中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

劉月寧 (LIU Yue-ning)

揚琴演奏家、教育家劉月寧,一九六五年出生於湖南安化,曾師從張五十先生(一九三八至二○○一年)、桂習禮、項祖華教授,並師從李祥霆教授專修古琴。 一九七八年十二歲時,以一曲揚琴獨奏《映山紅》而名聞海內外,在國內外的民族器樂比賽中獲多種獎項及教育園丁獎,同時,為揚琴音樂教育事業培養了大批的演奏專業人才,他們在各地區的各類比賽中都取得了良好的成績。一九九六年,參與創建了著名的「卿梅靜月」中國民樂重奏組合,一九九八年,榮獲北京市優秀青年骨幹教師稱號,二○○五年,作為揚琴音樂家,成為首位捷克國際揚琴比賽的中國評委。中央音樂學院民樂系教授、碩士研究生導師、國際揚琴學會理事、中國揚琴學會副秘書長、中國音樂家協會會員、中國民族器樂學會常務理事、北京市港澳台僑婦女聯誼會理事、中國民族管弦樂學會理事。 LIU Yue-ning LIU Yue-ning was born in 1965 in Anhua, Hunan province. She learned the yangqin under ZHANG Wu-shi, GUI Xi-li, XIANG Zu-hua and the guqin under LI Xiang-ting. In 1978, she performed the solo piece Mountain Red and became well known. She has got many awards in the competitions and also be appointed as the “Educational Gardener”. In 1996, she and her friends founded the Qing-Mei-Jing-Yue Ensemble. In 1998, she was awarded the “Beijing Outstanding Youth Teacher”. In 2005, she was the first Chinese to be the judging committee of the International Competition of Yangqin held in Czechoslovakia. She is now the professor of the Central Conse

張高翔 (ZHANG Gao-xiang)

揚琴演奏家張高翔,自幼隨名家學習潮州音樂,廣東音樂,具有深厚的民間音樂功底。一九八八年,畢業於中央音樂學院,現為中國廣播民族樂團獨奏演員、首席揚琴。一九八七年,獲「首屆全國廣東音樂邀請賽」一等獎,一九九五年,榮獲「國際中國民族器樂獨奏大賽」揚琴組金獎。一九九一年,應邀赴葡萄牙參加國際音樂節、舉辦獨奏、重奏音樂會:一九九二、一九九四年,兩度應邀參加澳門國際音樂節,同年隨「中國音樂家代表團」赴菲律賓作友好訪問演出,一九九五年,應邀赴日本、舉辦獨奏、重奏音樂會,同時,應邀與澳門中樂團合作演出,並舉辦揚琴講座;同年,隨「中國音樂家小組」赴歐洲巡迴演出。此外,還曾先後隨團出訪新加坡、香港及台灣等國家和地區。 ZHANG Gao-xiang             ZHANG Gao-xiang studied Chaozhou and Guangdong music with the masters at his young age. He has a solid foundation in folk music. Graduating from the Central Conservatory in 1988, he is the yangqin principal and soloist with the China Broadcast Traditional Orchestra. He won the first prize in the 1st National Guangdong Music Invitational Competition in 1987 and the gold prize on yangqin in the International Instrumental Solo Competition in 1995. In 1991, he was invited to Portugal to take part in the National Music Festival and made solo and duet recitals. Both in 1992 and 1994, he was invited to take part

張曉峰 (ZHANG Xiao-feng)

揚琴演奏家張曉峰,一九三一年一月出生於江蘇太倉,性喜音樂,十三歲加入了當時的清音班,一九四八年,參加上海滬劇團任演奏員,一九五五年,入上海歌劇院,任揚琴演奏員,並任獨奏,後調上海舞劇院任創作員,國家一級演奏員、中國音樂家協會會員,現任江蘇省太倉市學生民族樂團藝術總監,茉莉花古箏樂團藝術指導,上海市學生民樂二團藝術顧問。張氏作有揚琴曲《邊寨之歌》、嗩呐曲《山村來了售貨員》、琵琶協奏曲《琵琶行》、二胡敍事曲《新婚別》(與朱曉谷合作)、古箏協奏曲《竇娥冤》、嗩呐協奏曲《梁山隨想》等。早於一九七○年代印行的張氏所編《揚琴曲集》,均為其創作與改編之樂曲,在國內、港澳地區及東南亞一帶發展揚琴的演奏藝術作出了卓越貢獻。 ZHANG Xiao-feng             ZHANG Xiao-feng was born in January 1941 in Taicang, Jiangsu province. He liked music and joined the local ensemble when he was thirteen. In 1948, he joined the Hu Operatic Troupe of Shanghai as a member of the ensemble. In 1955, he was transferred to the Opera House of Shanghai as a soloist and performer of yangqin. Later on, he was transferred to the Dance Theatre of Shanghai as a composer and granted the national first class performer. He is a member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association, the art director of the Pupil’s Orchestra of Taicang, Jiangsu Province, the art supervisor of the Jasmine Zheng

鄭寶恆 (ZHENG Bao-heng)

