中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

陳天國 (CHEN Tian-guo)

民族音樂學家陳天國,一九三八年五月一日出生於廣東潮州市。陳氏為著名潮州箏家蘇文賢之婿,善奏潮州二弦、三弦、椰胡、秦琴、板胡等多種樂器。一九六二年七月,畢業於廣州音樂專科學校,留校任教四十載,並致力於潮州音樂之實地採錄與研究,在《中國音樂》、《音樂研究》等多種音樂學術刊物發表論文近百篇,出版有關潮樂專著有多種。所涉之廣、之精深,為當今所罕見。 陳氏搜集、整理的書稿有《潮州大鑼鼓》、《潮州寺堂鼓樂》、《潮州禪和板佛樂》、《潮州弦詩全集》、《潮州民間樂譜》及《潮州音樂目錄》等。 Chen Tlan-guo Chen was born in Chaozhou, Guangdong in 1938. He was an expert in the Chinese traditional musicology. His father-in-law was the zheng master – Su Wen-xian. He could play Chaozhou er-xian, san-xian and many other instruments. He graduated from the Guangzhou Conservatory in 1962 and remained there as a teacher for over 40 years. One of his main role was to gather Chaozhou music elements and doing research on them. Many many of his important essays and research results had been published and definitely he was the number one specialist in the Chaozhou music research.

崔君芝 (CUI Jun-zhi)

中國現代箜篌表演藝術創始人崔君芝,曾任中央民族樂團國家一級演奏員,目前旅居美國任美國聖荷西州立大學及中國音樂院客席箜篌教授,曾在國內外多次比賽中獲獎。現任中國民族管弦樂學會箜篌專業委員會和中國音樂家協會箜篌研究會會長。中國國際箜篌演奏團藝術總監。自幼就受到專業的音樂教育,具有較高的文學藝術修養。一九六九年,畢業於中國音樂學院器樂系。在校期間她主修鋼琴、二胡、馬頭琴。畢業後,在河北省歌舞劇院工作時又掌握了豎琴的演奏技巧。一九七九年,她參加了箜篌的改革研製工作,致力於演奏方法的創新。她以豎琴演奏手法為基礎,揉合了中國民族傳統樂器古箏、古琴、琵琶的演奏韻味和聲響特點,創造了一整套箜篌的演奏技巧,編寫了大量的教材和練習曲。崔君芝成為中國近代第一位箜篌演奏家,她的演奏質樸內在,技巧嫺熟,表現手法豐富,博得了國內外音樂家和聽眾的讚賞,贏得「箜篌國手」的美譽。 CUI Jun-zhi             CUI Jun-zhi is the first person to develop the performance skills of the modern konghou. She was a member of the National Traditional Orchestra of China and was appointed as the national first class performer. She is now living in U.S.A. and is the gust lecturer of China Conservatory. She has won many prizes in various competitions. In 1969, she graduated from the China Conservatory. During her study in the conservatory, she took piano as major and also studied erhu and matauqin. After graduation, she was appointed to the Song and Danc

馮少先 (FENG Shao-xian)

月琴演奏家,改革家馮少先,一九三九年十二月出生於黑龍江省海倫縣,性喜音樂,一九五三年,入黑龍江省海倫縣評劇院當學員,習京劇月琴、敲擊樂及評劇伴奏,一九五七年,考入哈爾濱市歌舞團當學員,習二胡並參加樂隊演奏,一九五八年,哈爾濱市歌舞團易名為哈爾濱市歌舞劇院,遂拜張季讓為師習二胡,又受益於李廷松琵琶課程。一九五九年,開始改革京劇伴奏用月琴,加品、加弦,並調為十二平均律,成為三弦十八品之新型改革月琴;同年與曹大滄創作月琴獨奏曲《松花江漁歌》,拓展、豐富了月琴演奏藝術的表現力,繼而推動了月琴音樂的創作,稍後創編的月琴曲有《歡樂的日子》、《鐵人之歌》、《大象》、《北方民族生活素描》及協奏曲《北大荒狂想》等,均由其首演。一九六○年,任劇院民族樂隊首席,一九八一年,任黑龍江省歌舞劇院民族樂隊副隊長,一九八四年,升任團長,其亦為黑龍江省音樂家協會副主席、中國民族管弦樂學會理事等。 FENG Shao-xian             FENG Shao-xian was born in December 1939 in Hailun, Heilongjiang province. In 1953, he was admitted to the Hailun Opera Theatre of Heilongjiang as a student learning the yueqin and percussion of Ping opera accompaniment. In 1957, he was admitted to the Song and Dance Troupe of Harbin learning the erhu and also being a member of the ensemble attached to it. In 1958, the troupe changed the name to Song and Dance Theatre of Harbin. He then further studied the erhu under ZHANG Ji-rang and also studied the pipa under LI Ting-son

