溯 Trace Back
幽 Silence
蓮 Lotus
佩蘭 The Fragrant Orchid (Peri Lan)
偶成 By Chance (Oucheng)
凱歌 A Song of Triumph (Kaige)
古怨 Ancient Sorrow (Gu Yuan)
回憶 Thinking Back with Beautiful Memories (Hui Yi)
大雅 The Dynastic Song (Da Ya)
幽居 Secluded Residence (Youju)
幽蘭 Orchid in Seclusion
忘憂 Forgetting the Sorrow (Wangyou)
懷古 Thinking of Old Times (Huai Gu)
招隱 Recruitment of the Hermitic Friends (Zhao Yin)
明君 An Intelligent Monarch (Mingjun)
春風 Spring Breeze (Chun Feng)
樵歌 Song of Woodcutter (Qiao Ge)
欸乃 Sound of Rowing a Boat (Ao Ai)
流水 Flowing Water (Liushui)
漁歌 Song of the Fisherman (Yu Ger)
玄默 Beyond the Region of Objective Existence (Xuanmo)
白雪 White Snow (Bai Xue)
秋水 Autumn Water (Qiu Shui)
秋祭 The Autumn Sacrifice (Qiuji)
秋鴻 Wild Geese in Autumn (Qiuhong)
聽雪 Listening to the Floating Snow (Ting Xue)
落梅 The Falling Plum Blossoms (Luomei)
酒狂 Man Crazy for Wine (Jiu Kuang)
長清 Long Clarity (Chang Qing)
關睢 Ospreys (Guanju)
陽春 Sunny Spring (Yangchun)
隱德 Hermitic Moral (Yinde)
離騷 Departing Sorrow (Lisao)
頤真 Fostering the Moral Essence (Yizhen)
高山 High Mountains (Gaoshan)
鹿鳴 Being Beck (Lu Ming)
楚歌 The Song of Chu (Chuge)
太陽 The Sun
山谷 Valley
微笑 A Smile
禪思 Zen Meditation
商意 Composition in Shang Mode
角意 Composition in Jiao Mode
環佩 Jade
秋風 Autumn Wind
猗蘭 Yi Lan
雲闕 Cloud in Qin
山響 Sound of the Mountain
心籟 Sound from the Heart
待歸 Awaiting my Lover
移風 Change the Tradition
秋思 Miss you in Autumn
古舞 Ancient Dance
三月 March (Ensemble Improvisation by Qin、Flute etc.)
離騷交響詩 Lisao
太極 Taichi
舞•殤 A Pitiful Parting
暮•曦 Dawn and Twilight
湘江怨 Xiang Jiang Yuan (Lament of the Xiang Ladies)
仙翁操 Immortal’s Song (Xianweng Cao)
伐檀操 Song of Lumbering (Fatan Cao)
修禊吟 Gathering at Spring Festival (Xiuxi Yin)
凌虛吟 Singing in the Space (Lingxu Yin)
勝利操 Triumph Celebration (Shengli Cao)
南薰歌 Song of the Gentle Warm Breeze (Nanxun Ge)
南風歌 Song of South Wind (Nanfeng Ge)
卜算子 Abacus’s Beads for Prediction (Busuan Zi)
古琴吟 The Sorrow Song of Guqin (Guqin Yin)
古風操 An Ancient Tune (Gufeng Cao)
四大景 Four Major Sites (Sida Jing)
塞上鴻 Being Homesick in the Frontier (Saishang Hong)
大胡笳 The Grand Hujia (Da Hujia)
孤竹君 Lonely Bamboo (Guzhu Jun)
小胡笳 Little Tune of the Barbarian Pipe (Xiao Hujia)
山居吟 Song of Life in Mountain (Shanju Yin)
山水情 Lofty Sentiments of Deep Friendship (Shanshui Qing)
廣寒秋 Cool and RefreshingBreeze in Autumn (Guanghasnqiu)
廣陵散 Guang Ling Verse (Guangling San)
彼岸引 An Opening Tune for the Salvation of the Other Shore (Bian Yin)
思賢操 Remembering the Worthy (Sixian Cao)
慨古吟 Art of Ancient Age (Kaigu Yin)
憶故人 Memories of an Old Friend (Yi Guren)