揚琴演奏家鄭寶恒,一九二四年二月出生於山西太原,二零零七年十一月十七日病逝於天津。一九四四年,入西安西北音樂學院主修小提琴,一九四九年,轉中央音樂學院續修小提琴,並師從粵樂演奏家馮永康習揚琴與高胡。一九六一年,調任天津音樂學院,任揚琴專業教師,直至退休。一九五零年,畢業後在母校首開揚琴專業課,即與張子銳合作改革傳統小揚琴,一九五三年,研製成我國首台律呂式大揚琴,有四個八度的全部半音階,便於移調轉調,擴大了音域,增大了音量,並設置了製音器,便於控制餘音。鄭氏作有大揚琴曲《春到淮河》、《翠湖春曉》等,小揚琴曲《海燕》、《萬年歡》、《英雄壯志建山區》,高胡、揚琴、古箏三重奏《勝利花燈》、《淮河隨想曲》等。著述有《揚琴新技法及曲選》及《揚琴演奏藝術》等書譜。 ZHENG Bao-heng             ZHENG Bao-heng was born in February 1924 in Taiyuan, Shanxi province and passed away of illness on November 17, 2007 in Tianjin. In 1944, he was admitted to the Northwest Conservatory of Xian majoring in violin. In 1949, he was transferred to the Central Conservatory in Beijing and further studied the violin. He also studied yangqin and gaohu on Cantonese music under famous virtuoso FENG Yong-kang. In 1950, he graduated in Central Conservatory and became a teacher of the conservatory. In 1953, he developed the 1st set of grand yangqin in chromatic scale of four octaves in China. I

項祖華 (XIANG Zu-hua)

揚琴演奏家項祖華,一九三四年九月出生於江蘇省蘇州市的音樂世家,二零一七年七月十六日病逝於北京。其父項仰石在蘇州創辦「吳平國樂團」,曾聘著名國樂家衛仲樂、陸修棠、王沛綸和張季讓等為藝術指導,項氏即隨陸修棠學二胡,又隨首先將江南絲竹合奏曲改為揚琴獨奏的「江南絲竹揚琴鼻祖」任悔初習奏揚琴。一九四九年,項氏入蘇州工專就讀並任該校國樂隊長。一九五六年,調上海民族樂團從事專業揚琴演奏。一九六三年,在「上海之春」音樂會上,獲揚琴伴奏第一名獎狀。一九六四年,調北京中國音樂學院任教揚琴。一九九一年十月,項氏參加了在匈牙利舉行的第一屆世界揚琴大會,發表了論文《中國揚琴的傳統和發展》,並舉行了獨奏音樂會。在這次大會上,項氏當選為新成立的國際揚琴學會副會長。項氏創編的揚琴曲有《蘇武牧羊》、《屈原祭江》、《昭君和番》、《林沖夜奔》、《海峽音詩》及《春滿江南》等。  XIANG Zu-hua XIANG Zu-hua was born in September 1934 in Suzhou, Jiangsu province and passed away of illness on July 16, 2017 in Beijing. His father XIANG Yang-shi founded the Wu Ping Music Society in his hometown and invited the celebrated Chinese traditional music instrumental virtuosi WEI Chung-loh, LU Xiu-tang, WANG Pei-lun and ZHANG Ji-rang as art director. XIANG Zu-hua was then learned the erhu from LU Xiu-tang and the yangqin from most famous Jiangnan Sizhu yangqin virtuoso REN Hui-chu. In 1949, when he studied at the polytechnic, he was the leader of the school ensemble. In 1956, he was appointed to the S

白鳳岩 (BAI Feng-yan)

琵琶、三弦演奏家、曲藝弦師白鳳岩,一八九九年九月二十六日出生於北京的一個曲藝藝人家庭,一九七五年八月十七日病逝於北京。八歲從父白曉山習三弦演奏,又隨義父盛連堂學單弦伴奏,十五歲時,拜韓永先為師,並向著名弦師韓永祿習三弦、琵琶。成名後,仍多方求教問藝,不僅師事「京韻鼓王」劉寶全習三弦,又向著名弦師蘇啟元習琵琶、霍連仲習四胡。故其亦善琵琶及四胡,三弦技藝更為精湛,有「三弦聖手」之美譽。白氏不僅創造了「凡字腔」創立京韻大鼓的「少白派」、改革了梅花大鼓舊的結構,除在京韻大鼓三弦伴奏上多所建樹外,對梅花大鼓、聯珠快板、單弦、時調小曲、南板馬頭調、靠山調等曲種也都進行過唱腔的改革與創新,並且創作了著名的大三弦獨奏曲《風雨鐵馬》、《八音合》,改編了《變調柳青娘》、《萬年歡》等樂曲,創作琵琶獨奏曲《花鼓琴聲》、《劍閣聞鈴》,改編了《新八板》等樂曲,這些樂曲,在指法上及技巧上,都有革新與創造,後棄藝行醫近十年,新中國成立後重返藝壇,一九五四年參加中央廣播文工團說唱團,任藝術指導。  BAI Feng-yan  On September 26, 1899, BAI Feng-yan was born in Beijing. When he was eight years old, he learned sanxian from his father BAI Xiao-shan and learned sanxian and pipa from HAN Yong-lu. After becomes famous, he still sought for famous expert for learning yangqin and sihu. Bai not only created new style of Beijing dagu, he also reformed the old structure. He has composed many famous sanxian pieces and arranged many traditional pieces. On August 17, 1975, Bai died of illness in Beijing.
