得優秀演奏獎。一九八七年,劉湘轉入中央民族樂團任高胡、板胡演奏員,同年即在本團業務考核中獲青年演奏家獎,被任命為樂隊副首席。一九九五年,劉湘在國際華夏器樂展演年《中國民族樂器獨奏大賽》,以精湛的技藝獲得板胡項目大獎。一九九八年及一九九九年,劉湘二度隨中央民族樂團赴維也納金色大廳及歐洲多國演出並擔任獨奏。 LIU Xiang     LIU Xiang was born on November 24, 1963 in Changsha, Hunan province. It was because Hunan’s short name was Xiang, so his father gave him a name of Xiang. In September 1976, he joined the Song and Dance Troupe of the Sea-force Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in Beijing as the banhu performer. In a show in August 1977, he won an outstanding performance award for solo banhu. In 1987, he became a gaohu and banhu soloist in the National Traditional Orchestra of China. In the same year, in a performance appraisal of the ensemble, he won the Young Performer Award and was given the position of vice-leader of the ensemble. In the International Year of Exhibition & Performance

沈誠 (SHEN Cheng)

板胡演奏家、教育家沈誠,一九五九年出生於西安。十二歲開始隨陝西名家學習板胡,一九八六年,畢業於西安音樂學院民樂系,一九八八年,考入中國音樂學院,師從「胡琴司令」劉明源等攻讀研究生,一九九○年畢業,為我國第一位板胡碩士學位獲得者。一九八七年,以高胡領奏參加全國廣東音樂比賽,獲集體二等獎,一九九五年,參加國際中國樂器獨奏大賽,獲板胡演奏第一名。作有板胡協奏曲《桑梓》,著有論文《中國板面拉弦樂器》,提出自己之見識。 SHEN Cheng     SHEN Cheng was born in 1959 in Xi’an, Shaanxi province. He started to learn the erhu in his adolescence. When he was twelve, he started to learn the banhu under famous performers in Shaanxi province. In 1986, he graduated from the Xi’an Conservatory, and in 1988, he was admitted to the China Conservatory, studying under the famous bow-string master LIU Ming-yuan. In 1990, he graduated being the first person in China who achieves a master degree in banhu. In 1987, he won a 2nd class award in the National Guangdong Music Competition as a leading gaohu player. In the International Chinese Music Competition 1995, he was the champion for the banhu section. He has composed a banhu concerto Sang Zi (Hometown).

晁東旭 (CHAO Dong-xu)

  板胡演奏家晁東旭先生,一九六○年代,加入中國中央實驗歌劇院(後改中國歌劇舞劇院)民族樂團,為獨奏演員,曾為趙華等編劇之《友與敵》歌劇作曲,板胡作品有與劉洙合作的《春風楊柳》等。 CHAO Dong-xu     CHAO Dong-xu joined the traditional orchestra of the Central Experimental Opera House (now called China Song and Dance Theatre) as a soloist. He has composed for ZHAO Hua’s opera Friend and Enemy. His banhu solo piece Spring Willow in the Wind is composed together with LIU Zhu.

周其昌 (ZHOU Qi-chang)

  板胡演奏家周其昌先生,為中國東北長春電影製片廠民族樂隊隊長、獨奏演員,曾隨「中國弓弦樂之神手」劉明源學習板胡技藝,與丁永盛合作,創作出著名板胡曲《春城節日》,後因肺病逝世於長春,其遺音還有《馬車在田野上奔馳》、《跑旱船》及其作品《趕著馬車喜盈盈》等等。 ZHOU Qi-chang     ZHOU Qi-chang was the team leader and soloist of the Chinese orchestra attached to Chang Chun Film Studio in north-east of China. He learned the banhu under LIU Ming-yuan, the renowned artist of Chinese string instruments. He has composed the banhu solo piece Festival in Changchun together with DING Yong-sheng. His performance album includes Horse-carriage Running in the Field, Pao Han Chuan and his composition Drive the Horse-carriage Happily, etc. He died of lung deceases in Chang Chun.

閻紹一 (YAN Shao-yi)

板胡演奏家閻紹一先生,一九三六年出生於河北灤縣,一九八六年病逝於河北石家莊。一九四九年參加中國人民解放軍文工團從藝,一九五八年上調總政治部文工團樂隊任板胡演奏員,音樂才華得以充分發揮,著名板胡曲《河北花梆子》等即在此期間創編,一九六二年七月,北京音樂出版社出版其與王瑞檀合作之《板胡入門》,其中收入了閻氏早期的創作《狂歡》一曲。在此書的基礎上,後又出版《板胡演奏法》一書。「文革」結束後,閻氏即創作板胡曲《歡慶的日子》(與石寶儒合作),一九八三年,轉至石家莊鋼鐵工廠工會任職,仍致力於板胡藝術。一九八四年八月,北京人民音樂出版社出版其《板胡演奏法》,收入其創編的板胡曲有《歡迎新戰友》、《南蒲之春》、《對花》(與劉華成合作)、《練兵場上》及《河北花梆子》等。 YAN Shao-yi     YAN Shao-yi was born in 1936 in Luan county, Hebei province and passed away of illness in 1986 in Shi Jia Zhuang, Heibi province. In 1949, he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army cultural work group. In 1958, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department as banhu performer. At that time, he composed the famous banhu piece Hebei Huabangzi. In 1962, the Beijing Music Publishing House published his Introduction Book of Banhu which included his early composition Revelry. Based on this book, he wrote the Performance Techniques of Banhu and has it be published on 1984. In which, he enclosed m