搗衣曲 Cleaning Clothes at the Riverside (Daoyi)
文王操 Chant of Emperor Wen (Wenwang Cao)
新疆好 Xinjiang is a Wonderful Place (Xinjiang Hao)
春光好 A Warm Springtime (Chun Guang Hao)
春曉吟 Morning in Spring (Chunxiao Yin)
普庵咒 Pu-an’s Incantation (Puan Zhou)
梅園吟 Praising of the Plum Image (Meiyuan Yin)
樓蘭散 Tune of Loulan (Loulan San)
水仙操 Water Immortal (Shuixian Cao)
泛滄浪 Drifting Waves (Fan Cang Lang)
湘妃怨 Lament of Ladies Xiang (Xiangfei Yuan)
漢宮秋 Autumn Moon over the Han Palace (Hangong Qiu)
漢節操 The Faithful Song of Su Wu (Hanjie Cao)
澤畔吟 Chant at the Poolside (Zepan Yin)
烏夜啼 The Midnight Crow (Wu Yeti)
獲麟操 Getti9ng a Kylin (Huo Lin Cao)
碧雲深 Murmuring in the Boudoir (Biyun Shen)
神人暢 The Song of King Yao (Shenren Chang)
秋塞吟 Song of the Autumn Frontier (Qiusai Yin)
秋風詞 The Song of Autumn Wind (Qiufeng Ci)
竹枝詞 The Song of Bamboo Twigs (Zhuzhi Ci)
精忠詞 Song of Steadfast Loyalty (Jingzong Ci)
聽泉吟 Listening to the Murmuring Stream (Tingquan Yin)
良宵引 Tune for a Peaceful Night (Liang Xiao Yin)
華胥引 Song of Hua Xu (Huaxu Yin)
遁世操 Song of a Recluse (Dunshi Cao)
遯世操 Song of a Recluse (Dunshi Cao)
釵頭鳳 Phoenix Hairpin
長相思 Endless Longing (Chang Xiangsi)
長門怨 Lament at the Chang Men Palace (Changmen Yuan)
關山月 The Moon over the Mountain Pass (Guanshang Yue)
雉朝飛 The Pheasants Flying in the Morning (Zhi Zhaofei)
離騷弄 An Impromptu on Lisao, Encountering Sorrow (Lisao Nong)
靜觀吟 Observing Calmly (Jingguan Yin)
風入松 Swaying Pine in the Wind (Feng Ru Song)
風雷引 Tune of Wind and Thunder (Feng Lei Yin)
飛鳴吟 Chant of the Wild Geese (Feiming Yin)
鳳求凰 Love Story of the Qin (Feng Qiu Huang)
黃鶯吟 Chant of Oriole (Huangying Yin)
龍翔操 Soaring Dragon (Longxiang Cao)
靜夜思 Contemplation in the Quiet Night
琵琶語 The Sound of Pipa
臥龍吟 Life of Kong Ming
長相思 Endless Longing (Chang Xiangsi)
廣陵散 Guangling Melody(24Parts Concise Version) (Guangling San)
空城引 The Empty City
春之舞 Spring Dance
中國夢 China Dream
慨古引 Lamenting the Past
挾仙遊 Soaring in the Company of Immortals
古燕行 A Travel to the Ancient Land of Yan State
梅花引 Three Variations of Plum Blossom
亞聖操 Ya Sheng Cao
昭君引 Chant of Zhao Jun
太古引 Tai Ku Yin
林鐘意 Walking in the woods
慨古吟 Art of Ancient Age (Kaigu Yin)
康衢謠 Kang Qu Yao
心 無塵 My Heart is Clear
鷗鷺忘機 The Vulgar Ideas
瀟湘水雲 The Mist and Clouds over Xiao-Xiang Rivers
漁樵問答 A Dialogue between a Fisherman and a Woodcutter
墨子悲絲 Mozi Grieving for Silk
秋江夜泊 Night Mooring at the Autumn River
醉漁唱晚 Evening Song of the Drunken Fisherman
梅花三弄 Three Variations of Plum Blossom
平沙落雁 Wild Geese over the Calm Sands
三峽船歌 Boatmen’s Song of the Three Georges (Sanxia Chuange)
九溪漫步 Wandering along Nine Creeks (Jiuxi Manbu)
