中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

趙琦  (ZHAO Qi)

趙琦:   趙琦,上海民族樂團青年笛子演奏家,2004年畢業於上海音樂學院本科,現就讀上海音樂學院在職藝術碩士。2002年獲得由文化部舉辦的首屆“文華杯”中國民族器樂獨奏大賽竹笛青年專業組銀獎。曾於上海賀綠汀音樂廳和東方藝術中心成功的舉辦個人笛子專場音樂會。上海城市劇院為其舉辦民樂講壇趙琦竹笛專場講座。並在十多年教學中,學生多次獲得全國性比賽的大獎,以優異的成績考入各大藝術院校和藝術特長生。趙琦的個人事跡也被載入了《越中名人譜》。

馬雲鶴 (MA Yun-he )

馬雲鶴:   馬雲鶴,2012年畢業於上海音樂學院本科,現為本院藝術碩士研究生,多項國內國際頂級音樂賽事獲獎者。2002年獲得中國第一屆青少年民族器樂獨奏大賽少年業餘組金獎;2005、2008年兩次獲得國家政府舉辦的“文華獎”銅獎;2009年獲中國民族音樂最權威賽事“金鐘獎”笛子比賽銀獎;2010年獲第 17屆台北民族器樂大賽——笛子協奏曲大賽第一名;2011年第三屆中國管樂周被邀在北京參加“新生代笛子演奏家獨奏音樂會”,演繹了笛子協奏曲新作品《陌上花開》。2011年、2012年受邀參加上海之春國際音樂節之國際重大賽事獲獎選手音樂會以及新人新作獨奏演出。2012年11月受邀演奏《溯回》參加“2012高等院校民樂(吹管)作品比賽”,獲得當場唯一“最佳演奏獎”。

毛宇龍 (MAO Yu-long)

毛宇龍:   毛宇龍,青年笛子演奏家,上海音樂學院成教學院笛子專業講師,2008年畢業於上海音樂學院,榮獲文學碩士學位。2007年8月在“第六屆亞洲青年音樂比賽”中,榮獲民族器樂青年專業組金獎,同時榮膺民族器樂組總冠軍;2009年10月在“中國音樂金鐘獎”比賽中,獲笛子比賽青年專業組優秀演奏獎;在《人民音樂》雜誌發表學術論文《陸春齡笛子表演藝術研究》及參與科研項目並出版個人笛子獨奏專輯《聽風的歌》。是上海音樂學院培養的首位(從附小、附中、本科及碩士研究生)笛子專業藝術表演及教學的優秀人才。

楊嵐 (YANG Lan)

楊嵐:   楊嵐自幼隨父親楊強先生學笛子。先後師從羅守誠教授,俞遜發教授,詹永明教授。於2005年考入上海音樂學院。2000年參加浦東開發開放10周年在上海大劇院的演出;2002年,在“中國青少年藝術大賽第一屆民族器樂獨奏比賽”中榮獲由文化部頒發的優秀表演獎;同年,由無錫第一女子中學選送作為教育部委派的友好文化使者赴義大利作為期一年的國際文化交流(全國僅6位);被米蘭《太陽報》稱為“一位來自東方的音樂魔女”;  2004年在教育部舉辦的“首屆中小學生藝術展演”中榮獲二等獎,並在北京人民大會堂進行演出,被中央領導人評論為“她是中國中學生中一流的神笛”;同年被台灣琴園國樂團特聘為青年笛子演奏家;2006年參加五國峰會在上海大劇院的文藝匯演;2007年參加詹永明教授在浙江音樂廳《家鄉情》笛子專場音樂會;2007年4月參加”笛聖陸春齡從藝八十周年“在上海賀綠汀音樂廳的演出;2007年8月參加全國首屆”松庭杯“竹笛大賽獲青年專業組金獎。

陳中申 (CHEN Chung-sheng)

