中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

香港愛樂民樂團,於 1979 年在香港成立,宗旨為推廣及發揚中國音樂,樂團成員包括多位曾接受正統音樂訓練的演奏者和香港學校音樂節比賽中的得獎者,部分成員更曾獲香港音樂事務處選為「香港精英」到海內外演出。樂團藝術指導及首席指揮為何文川,常任指揮衞承發。




Hong Kong Music Lover Chinese Orchestra, established in Hong Kong in 1979, aims to promote and develop Chinese music. The orchestra consists of members who have received formal music training and winners of the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Some members have been selected as “Hong Kong Elite” by the Hong Kong Music Office to perform both domestically and internationally. The artistic director and principal conductor of the orchestra is HO Man-chuen, with resident conductor WAI Sing-fat.

The orchestra spares no effort in promoting Chinese music. In addition to regularly holding concerts in Hong Kong, they have been invited to perform in various overseas locations, including the United States, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, and several cities in mainland China, establishing strong friendships with local groups and the cultural community.

The orchestra has also invited orchestras and musicians from both domestic and international locations to collaborate and perform in Hong Kong. These include the Chengdu Traditional Orchestra, the Youth Traditional Orchestra of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, the Melbourne Chinese Orchestra in Australia, and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. They have also developed deep friendships with many friends in the music and cultural communities, working together to promote Chinese music.

Furthermore, the orchestra actively engages in recording projects and has released several cassette tapes and CDs. Their recording “Fisherman’s Songs of the East China Sea” even received a Gold Record Award for sales achievements.