列子御風 Leizi Ridingon the Wind (Leizi Yufeng)
墨子悲絲 Mozi Grieving for Silk (Mozi Beisi)
天風環珮 Jade Pendants in a Heavenly Breeze (Tianfeng Huanpei)
孤館遇神 Voice Grievances Through Qin Music (GuGuan Yushen)
客窗夜話 EarnestWish in the Guest Room (Kechuang Yerhua)
屈原問渡 Getting Advice of Future (Qu Yuan Wendu)
岳陽三醉 Soaring at the Lake Dongting(Yueyang Sanzui)
平沙落雁 Wild Geese over the Calm Sands (Pingsha Luoyan)
搔首問天 QU Yuan Sends Regards to the Sky (Saoshou Wentian)
月上梧桐 The Moon over the Phoenix Tree (Yueshang Wutong)
杏花天影 Impression of Apricot Blossoms (Xinghua Tianying)
歸去來辭 Returning Home after Resignation (Guiqulai Ci)
法場換子 Changing of the Beheaded Son (Fachang Huanzi)
洞庭秋思 Autumn Sentiments on Lake Dongting (Dongting Qiusi)
滄海龍吟 Crying of the Dragon in Deep Blue Sea (Canghai Longyin)
漁樵問答 A Dialogue between a Fisherman and a Woodcutter (Yuqiao Wenda)
瀟湘水雲 The Mist and Clouds over Xiao-Xiang Rivers (Xiao-Xiang Shuiyun)
猿啼秋峽 Crying of the Ape atthye Autumn Valley (Yuanti Qiyxia)
玉樓春曉 Spring Dawn over the Jade Palace (Yulou Chunxiao)
玉樹臨風 Wind Coming from the Evergreen Tree (Yushu Linfeng)
石上流泉 A Stony Stream (Shishang Liuquan)
碧澗流泉 The Green Brook Running (Bijian Liuquan)
禹會塗山 King Yu AssemblesHis Lords at Mount Tu (Yuhui Tushan)
秋夜讀易 Studying the Book of Changes at Autumn Night (Qiuye Duyi)
秋宵步月 Wandering under an Autumn Moonlit Night (Qiuxiao Buyue)
秋江夜泊 Night Mooring at the Autumn River
耕莘釣渭 Cultivating at Shangdong and Fishing at Shensi (Gengshen iaowei)
蘇門長嘯 Whistling Sound at Sumen (Sumen Changxiao)
西泠話雨 Listening to Raindrops at Xi Ling (Xiling Huayu)
醉漁唱晚 Evening Song of the Drunhen Fisherman (Zuiyu Changwan)
長梅片月 “Plum and Moon” Inkstone (Chang Mei Pian Yue)
陽關三疊 Song of Yangguan (Yangguan Sandie)
雙乙反調 Composition in Yifan Mode (Shuang Yifan Diao)
雙鶴聽泉 Two Cranes are Listening to the Murmuring Stream (Shuanghe Tingquan)
韋編三絕 Hard Study of Confucius (Weibian Sanjue)
風雲際會 Unstable Assemble (Fengyun Jihui)
高山流水 High Mountains and Flowing Water (Gao Shan Liu Shui)
鳳翔千仞 Flying Phoenix (Fengxiang Qianren)
鶴舞洞天 The Soaring Crane (Hewu Dongtian)
鶴鳴九皐 The Crane’s Cry (Heming Jiugao)
鷗鷺忘機 Forgetting the Vulgar Ideas (Oulu Waqngji)
黃雲秋塞 The Autumn Frontiers (Huangyun Qiusai)
宋玉悲秋 Sorrow of Emperor Chu
山居秋暝 Life in the Mountain in Autumn
夜雨南窗 South Window in the Rainy Night
醉漁唱晚 Evening Song of a Fisherman
莊周夢蝶 Zhuang Zhou Dreaming of the Butterfly
躍進歌聲 Sound of Improvement
即興演奏 Ensemble Improvisation (Qin、Flute、Mandolin、Drum)
野花之舞 Dance of the Wild Flower (Ensemble Improvisation by Qin、Flute etc.)
