中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

楊靖 (YANG Jing)

楊靖: 青年琵琶演奏家楊靖,一九六四年四月出生於湖北省武漢市。六歲在其父親劉時本的啟蒙下開始學習柳琴,十歲時從遊於湖北各琵琶名家。一九七七年考入武漢音樂學院附中,師從周謙副教授。一九八二年秋,她以優異的成績考入中國音樂學院器樂系本科,師從當代著名琵琶大師劉德海教授學習四年,更加系統地接受了嚴格的訓練,一九八六年大學本科畢業以優異成績被推薦為免試碩士研究生。一九八六年到一九八八年間,在導師劉德海教授的指導下,對琵琶演奏藝術、理論研究等方面進行認真的研讀。一九八八年獲文學音樂表演碩士學位,並留校任教。一九八零年舉行的「上海之春」全國琵琶比賽,年僅十五歲的小楊靖,初露鋒芒,榮獲二等獎。一九八二年春在全國民族器樂觀摩比賽中,榮獲總名次第二,琵琶演奏第一名的成績,並獲得了優秀表演獎。一九八九年夏在「ART」杯民樂國際比賽,獲琵琶二等獎。一九九五年五月楊靖在中國民族器樂國際獨奏比賽中再次奪魁,榮獲一等獎。一九九四年她被評為北京優秀青年教師骨幹,同年被評為副教授。她現時為中國音樂學院器樂系副教授、音樂表演專業碩士、中國音樂家協會會員。 YANG Jing The young pipa player YANG Jing was born in the city of Wuhan in Hubei Province in April 1964. At the age of 6 she started to learn the liuqin under her father. She grew up in a good arts education environment and soon began performing on stage. At the age of 10, she travelled  along various famous pipa player in Hubei. In 1977, she entered the affiliated secondary school of Wuhan Music Institute and studied under Professor ZHOU Qian. In autumn 1982, she entered the Instrumental Music Department of Chinese Cons

吳玉霞 (WU Yu-xia)

吳玉霞: 琵琶演奏家吳玉霞,一九五九年十月出生於上海。得衛祖光及楊承業啟蒙,習琵琶。一九七七年,在北京舞蹈學院音樂班就讀,後入中央音樂學院民族音樂系,修讀琵琶專業,一九八六年畢業。在京期間,師從趙忠達、吳國梁、陳澤民、劉德海、李光祖及李光華等。吳氏現為北京中央民族樂團琵琶首席、彈撥樂聲部長,國家一級演奏員。一九八○年,在首屆全國琵琶比賽中獲二等獎,一九八七年,被評為文化部尖子演員,三度應邀往日本舉行獨奏音樂會。其作品有琵琶曲《聽雨》、《律動》、《風戲柳》及《故園情》等。錄製個人專輯音帶、唱片《敦煌古樂‧琵琶卷》、《情寄長白山》等多輯。  WU Yu-xia In October 1959, pipa performer WU Yu-xia was born in Shanghai. When she was a child, she studied the pipa under WEI Zu-guang and YANG Cheng-ye, etc. Then she entered the Central Conservatory, studing under LIU De-hai, LI Guang-hua, CHEN Ze-min, LI Guang-zu, WU Guo-liang, ZHAO Zhong-da, who are famous pipa players. In 1980, she won an award in the first national pipa competition, and was recognized by the Cultural Ministry to be one of the top artists. WU Yu-xia not only often participated in many major performances within the country, she also has given various successful recitals. In 1992 she was selected to be one of the first ten Mainland China artists visiting Taiwan.

劉桂蓮 (LIU Gui-lian)