陳中申: 台灣笛、簫演奏家陳中申,一九五六年生,一九六六年開始吹奏笛簫。一九七九年,獲台灣音樂比賽簫獨奏第一名,並於台視五燈獎笛子擂台賽中,榮獲五度五關。一九八五年,其獨奏專輯「笛篇」,獲金鼎獎最佳演奏獎。曾與世界各知名交響樂團合作演出「梆笛協奏曲」(該曲入選本世紀華人經典作品),如美國國家交響樂團、紐約布魯克林愛樂交響樂團、英國倫敦莫扎特樂團、日本讀賣交響樂團、加拿大溫哥華交響樂團、南非開普敦交響樂團等。陳君畢業於東吳大學音樂系,主修理論作曲,師從馬水龍、盧炎兩位教授,並曾與陳澄雄教授學習西洋長笛多年,隨徐頌仁教授學習指揮。一九九二年,因其音樂上的成就而榮獲台灣十大傑出青年。曾任台北市立國樂團指揮及該團笛簫獨奏家。 CHEN Chung-sheng CHEN Chung-sheng, a Taiwanese dizi and xiao performer, was born in 1956, and started to play the dizi and the xiao in 1966. In 1979, he won the first prize in the solo xiao section of the Taiwan Music Contest, and also awards in a dizi competition organized by Taiwan TV. In 1985, his solo album “Episode of the Dizi” was awarded a best performance award. He has collaborated with celebrated orchestras worldwide to perform the Bangdi Concerto (which has been selected as a piece of Classic Chinese Music of the Century”), like National Symphony Orchestra (US), Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra (New York), London Mozart Payers (UK), Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (Canada

曾昭斌 (ZENG Zhao-bin)

曾昭斌: 笛子演奏家曾昭斌,一九六九年五月四日出生於北京,七歲起隨其父曾廣誠習笛,後師從何維青;一九八二年,考入中國音樂學院附中在馬寶山的教導下成為演奏「北派」笛子的佼佼者,一九八八年,升入器樂系本科繼續深造,隨張維良學習多種吹管樂器及「南派」笛子的演奏風格;一九九一年畢業後,加入中央民族樂團,並從北派笛子大師王鐵錘學習。她曾在多次的國際及國內的重要比賽中獲獎。 ZENG Zhao-bin ZENG Zhao-bin was born on May 4, 1969 in Beijing. She started to learn the dizi under her father ZENG Guang-cheng when she was seven years old, and then further studied it under HE Wei-qing. In 1982, she was admitted to the affiliated secondary school of China Conservatory learning the dizi of northern school under MA Bao-shan. In 1988, she began her university studies on many kinds of wind instruments under ZHANG Wei-liang and also the performing style of dizi of southern school. In 1991, after her graduation, she was appointed to the National Traditional Orchestra of China and studied under the northern school dizi master WANG Tie-chui. She has won many awards in various national and international competitions.

戴亞 (DAI Ya)

戴亞: 笛子演奏家,中央音樂學院副教授戴亞,一九六四年十一月生於浙江東陽。七歲開始吹笛,九歲起師從著名笛子演奏家、教育家趙松庭先生,一九七七年,考入浙江省藝術學校,一九八一年,在杭州《西湖之春》笛子比賽中獲第一名,一九八二年,分配至杭州歌舞團任獨奏演員,一九八六年,考入中央音樂學院,先後師從著名笛子演奏家曾永清及劉管樂先生,一九九○年,畢業留校任教。他是中國音樂家協會會員、中國民族管弦樂學會會員。曾與世界著名的瑞典哥德堡交響樂團、中央交響樂團、上海交響樂團、中國歌劇院交響樂團、中央音樂學院民族管弦樂團、香港中樂團、澳門中樂團、台北市立國樂團合作,舉辦了笛子獨奏、協奏音樂會,獲得了極高的聲譽。 DAI Ya DAI Ya was born in November 1964 in Dongyang, Zhejiang province. He started to learn the dizi at the age of seven and when he was nine years old, he further learned it under ZHAO Song-ting. In 1977, he was admitted to the Art School of Zhejiang Province. In 1981, he was awarded the first prize in the Spring of West Lake Dizi Competition in Hangzhou. In 1982, he was appointed to the Song and Dance Troupe of Hangzhou as a soloist. In 1986, he was admitted to the Central Conservatory learning the dizi under ZENG Yong-qing and LIU Guan-yue. In 1990, he graduated from the conservatory and appointed as a teacher in the conservatory. He is now a member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association,

曾永清  (ZENG Yong-qing)