琴詠春秋 History narrated by Qin
平沙落雁(唱弦) Wild Geese over the Calm Sands
西湖夢尋 Dream in west Lake
千年風雅 Everlasting Elegance
檐下雨意 Sending my thinking and wish
月滿西樓 Moon high up the House
雲水禪心 Buddism Feel
桃源春曉 China Dream
少女與海 Girl and Sea
太湖風車 Windmill in Lake Taihu
仙佩迎風 A Fairy Tale
即興(傳統) Improvisation (Traditional)
即興(現代) Improvisation (Modern)
靜 聖香引 Quietness
禪 觀自在 Zen
行 進終南 Go Ahead
山中思友人 Thinking of an Old Friend (Shanzhong Si Youren)
春山聽杜鵑 Cuckoo-call in the Spring Mountain (Chunshan Ting Dujuan)
春江花月夜 Moonlight over the River in Spring (Chunjiang Huayueye)
梧葉舞秋風 Parasol Leaves Dancing with the Autumn Wind (Wuyie Wuqiufeng)
秋月照茅亭 The Autumn Moon a Thatched Pavilion (Qiuyue Zhao Maoting)
胡笳十八拍 Sound of Hujia with 18 Parts (Hujia Shibapai)
碣石調•幽蘭 Orchid in Seclusion, inJie Shi Diao (You Lan)
定 慧海航舟 Sailing in Wisdom
願 大相般若 My Wish
沉思的旋律 Melody of Meditation
古老的龍舞 Ancient Dragon Dance
古琴與梵唄 Qin and Chant
老陽關三疊 Parting at Yangquan (old)
歸去來兮辭 Returning Home after Resignation (Guiqulai Ci)
一閃燈花墮 The Oil-Lamp Flickered
空山憶故人 Thinking of an Old Friend
回向 金剛圓滿 Salute to Buddha
明月千里寄相思 Miss you so much
鳳凰台上憶吹簫 Missing of the Xiao Melody at Phoenix Terrace (Fenghuang Taishang Yicuixiao)
第十交響曲-《江雪》op.42 Symphony No.10 – Fishing in Snow op.42 (Jiang Xue)
大躍進的歌聲震山河 The Praising Song of the Great Improvement Campaign
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–地 Qin Suite of Buddhism
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–水 Qin Suite of Buddhism
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–火 Qin Suite of Buddhism
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–風 Qin Suite of Buddhism
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–空 Qin Suite of Buddhism
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–見 Qin Suite of Buddhism
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–識 Qin Suite of Buddhism
古琴套曲《袍修羅蘭》–如來藏Qin Suite of Buddhism
即興吟唱王維詩 “陽關” Wandering in the Forest(Ensemble Improvisation by Qin、Flute etc.
琴命題即興演奏:寧鳴而死,不默而生 Qin Improvisation
詩詞即興撫琴吟唱 Qin Song Improvisation
即興重奏(古琴、長笛、曼陀林、南美洲鼓)Ensemble Improvisation (Qin、Flute、Mandolin、Drum)
即興重奏(古琴、長笛、鋼琴) Ensemble Improvisation (Qin、Flute、Piano)
韶樂‧歌劇〈賭命〉選曲 Selections from the Opera “The Bet”
This is a piece firstly published in the Feng Xuan Xuan Pin (1539). According to the explanatory notes of Xilutang Qintong (1549) reads that, “In Warring States Period, when Xu Ling Zi was travelling in Mount Song, he heard someone playing the qin. He then was invited as a gust and be taught of this piece.”
This is a piece firstly published in the Qin Scores of Xiang Xue Zhai (1876). It was a piece of Qing Dynasty which depicts the winning of a victory. It can only be found in the Qin Scores of Xiang Xue Zhai.
In Southern Song Dynasty (1202), QIAN Xi-wu published the Baishi Daoren Gequ by JIANG Kui. This song album includes the earliest qinge “Ancient Sorrow (Gu Yuan)”. Which the qin is tuned in ceshang Diao and play at four paragraphs with lyrics. The melody is deploring and melancholy. Showing intentionally the change of the environment. Hoping to reviving the collapsed nation.
