中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive




Taipei Liuqin Ensemble

T.L.E. was founded in 1993 as the first ensemble starring liuqin, ruan and formed with traditional Chinese plucked instruments. The ensemble aims to harmonize its plucked instruments of different characteristics through simple and united articulations, seeking to establish graceful plucked-instrument aesthetics. With a down-to earth and earnest attitude and from playing fine tones to carrying out timbre interpretations, members of T.L.E. are trained to play delicately and accurately in order to perform an elegant fashion of the plucked instruments for the audience to appreciate.

團長 鄭翠蘋



CHENG, TSUI-PIN  /  Supervisor

Ms. Cheng dedicates herself to the promotion, education, and research of the plucked instrument liuqin and music. In recent years, she has been active in the planning and producing of concerts and albums such the well-renowned series productions Paints Under The Tropic of Cancer commissioned by Chen Cheng-po Cultural Foundation. Ms.Cheng was the chairman of Taiwan’s Chinese Music Association from 2020-2023.

指揮  劉至軒


LIU, CHIH-XUAN/Conductor

Mr. Liu is an outstanding conductor and composer of the younger generation. He holds a master’s degree in orchestra conducting from National Taiwan Normal University, where he studied with prof. Hsu Ching-hsin. Afterwards, he further studies in appreciation of music from the famous music aesthetician and educator prof. Liu Ju-wei.Mr. Liu is commended for his pellucid conducting skills, delicate interpretations and precise handling of the orchestra/ensemble.

柳琴  戴佩瑤Concertmaster

柳琴、琵琶演奏家。音色如顆顆透亮珍珠,對音樂敏銳且詮釋細膩。多年來豐富的傳統演奏經驗外,也嘗試將傳統與多元的演出形式結合,皆受到好評。畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學中國音樂學系碩士班,主修柳琴演奏,師承鄭翠蘋老師。多次連續榮獲臺灣區音樂比賽優等第一名。現任台北柳琴室內樂團首席。The NightTAI, PEI-YAO  /Concertmaster

Ms. Tai is a liuqin and pipa (Chinese lute) musician. She is praised to play tones bright as pearls. She has a sharp sense for music and deliberates exquisite interpretations. While being experienced in traditional performances, she has attempted to carry out more diversified forms of performance, which have been favored by the audience indeed. She is the currentliuqin principal of T.L.E.


樂團顧問  曹鵬、阮仕春、陳如祁、張鑫華

藝術總監  蘇文慶

團長          鄭翠蘋 

副團長      張永欽

指揮  劉至軒

樂團秘書  陳怡伶  劉怡秀  劉宛儒







Cello   林佳艾李虹霈

Bass 鄭夙娟