曾永清: 笛子演奏家曾永清,一九四四年三月二日出生於天津市,二零一九年十二月十八日逝世。曾氏於一九五五年入中央音樂學院附中,主修笛子專業,一九六一年入大學,一九六六年,畢業於中國音樂學院,一九七二年,入總政歌舞團,為該團一級獨奏演員,著名笛子演奏家,中國音樂家協會會員,中央音樂學院客席教授。曾師從劉管樂、劉恒之、胡炳智、馮子存、趙松庭等十三位著名演奏家,掌握多種風格流派,演奏性格粗獷豪邁,激情昂揚,為北派笛子代表性演奏家。曾配合著名笛子大師趙松庭,培養造就一批優秀青年演奏家詹永明、王次恒、王明君、張維良、戴亞等。曾參與一九八九年中國民族器樂「山城杯」電視大獎賽評委,一九九五年中國國際民樂大賽笛子組決賽評委。 ZENG Yong-qing ZENG Yong-qing was born on March 2, 1944 in Tianjin, Hebei province and passed away on December 18, 2019. In 1955, he was admitted to the affiliated secondary school of the Central Conservatory majoring in dizi performing. In 1961, he started his university studies and graduated from the China Conservatory in 1966. In 1972, he was appointed to the Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department and later be appointed as a national first class performer. He was a member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association and the visiting professor of the Central Conservatory. He has learned the dizi under LIU Guan-yue, LIU Heng-zhi, HU Bing-zhi, FENG Zi-cun, ZHAO Song-ting

曲祥 (QU Xiang)

曲祥: 笛子演奏家、作曲家、指揮家曲祥,一九四五年一月出生於山東省煙台市。曲氏幼時即隨兄曲台習笛,一九五九年,在煙台藝術學校畢業後,即在躍進歌舞團樂隊任職演奏,一九六○年,調入山東藝術劇院,集演奏、作曲、指揮於一身。一九八七年,被評為國家一級演奏員、一九八八年,授一級尖子演員稱號、山東省拔尖人材,榮獲文化部優秀專家稱號。曲氏曾二十八次獲得獨奏、作曲、指揮獎,創作的器樂曲《綠色的思念》(二胡曲)榮獲全國第八屆「文化新節目獎」,若干作品均已出版。一度受山東省政府「通令嘉獎」。一九八五年,錄製了《沂河歡歌》(曲祥笛子獨奏曲選)由唱片公司出版,其曲集《笛子練習曲選》,由出版社出版;曲氏亦善嗩呐,一九八九年,錄製並出版了嗩呐獨奏曲《歡慶秧歌》。 QU Xiang QU Xiang was born in January 1945 in Yantai, Shandong province. When he was young, he learned the dizi under his elder brother QU Tai. After he graduated from the Arts School of Yantai in 1959, he joined the Yao Jin Song and Dance Troupe as a member of the ensemble. In 1960, he was transferred to the Shandong Arts Theater as a performer, a composer and a conductor. In 1987, he was appointed to be a national first class performer. He has won twenty-eight awards on solo, composition and conducting. His erhu work the Green Mood has won the 8th cultural New Programme Award. Many of his works were honoured by the Government of Shandong Province. His book Excise Mat

江先渭 (JIANG Xian-wei)

江先渭: 笛子演奏家江先渭,一九二四年出生於山東威海一盛行京劇之村落,二零一四年逝世。江氏幼時隨兄長習京胡、竹笛、嗩呐等樂器。稍長,即往大連「福記班」從事「舊藝」生涯四年。一九四七年參軍,在山東軍區學兵訓練處文工團服役,一九五五年,調華東野戰軍文工團歌舞團,該團後易為南京軍區前線歌舞團,江氏在此任職多年,直至離休。一九六○年代初,江氏以昆曲曲調創作笛曲《姑蘇行》,數十年來,流行海內外。一九九四年,該曲原譜由在滬英國留學生約翰‧斯多克改編為長笛曲樂譜,一併收入,英國斯考特公司出版之《中國長笛音樂》樂譜,一九六二年,又與龍飛、朱南溪合作,創作笛曲《腳踏水車唱豐收》。 JIANG Xian-wei JIANG Xian-wei was born in 1924 in Weihai, Shandong province and passed away in 2014. When he was young, he started to learn the jinghu, dizi, suona, etc. from his elder brother. He used the old techniques to work in Dalian for four years. In 1947, he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and was appointed to the song and dance troupe under the Shandong military region. In 1955, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of the East China Military Force until his retirement. In the early 1960s, he composed the Travel in Suzhou according to the Kunqu melody which was then well received and was popular everywhere. In 1994, this piece was transcribed to a flute piece by a overseas s