This piece was the original composition of GUAN Ping-hu in early 1960’s. The music depicts the beautiful memories by Mr. GUAN Ping-hu. He narrated it through qin music.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).All of the qin documents attributed the piece to the Duke Zhou, that proves its remoteness. Literally the Dynastic Song is a part of the Book of Songs, edited by Confucius himself. It is therefore, the music may originate from early court music genres.
The atmosphere of the music is solemn, and, if viewed from the modality, the transposition of a major second is worthy to be special mentioned.
This piece was the original composition of LI Xiang-ting in 1993. It is an improvised performance of LI Xiang-ting with a traditional style. A retreating, peaceful, and quiet life style is the theme of the music.
In the Royal Museum of Kyoto, Japan, there sits one hand-written tablature of Orchid in Seclusion, which is believed to be the oldest qin score. It is attributed to QIU Ming of the Southern Dynasty, although the composer did not put down his signature. A prefix “Jie Shi Diao” was found on the score, so it is sometimes referred to as Orchid in Seclusion, in Jie Shi Diao. In 1884 YANG Shou-jing brought the facsimile back to China and it was subsequently included into the Gu Yi Series. A lot of qin players have published their transcriptions of this piece. They highlight some inner qualities found in the music: the hidden resentment, the sadness, the brightness, the frankness, the elegance, the unworldliness and the passion. Which characterize someone who resembles an orchid in a deep valley. Who is very depressed because nobody recognizes his talent.
This is a piece firstly published in the Xilutang Qintong (1549). According to the explanation notes of this collection, “It was hard to find the origin. This version was obtained from a score of Song Dynasty. It could be played in special tuning only.”
The delighted and natural tune brings out the high spiritual conception of ancient people.
This is a piece firstly published in the Qin Scores of Wu Xue Shan Fang (1836). According to the explanation notes, “This is one of the qin piece handed down from the Song Dynasty and flourished in Guangdong. Originated probably from the Gugang Yipu.” The music itself is simple but elegant. When you get the meaning of it, your playing would like to think of the old times.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425). The explanatory notes for this piece, according to the History of Qin reads, “The piece was composed by a hermitic literati of the Western Jin Dynasty. The melody could be fit into poetic words”. The music is ease and smooth.
This is a piece firstly published in the Xilutang Qintong (1549). According to the explanation notes of this collection, “Legend told that, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty called in a musician to play the qin. After that a deer rushed in and kept the qin out in the mouth.”
This piece has a profound meaning, liveliness, mobility and happiness. It depicts the people in the ancient time hoped for an intelligent monarch and an ideal society.
This piece was the original composition of XU Guo-hua and GONG Yi in 1982. The lucid and lively music depicts the warm and bright spring days makes people raise all strength to achieve their goals.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).The explanatory notes reads, “The composer of the piece was MAO Min-zhong of the Southern Song Dynasty. It was a period when the court was corrupted, the country was invaded by other nations and the people had no means of livelihood, and those people of ideals and integrity would not associate with the crafty people in the court and lived in seclusion in the mountains one after another. It was with the passion of cynicism of such a world that the composer expressed his feelings by describing the bold and unruly life and unlimited delight in mountains.”
This is a piece firstly published in the Xilutang Qintong (1549). The music was also named Song of Ao Ai or Northern Fishermen’s Song as well. It was created based on the verse in Fisherman, a poem by Tang Dynasty poet LIU Zhong-yuan. Ao Ai is the sound while rowing a boat. The sound was repeated in the music in different forms, depicting the conception of calm and movement, in praise of the beautiful natural scenery and reflecting the author’s admiration of his own talent.
管平湖:一九五六年據《天聞閣琴譜》本 7:35
顧梅羹:一九六三年據《百瓶齋琴譜》本 7:18
Flowing Water
The ancient story records that Bo Ya was good at playing qin and only ZHONG Zi-qi could perceive the meaning and conjecture in his music. They became bosom friends due to the mutual appreciation. It was recorded that High Mountain and Flowing Water were separated into two individual pieces after Tang Dynasty. The music was originally found in Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).
The two versions of Flowing Water in the Qin Scores of Bai Ping Zhai (1856) and the Qin Scores of Tian Wen Ge (1876)were both passed down by FENG Tong-yun of Sichuan School in Qing Dynasty. The music was developed on the base of Mysterious Scores of Qin, especially the techniques of seventy-two rolling being added into the sixth and seventh paragraph to vividly depicted a grandeous scene of roaring waves and running waters.