劉桂蓮:         琵琶演奏家劉桂蓮,一九六一年一月,出生於上海,一九八三年,畢業於中央音樂學院,同年起留校任教。一九八七年起,被中央文化部評為國家二級演員,曾任中央音樂學院民族管弦樂團琵琶首席及獨奏家,中國民族器樂演奏中心獨奏家,香港現代國樂精英團獨奏家,復旦大學藝術指導,中國高等教育學會美育研究會會員,中國音樂家協會會員。一九八○年,獲「上海之春」全國琵琶比賽三等獎及「全國民族器樂獨奏觀摩會演」優秀表演獎,一九八七年,獲「羊城音樂花會」廣東音樂演奏一等獎及「全國首屆海內外江南絲竹創作與演奏比賽」演奏一等獎、新作品演奏第一名。出訪過近二十個國家和地區,海內外報章雜誌均有好評,有專題、專訪和專評。一九九一年起,與徐山共同從事「中國彈撥樂(器)與西洋彈撥樂(器)之比較研究」、「中國傳統音樂的表演藝術美學」、「兒童學琴的生理與心理探微」、「琵琶譜版本考證」、「中國當代琵琶文獻學」等課題的科研工作,兼事琵琶電視教學。改編、移植、創作琵琶練習曲、樂曲多首。 LIU Gui-lian       In January 1961, LIU Gui-lian was born in Shanghai. She was employed as a teacher after her graduation from the Central Conservatory in 1983. She has been the pipa soloist of the orchestra of Central Conservatory. In 1980, she won the third prize award in the national pipa competition of the Shanghai Spring Festival. In 1987, she won the first prize award in the competition of Cantonese Music and also the first prize award in the competition of Jiangnan Sizhu. Her performances are

王正平 (WONG Ching Ping)

王正平: 琵琶演奏家、作曲家、指揮家以及台灣國樂園地的拓荒者王正平,一九四八年九月二十七日年生於中國杭州,二零一三年二月二十一日病逝於台北市。王氏中學時在香港跟隨琵琶名家呂培原先生習藝,奠定了其藝術生涯的穩固根基。一九六八年,獲全台灣音樂比賽琵琶獨奏成人組冠軍,在台大求學期間,領導台大國樂社並指揮多年,歷任中國國樂團指揮五年、台北市立國樂團指揮兼副團長五年、台北市立國樂團團長等職。一九八九年,獲英國CNAA音樂哲學博士,為中國傳統樂界第一位博士。 WONG Ching-ping WONG Ching Ping is a pipa soloist, composer and conductor. Born in Hangzhou on September 27, 1948 and passed away of illness on February 21, 2013 in Taipei, Taiwan. He studied pipa with LUI Pui-yuan during his secondary school days in Hong Kong. In recent years, he has devoted himself to the modernization of pipa repertoire. Besides rearranging ancient melodies, he also engages in music creation and concentrates efforts on the incorporation of the distinctive flavour of guqin into pipa and develops new fingering techniques. He is formerly the director of the Taipei Municipal Chinese Classical Orchestra and has performed widely in Japan, Korea, the United States and Europe.

王範地 (WANG Fan-di)

王範地: 琵琶藝術家、教育家王范地浙江鎮海人,一九三三年十二月十六日生於上海,二零一七年十二月八日病逝於北京。王氏曾師從琵琶專家馬林生、李廷松、絲竹專家陳永祿。一九五七年,在第六屆世界青年聯歡節國際民間器樂比賽中王範地榮獲金質獎章。二十世紀六十年代起,開始從事琵琶專業教學和理論研究,他是培養出中國第一位琵琶碩士研究生的導師。一九九一年,應日本國國際交流基金會的邀請赴日進行中國琵琶和日本薩摩琵琶之比較研究。他創編了《天山之春》、《送我一支玫瑰花》、等琵琶獨奏曲,對中國多種民族樂器有較深的研究。在他豐富的藝術活動中,集演奏、教學和理論研究於一身,在繼承傳統的基礎上,對琵琶藝術的演奏、創作教學研究作出了貢獻。王教授嘗任中國音樂學院教授,北京中華傳統樂會會長,中國國際文化交流中心理事。 WANG Fan-di China’s famous pipa artist and educationist WANG Fan-di was born in Shanghai on December16,1933 and passed away of illness on December8,2017 in Beijing. His ancestral home was in Zhenhai, Zhejiang province. He had studied under pipa expert MA Lin-sheng and LI Ting-song as well as expert of string and woodwind instrument, CHEN Yong-lu. WANG Fan-di has been active in domestic and foreign stages since 1950s. He won the golden medal in the competition of international instruments in the Sixth World Youth Gathering Festival in 1957. He has engaged himself in the professional teaching and theoretical research of pipa the 1960s and has traine

俞良模 (YU Liang-mo)