徐陽 (XU Yang)

除陽,江蘇南京人,十歲學習琵琶、阮,一九七六年,考入河南省戲曲學校,一九八一年,畢業並留校任教,一九八三年,調入河南省歌舞團任阮獨奏演員,先後師從名家龐玉璋、林吉良、寧勇研習阮。一九八五年,考入西安音樂學院民樂系,一九八九年,獲學士學位留校任阮專業教師。一九九八年,到中央音樂學院執教,現為阮專業講師,馬來西亞藝術學院客席講師,中國民族管弦樂學會會員,中國音樂家協會陝西分會會員。《全國民族樂器演奏考級》中阮、大阮專家委員會委員。一九八四年,獲《黃河之濱民族器樂獨奏大賽》阮獨奏二等獎,一九八八年,獲《陝西民族器樂作品比賽》優秀演奏獎,一九九五年,獲《國際中國民族器樂獨奏大賽》優秀演奏獎。 XU Yang             XU Yang was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. She learned the pipa and ruan since she was ten years old. In 1976, she was admitted to the Opera and Drama School of Henan Province. In 1981, she graduated from the school and became a teacher in alma mater. In 1983, she was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of Henan Province as a soloist. She has studied the ruan under PANG Yu-zhang, LIN Ji-liang and NING Yong. In 1985, she was admitted to the Xi’an Conservatory. In 1989, she graduated from the conservatory and became a teacher in alma mater. In 1998, she was transferred to the Central Conservatory as a lecturer. Sh

劉波 (LIU Bo)

阮演奏家劉波,一九八二年以專業考試第一名的優秀成績被破格錄取,成為上海音樂學院第一個阮專業學生,一九八六年四月,在上海舉辦了首次阮專業個人獨奏音樂會。一九八六年,於上海音樂學院畢業後進入上海民族樂團工作。一九九○年,在首屆「上海國際藝術節」上獲「文學藝術花冠獎,新人獎」,一九九一年和一九九三年,分別在第十四屆、第十五屆「上海之春」音樂會中再次獲獎。一九九五年,國際中國民族器樂獨奏大賽中獲得阮組第一名(金獎)。 LIU Bo             LIU Bo passed the professional examination and was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory in 1982. She was the first one to take the ruan as professional study. In April 1986, she held her first ruan recital in Shanghai. In the same year, she graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory and was appointed to the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra as a performer. In 1990, she won a prize on the 1st Shanghai International Arts Festival. In 1991 and 1993, she won prizes on the 14th and 15th Shanghai Spring Festival respectively. In 1995, she also won the first prize (Gold Prize) in the National Chinese Traditional Instruments Solo Competition.

王仲丙 (WANG Zhong-bing)

阮演奏家,現代中阮和大阮發明人王仲丙,一九二四年十月九日出生於江蘇省無錫市。一九四六年,師從楊蔭瀏、曹安和為入室弟子,攻學中國音樂史、樂器史及琵琶、三弦等彈撥樂器的演奏。一九四九年,兼職蘇南人民廣播電台國樂組組長,一九五三年,調入中國廣播藝術團,一九八七年,評聘為國家一級演奏員,一九八八年,獲國家科學技術委員會頒發「民族樂器中阮、大阮」發明人的稱號,一九九二年,國務院授予「表演藝術事業做出突出貢獻的表演藝術家」現任中國民族管弦樂學會「阮專業委員會」會長。在開拓阮的演奏技法方面,編著出版國內第一本《阮演奏法》,創作有《瑤族長鼓舞》、《引水上山坡》、《山歌》、《拉薩舞曲》、《流水新頌》、《秋思憶甲子》等阮獨奏曲。又為《中國大百科全書》撰寫撥奏弦鳴樂器「阮」條目,還撰寫有《概述中國低音絃樂器》、《阮的介紹》、《落盤珠歷歷,搖佩玉錚錚》等專題論文。 WANG Zhong-bing                WANG Zhong-bing was born on October 9, 1924 in Wuxi, Jiangsu province. In 1946, he studied Chinese music history and performance of instruments such as pipa, sanxian, and so on under YANG Yin-liu and CAO An-he. In 1949, he became the leader of the traditional ensemble attached to the South of Jiangsu People’s Broadcasting Station. In 1953, he was appointed to the China Broadcasting Troupe. In 1987, he was appointed as the national first class performer. In 1988, he was awarded the title of “Inventor of Chinese Instru