GUAN Ping-hu : Transcribed in 1956 according to the Qin Scores of Tian Wen Ge 7:35
GU Mei-geng : Transcribed in 1963 according to the Qin Scores of Bai Ping Zhai 7:18
This is a piece firstly published in the Zheyinshizi Qinpu (1491). The work is often attributed to the great Tang Poet LIU Zhong-yuan (773 – 819). The music has been set up according to a Liu’s famous poem “Old Fisherman”. The melody is undulating, the dynamics is waving, and a variety of the images shows as if in a morning scene of a misty autumn river. The fishing boats are rowed out, the nets are thrown into the cool water, and the antiphonal song of the fishermen comes up and down.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).The explanatory notes reads, “This is an ancient piece of music since the period of Chun Qiu, composed by Shi Kuang. Another saying, it was composed by Ji Kang. The music describes that one’s mind is wandering beyond the region of objective existence.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425) and also seen in twenty one different collections since Ming and Qing Dynasties. The explanatory notes of Mysterious Scores of Qin reads, “The music was composed by Shi Kuang. According to ZHANG Hua, the Lord of Heaven had once asked a girl in white to play the classical Sunny Spring and White Snow. The story gave inspiration to Shi Kuang, and he composed the music.” The classic and plain melody in this piece is trying to depict the purity of snow and the most important all, the spirit of preserving purity of personality.
This is a piece firstly published in the Huiyan Mizhi (1647). In the Book of Zhuang Zi, there is a chapter called the Autumn Water. There is a qin piece also called the Autumn Water which has another names called Magical Tune or Magical Yin. The graceful melody and the name of the qin piece from Zhuang Zi’s book reflects the Taoism of the Heaven and human beings are with the same thought.
無言之詩 – 獻給摯愛的先祖母
This piece was the original composition of TSE Chun-yan in 1997.
A poem without words – in loving memory of my late grandmother.
Composed in modern style and in four parts:
1. Back from a dream
2. The autumn sacrifice
3. Artificial flowers
4. Candle tears
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).This work is often attributed to either GUO Mian of Southern Dynasty (1127 – 1279), or ZHU Quan of Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644). It is a large scale qin music. The composer through the musical imagery of the autumn migration of wild geese to warmer climates expresses human lofty aspiration and the breadth of vision.
This piece was the original composition of WANG Pu-jian in 1990’s. The composer used the qin to depict the soundless floating snow in winter which reflected the tidal surge of emotion of the composer and finally had audience’s resonance.
This piece was the original composition of TSE Chun-yan in 1989. It is a duet of qin and xiao composed on the Bianzhi (#fa) scale in the traditional form of qin music. These two instruments have been brought together by free counterpoint instead of the traditional unison.
The music describes the sorrow of LI Yu (937-978), the king of a subjugated nation (Nan Tang), as expressed in a poem of his, “Like heavy snow the plum blossoms fall, I wipe time and again but cannot get rid of them all.”
RUAN Ji (210-263), a celebrated Wei literati, composed the piece. Except the vivid image of being drunk, the piece, according to the program notes of Mysterious Scores of Qin, also has deep philosophical meaning in regarding to RUAN Ji’s life and time.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).The explanatory notes reads, “The music was composed by CAI Yong of Han Dynasty, but there’s another saying that it’s from JI Kang of Jin Dynasty. Chang Qing, together with Duan Qing (Short Clarity), Chang Ce and Duan Ce are called Ji’s Four Chapters. The elegant and expressive music was originated from the sighting of white snow which symbolized the composer’s own personality of preserving purity for himself and not to be affected by the filthy world.”
This is a piece firstly published in the Zheyinshizi Qinpu (1491). This piece is adopted from a poem of Shi Jin (The Book of Songs), and the prototype of the tune might be a qin song having the original poem as the words. According to the Qin Scores of Song Xian Guan, the compiler YAN Cheng who was the leading master of the Yushan Qin Music School in the time, having the clear, subtle, elemental and remote as his aesthetic advocate. It is therefore, brings this version of the music into a full play of the Confucius doctrine of the Mean.
The earliest extant notation is from Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425). Mysterious Scores of Qin has a note on this piece which reads, “A portrait of ten thousand things in peace and harmony with Spring.”