俞良模: 琵琶演奏家俞良模先生,一九三七年出生於浙江慈城的一個音樂家庭,十二歲隨父學習琵琶,一九五三年,考入中國廣播民族樂團,繼而師從彭修文、王君僅、李庭松、孫裕德等學習琵琶及二胡,一九五六年,起擔任中國廣播民族樂團彈撥樂聲部長及琵琶首席。數度學習民間琵琶彈奏法,如向琵琶大師白鳳岩學習北派琵琶藝術,接受老一輩演奏的技法與傳統精華,深入傳統又不拘泥於傳統。一九五七年,參加莫斯科第六屆世界青年聯歡節獲得了金質獎章,同年應聘於中央音樂學院,廣州音樂學院,南京藝術學院,湖北藝術學院,浙江藝校,中國社會音樂學院等講課;自一九五九年以來,俞先生創作和改編了不少的彈撥樂合奏曲。俞先生現為中國音樂家協會會員,中國民族管弦樂學會會員,中國琵琶研究會理事兼演出部主任等。 YU Liang-mo Born in a musical family in Zhejiang Province in 1937, Yu had developed an aptitude and interest for Chinese Music since childhood. He studied pipa (a plucked lute) from his father at age of twelve. In secondary school, he joined the school’s traditional music orchestra. He joined the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra and studied pipa and erhu from PENG Xiu-wen, WANG Jun-jin, LI Ting-song, and SUN Yue-de. In 1956, he became the pipa leader of the orchestra. Yu’s pipa virtuosity is thorough in traditional interpretation but is open to new adaptation. He often exchanges techniques with the contemporary pipa soloists and also consults more senior vi

林石城 (LIN Shi-cheng)

林石城: 琵琶演奏家、教育家林石城,一九二二年出生,二○○五年病逝於北京,上海南匯人。十三至十五歲時,父親教會他演奏二胡、三弦、琵琶等多種民族樂器。十九歲畢業於上海中國醫學院,工作期間仍醉心於樂器演奏,尤其是琵琶,並拜浦東派琵琶大師沈浩初為師,技藝逐漸成熟。被邀任上海浦東電氣公司國樂隊、永泰公司樂隊、廣慈醫院民樂隊、上海第一醫學院學生會民樂隊為教師;上海春秋集團樂社音樂指導;上海國樂研究會及建聲國樂社顧問等。一九五六年,任教中央音樂學院,為民樂系教授。長期以來,他還和中央音樂學院、北京民族樂器廠、上海民族樂器廠的琵琶製作師傅合作,對舊有的琵琶的背料長度、音箱形態、橫檔位置、面板厚薄、複手材料及金屬弦的鑒定等,進行了多方面的改革,取得了明顯的效果。從教五十年,培養了劉德海、葉緒然、吳俊生、李光祖、潘亞伯等一大批當今琵琶界的中堅力量,成為我國現、當代琵琶界承上啟下的代表人物,獲中國音樂「金鐘獎終身榮譽勳章」。 LIN Shi-cheng  LIN Shi-cheng was born in 1922 in Shanghai Nanhui. Under his father’s direction, he learned to play erhu, samxian and pipa at 13 to 15 years old. When he was 19 years old, he graduated from the Shanghai China Medical College. He was still interested in playing musical instruments. He then learned the pipa under the direction of master SHEN Hao-chu of the Pudong School. Many ensembles in Shanghai employed him as instructor in traditional music training. In 1956, he was a professor of the Central Conservatory, which started him for pipa teaching profession. He also

孫裕德 (SUN Yu-de)