原野 (YUAN Ye)

板胡演奏家、作曲家原野,一九三六年三月出生於天津寶坻,二○○四年四月五日在北京逝世,享年六十九歲,名袁天祺,筆名白予。一九五一年,參加中國人民解放軍北京公安總隊文工團演奏手風琴,一九五五年,調公安文工團,次年改建民族樂隊,任板胡及高胡演奏員。一九五八年,隨團調往濟南軍區前衛歌舞團,歷任弓弦組副組長、組長、樂隊首席、樂隊副隊長、隊長等職,一九八五年,調北京武裝警察政治文工團任副團長、團長至一九九一年退休。在「前衛」的樂器改革潮中,原野參加了弓弦樂器特別是板胡系列的改革,與張長城合作設計出板胡的前共鳴罩、次高音板胡及在「碗碗腔」伴奏板胡的基礎上改制成中音板胡,一九七○年後,又製成活動雙千斤板胡。與張長城合作首創板胡二重奏形式,創作二重奏板胡曲《抬花轎》、《對口令》,又與何化均合作創作了《山東小曲》。原野是張長城的學生、創作及演奏的合作者,同時,亦是張在「前衛」生活時的夥伴,充滿友情與愛心,令雙目近於失明的張在生活與創作中,都獲得了信心與生機。 YUAN Ye     YUAN Ye was born in March 1936 in Baodi, Tianjin province and passed away at the age of sixty-nine on April 5, 2004 in Beijing. His name was YUAN Tian-qi also known as Bai Yu. In 1951, he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Beijing Public Security Troop cultural work group as accordion player. In 1955, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of Beijing Public Security Army as banhu and gaohu player. In 1958, he went along with the troupe and transferred to the Progress Chinese Orchestra, Jinan as vice group leader, group lea

張長城 (ZHANG Chang-cheng)

板胡演奏家張長城,一九三三年十月三日出生於陝西省西安市,一九九八年七月十五日病逝於西安。兒時視力受損,高度近視,看書困難,遂向母親提出學板胡,母送其往著名秦腔琴師荊生顏處習中音板胡,三年後在西安的秦腔樂社從事伴奏工作。一九五八年,隨公安軍文工團調濟南軍區前衛歌舞團,翌年,在全軍第二屆文藝匯演中演奏其改編之《繡荷包》及《繡金匾》,獲優秀節目獎。一九六二年,因腦瘤壓迫視線神經而要動手術,手術成功,但一目失明,一目仍高度近視,療養期間,與原野合作創作了板胡曲《紅軍哥哥回來了》及二重奏《對口令》、《抬花轎》等。張氏在板胡的演奏弓法上、指法及音域上,均有突破與發展,又在板胡的改革上亦取得若干已付諸於應用的成果,上世紀五十年代初,即將扁束弓毛及縮緊裝置用於板胡琴弓,並採用鋼弦及金屬纏弦。一九五五年,在秦腔板胡的基礎上,成功改革為次高音板胡,一九五九年,與原野合作,設置了板胡的前共鳴罩。一九六二年,與原野等一起,又將陝西戲曲「碗碗腔」伴奏用板胡改進為中音板胡,不僅為樂隊增添了色彩,並且創造了板胡二重奏的演奏形式。 ZHANG Chang-cheng     ZHANG Chang-cheng was born on October 3, 1933 in Xi’an, Shaanxi province and passed away of illness on July 15, 1998 in Xi’an. He was suffered vision injury, highly short-sighted since his childhood. Hardly study normally, he proposed to his mother to learn the banhu performance. He was then learning the alto banhu under a renowned Shaanxi opera musician JING Sheng-yan and became an accompanist in a Shaanxi opera ensemble after three years. In 1958, he went along with the Song and Dance Troupe of Bei

馬光陸 (MA Guang-lu)

  墜胡演奏家馬光陸,一九三二年出生於河南鞏縣神堤村馬圪牢兒鄉,一九四八年,參加軍隊文工團;一九五三年,由重慶調職北京總政歌舞團任墜胡演奏員;一九五五年,在華沙第五屆世界青年聯歡節中比賽獲獎。演奏的代表作有:《新春樂》、《運輸忙》、《家鄉的喜訊》等。 MA Guang-lu     MA Guang-lu was born in 1932 in Gong county, Henan province. In 1953 he was appointed as a zhuihu soloist of the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe. In 1955, he was awarded in a competition in the 5th World Youth Festival held in Warsaw. His representative pieces performed include Music for the New Year, Busy Transportation and Good News from Home.