The Sunny Spring and White Snow was a famous ancient piece. Later, it was separated into two independent tunes. LU Cai of the Tang Dynasty re-composed them in accordance with the old qin tradition. The music is lively and vivacious, as if the spring came to the earth and everything looked fresh and gay.
明‧洪熙(公元一四二五年)朱權(臞仙)輯刊的大型譜集《神奇秘譜》,中卷霞外神品中收有《隱德》一曲,臞仙曰:“是曲者,昔在太樸之世志士仁人抱不世之才,懷高潔之志,或隱名於岩壑,或居於市廛,被褐懷琛,以養浩然之氣,不為人知。故曰,君子盛德,容貌若愚,乃作是曲,以通乎神明而訴己之志也。” This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).The explanatory notes reads, “The music described that one who has unalterable great ambitious and seek neither fame nor gain, has no choice but to go into hiding and become a hermit”.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).The compiler attributes the work to QU Yuan, a great poet dating back to 343-ca. 277 B.C., himself, but scholars admittedly relate this version to CHEN Kang-shi, a qin master of the Tang Dynasty.
The music is characteristic, reflecting QU Yuan’s mood while he was maliciously slandered and unjustly banished from the Kingdom. Here is an exploration.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425). The explanatory notes for this piece, according to the History of Qin reads, “The piece was composed by DONG Ting-lan. According to the book of Dao, playing the qin can preserve one’s health and keep it fit to live comfortably.”
此曲最早收錄在明‧洪熙(公元一四二五年)朱權(臞仙)輯刊的大型譜集《神奇秘譜》上卷太古神品中。臞仙曰:“高山流水二曲,本只一曲。初志在乎高山,言仁者樂山之音,後志在乎流水,言智者樂水之意。至唐,分為兩曲,不分段數。至宋,分高山為四段,流水為八段。”高山一曲,傳至近代為川派最富麗之篇,表現空山履響,四顧無人,瞻望白雲,有高山仰止之意趣。 This masterpiece was first found in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).The explanatory notes reads, “High Mountains and Flowing Water are actually one single piece, with the former depicting the high mountain and expressing the gentlemen’s interests in the mountain scenery while the later shows the fondness in flowing water. In Tang Dynasty, the piece is divided into two individual ones. And in Song Dynasty, it becomes the High Mountains with four sections and Flowing Water with eight sections. Nowadays, the High Mountains has been the richest and splendid piece of the Chuan School.
” This is a piece firstly published in the Lixing Yuanya (1618). The explanation notes said that this was a poem. Emperor Zhou made it to be a qin music and had it played during feast and carouse. But in the book Music of Qin said that, “When animals got sweet and refreshing food, they might call out for their race. But for those who had power and position, they would not do so.
This is a piece firstly published in the Mysterious Scores of Qin (1425).The explanatory notes reads that, this is an old piece. It concerns XIANG Yu of Chu (who is defeated by LIU Bang led to the latter establishing the Han Dynasty in 202 BC) coming to Gai Xia, being unable to defeat the Han soldiers, entering a ravine, where the Han soldiers surrounded him several layers deep. HAN Xin (the Han general) caused his soldiers all to sound out with songs of Chu. XIANG Yu heard this at night, and was greatly alarmed, saying, “Has Han already overcome Chu? If this is so, how can the men of Chu be so numerous!” Then he got up and drank in his tent. He sadly sang about forgetting his troubles, and planned to bid farewell to his wife Yu Ji. He himself made a song which said, “My strength can lift mountains, and my horse Zhui is no longer quick; When Zhui is no longer quick, what can I do? Alas, Yu Ji; alas, Yu Ji; what will become of you?”
He sang this several times, and Yu Ji joined him. Thus their tears flowed down, and all his followers cried. When none could look up at them, Yu Ji took a sword and slit her throat. Thereupon XIANG Yu mounted his fast horse, together with over 800 strong comrades under his banner, and went out into the night and broke through the blockade toward the south. At dawn, when the Han soldiers realized this they chased them, consequently his double pupils had no more hope. His soldiers scattered and his power lost. He came to the Wu River, after refusing the offer of a boatman to take him across to safety by saying that he had lost all his honor, he then perished by slitting his throat.