孫裕德: 國樂演奏家孫裕德,一九○四年十一月二十三日出生於一個工人家庭,一九八一年十一月二十八日病逝於上海。孫氏祖籍原江蘇寶山縣月浦新興鎮(今劃歸上海市)。一九一七年,孫氏在上海城隍廟九曲橋畔,為一賣簫老人的簫聲所感動,買下簫笛各一支自學,從此與音樂結下不解之緣,後又購舊琵琶一把,得旁人指點入門。一九二○年,經同學介紹,參加南市國樂研究社,始向研究社導師金忠信習簫,向許仙習琵琶,並學江南絲竹八大曲的演奏。一九二四年,孫氏經友人李振家介紹,向名師汪昱庭學大套琵琶曲,無論寒暑,刻苦練習,令琴弦勒傷手指,琵琶面板經常留下斑斑血跡,技藝日趨成熟。一九三八年八月,與衛仲樂等參加「中國文化劇團」往美國演出,一九三九年,返國後任上海友聲旅行團國樂組導師,其後該會改組易名「上海國樂研究會」,孫氏成為首任會長。一九五一年「上海國樂聯誼會」成立,衛仲樂為主任委員,孫氏與陳日英、金祖禮為副主任委員。一九五七年,上海民族樂團成立,孫氏任第一任副團長,成為專業音樂工作者。  SUN Yu-de                On November 23, 1904, national music performer SUN Yu-de was born in a worker-family, His ancestral home was in Jiangsu. In 1917, he bought a xiao from an old man and studied independently. Latter on he bought an old pipa and learned from some others. In1920, introduced by a schoolmate , he joined an ensemble and began to learn the xiao from JIN Zhong-xin, the pipa from XU Xian also with the Jiangnan music. In 1924, he learned the pipa from the famous teacher WANG

楊靜 (YANG Jing)

楊靜: 琵琶獨奏家、作曲家楊靜,一九八六年畢業於上海音樂學院,師從葉緒然教授學習琵琶演奏,師從胡登跳教授學習作曲,並同時師從林友仁教授學習民族音樂學及古琴。又先後求教於林石城等琵琶教授,並師從琵琶教授王范地先生。一九九七年起,師從作曲家三木稔深造作曲。曾任職琵琶獨奏,在中國中央民族樂團工作十二年,一九九八年起,獨立為職業獨奏家,二○○二年起,擔任「亞洲室內樂團」音樂監督。在繼承古典傳統的同時,更具有鮮明的音樂個性。由她創作的琵琶獨奏作品:《龜茲舞曲》、《九連鈺》等及其首演的三木稔的獨奏作品《江上流韻》、《琵琶潭詩》和一些傳統曲目組成的琵琶獨奏音樂會,在世界各地久演不衰。一九八九年,在第十三屆世界青年聯歡節上楊靜榮獲金獎並被授予「最傑出藝術家」榮譽證書;琵琶作品《龜茲舞曲》獲一九九三年中國小型民樂作品一等獎及演奏一等獎。 YANG Jing       YANG Jing graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and had been a member of the National Traditional Orchestra of China for twelve years. She is now an individual soloist and the Music Director of the Asian Chamber Orchestra. She has dedicated herself to music composition in recent years, and her works include Dance Along the Old Silk Road, Dream of Duanhuang and Nine Jade Chains. Being an active musician in the international scene, she has performed pipa concerto with the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra and the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra of the United States.

衛仲樂 (Wei Chong Loh)

  衛先生本姓殷,過繼衛姓後更名衛秉濤、衛祟福,其後鄭覲文又替他改名衛仲樂,原籍江蘇無錫。一九○八年三月二十三日生於上海的一個碼頭工人家裏,一九九七年四月七日逝世於上海的病榻中。一九二八年因家貧,得鄭覲文免收會費,招為「大同樂會」會員,並拜在鄭覲文、汪昱庭、柳堯章等人門下,學習古琴、琵琶、小提琴等,又從其他樂家學習簫、笛、二胡等民族樂器,由於興趣、天賦及刻苦,加上良師的指導,成為首屈一指的學員。一九三八年隨中國文化劇團赴美國演出,頗獲盛譽;一九四一年創辦中國管弦樂隊及仲樂音樂館;新中國成立後隨「中國文化代表團」出訪印度、緬甸、印尼等國;除任教於上海音樂學院外,還受託籌建該院民樂系,初任副主任,一九五八年升為系主任,一九八五年改任名譽系主任。他畢生致力音樂教育事業,學生桃李滿天下。 WEI Chung-loh                WEI Chung-loh was born in Shanghai on March 23, 1908 and passed away of illness on April 7, 1997 in Shanghai. In 1928, he joined the influential “Ta Tung National Music Research Institute”. There he learned many instruments including qin, pipa, erhu, jinghu, sanxian, xiao, bamboo flute and violin from famous players. His musicianship became so mature that he was appointed the Associate Music Director of the institute. In 1938, he was involved in many charity concerts in Hong Kong and in United States to raise money for Chinese refugees. The American