Someone of that time was moved by this affairs, and composed a qin song to commemorate it.
喻紹澤:一九六一年六月二日據《天聞閣琴譜》本 7:15
Autumn Water
In the Book of Zhuang Zi, there is a chapter called the Autumn Water. There is a qin piece also called the Autumn Water which has another names called Magical Tune or Magical Yin. The graceful melody and the name of the qin piece from Zhuang Zi’s book reflects the Taoism of the Heaven and human beings are with the same thought.
YU Shao-ze : Transcribed on June 2, 1961 according to the Qin Scores of Tian Wen Ge 7:15
蔡德允:一九八○年代據《誠一堂琴譜》(一七○五年)本 7:52
Sunny Spring
The earliest extant notation is from Mysterious Scores of Qin, this version is from the Qin Scores of Cheng Yi Tang (1705). Mysterious Scores of Qin has a note on this piece which reads, “A portrait of ten thousand things in peace and harmony with Spring.”
TSAR The-yun : Transcribed in 1980’s according to the Qin Scores of Cheng Yi Tang (1705) 7:52
姚丙炎:一九五九年八月二十一日據《神奇秘譜》本 2:12
Man Crazy for Wine
RUAN Ji (210-263), a celebrated Wei literati, composed the piece. Except the vivid image of being drunk, the piece, according to the program notes of Mysterious Scores of Qin, also has deep philosophical meaning in regarding to RUAN Ji’s life and time.
YAO Bing-yan : Transcribed on August 21, 1959 according to the Mysterious Scores of Qin 2:12
吳文光:一九八三年七月據《古逸叢書》本 10:52
Orchid in Seclusion
In the Royal Museum of Kyoto, Japan, there sits one hand-written tablature of Orchid in Seclusion, which is believed to be the oldest qin score. It is attributed to QIU Ming of the Southern Dynasty, although the composer did not put down his signature. A prefix “Jie Shi Tune” was found on the score, so it is sometimes referred to as Jie Shi Tune, Orchid in Seclusion. In 1884 YANG Shou-jing brought the facsimile back to China and it was subsequently included into the Gu Yi Series. A lot of qin players have published their transcriptions of this piece. The one offered by WU Wen-guang in 1983 was based on the research of scholars before him and his own interpretation. It highlights some inner qualities found in the music: the hidden resentment, the sadness, the brightness, the frankness, the elegance, the unworldliness and the passion. They characterize someone who resembles an orchid in a deep valley. He is very depressed because nobody recognizes his talent
WU Wen-guang : Transcribed in July 1983 according to the Gu Yi Series 10:52
(即興演奏) ,〔明〕冷謙《琴聲十六法•幽》:音有幽度。始稱琴品。品系乎人。幽繇於內。故高雅之士。動操便有幽韻。洵知幽之在指。無論緩急。悉能安閑自如。風度盎溢。纖塵無染。足覘瀟灑胸次。指下自然寫出一段風情。所謂得之心。而應之手。聽其音而得其人。此幽之所以微妙也。
琴簫二重奏《山響》之名來自南朝畫家宗炳所說:“撫琴動操,欲令眾山皆響。”使用傳統音階糅合現代元素寫成,帶有禪意。全曲分為數個小標題:開始時,見“山不是山”, 古琴以平行五度的泛音與調性游移的簫對答。引子過後,“眾山皆響”,典雅的主旋律以D羽調雅樂音階奏出,再變奏為G商調俗樂音階,帶出高潮。其後轉為D徵調苦音音階,響起“古剎鐘聲”,流露淡淡的哀愁。最後“眾山皆寂”,引子重現,見“山仍是山”。
一、 煦吟,二、漣漪,三、錚鳴
古琴與打擊樂二重奏《移風》,“移風易俗,莫善於樂。” —《孝經》
是成公亮於2006年根據同名鋼琴曲改編,原鋼琴曲為德國年輕一代鋼琴家、作曲家海納•格蘭欽(Rainer Granzin)於1999年創作。《太陽》寫的清晨日出,音樂形象十分鮮明。清新旋律如冉冉昇起的太陽,光芒四射,生機勃勃;那豐富的色彩變化,如耀眼的霞光,如斑斕流動的雲彩。