阮仕春 (YUEN Shi-chun)

香港柳琴演奏家阮仕春,一九四九年生於廣州市,現為中國文化部樂器改革專家小組成員、文化部科技進步獎評審委員會委員、香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員。阮氏從事演藝工作三十年,樂器改革有卓著的成就,其改革的雙共鳴箱柳琴和阮咸先後兩次獲中國文化部頒發[獎勵證書]授予科學技術進步二等獎。阮氏自一九七四年加入香港中樂團,一九八七年起,任柳琴首席。亦受聘於香港中文大學、音樂事務處及香港演藝學院,教授柳琴及撰寫教材,多年來為香港、台灣兩地培育出眾多優秀的演藝人材,於一九九三年,協助成立了世界上首個柳琴室內樂團。一九九二年,其改革的「雙共鳴箱柳琴」獲得文化部科技進步獎二等獎;阮氏又於一九九三年創制出中音柳琴、次中音柳琴,創造出完善的柳琴系列。一九九五年,又繼續探索阮的改革,創制出阮咸,一九九六年十月,再榮獲中國文化部科學技術進步獎二等獎。 YUEN Shi-chun YUEN Shi-chun is a famous liuqin player in Hong Kong. He was born in Guangzhou in 1949. He is a member of the instrument reform expert group of the Cultural Ministry of China. He has been engaged with performing art for 30 years. His achievements in instrument reform are influential. The liuqin with double resonance box and ruanxian that he reformed have won prizes from the China Cultural Ministry. Over the past 40 years, he is the first winner of these prizes who lives outside China. He has joined the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra since 1974, and has been the leading liuqin player since 1987. He has also been involv

魏育茹 (WEI Yu-ru)

中阮演奏家魏育茹,一九六○年五月二十六日出生於北京市,自幼酷愛音樂,十歲起學習琵琶,一九八一年,考入中央民族樂團,長期以來對中阮演奏進行了潛心的鑽研,掌握了中阮演奏的高難度技巧和豐富的變化。魏育茹曾榮獲「第十三屆世界青年聯歡節」的金獎及最高藝術家榮譽證書;在參加國內外藝術節的演出中獲得良好的讚譽;並在多次國際及國內的中國民族器樂比賽中獲獎,是當今較有影響的中阮演奏家。 WEI Yu-ru             WEI Yu-ru was born on May 26, 1960 in Beijing. She learned the pipa when she was young. In 1981, she joined the National Traditional Orchestra of China, and then she started to study ruan as her profession under some well-known soloists and teachers. After years of diligent practice and study, she has mastered all the skills and developed high tastes of Chinese classical music. She has won the Certificate of Honour for the Greatest Artist of the Year and gold prize of the 13th World Youth Festival. In 1995, she won the second prize of Chinese Traditional Musical Instrument, Solo Contest. There is no doubt that she is among the most influential young artists in contemporary China.

黃桂芳 (HUANG Gui-fang)

三弦演奏家黃桂芳,一九六三年出生於上海,十四歲考入中央音樂學院附中,畢業後升入中國音樂學院,師從三弦名家蕭劍聲專攻三弦演奏。一九八二年後,多次於全國民族樂器比賽中獲獎,一九九五年,更榮獲國際民樂大賽一等獎。她曾隨女子彈撥樂團「五朵金花」及中國藝術家代表團等出訪過世界多個國家和地區,並獲得各地觀眾的讚賞。 HUANG Gui-fang HUANG Gui-fang was born in 1963 in Shanghai. She was admitted to the affiliated secondary school of Central Conservatory when she was fourteen. After graduation, she entered China Conservatory, studying under the famous sanxian master XIAO Jian-sheng. Since 1982, she has won many awards in national Chinese instrumental music competitions. In 1995, she was awarded the first class award in an international Chinese music competition. She has also visited many countries as a member of an ensemble, and her performance was highly acclaimed.

李乙 (LI Yi)

三弦演奏家、教育家李乙,一九三二年二月十日出生於上海浦東,二零一九年十二月五日逝世於上海。一九四四年,李氏參加新四軍後調入革命文藝團體——新安旅行團,從事三弦演奏專業,期間向晉、冀、魯、豫的民間藝人學習說唱藝術和民間音樂,一九四九年,隨中國人民解放軍進入上海,以軍方文藝工作者的身份,參加了由何士德指揮的《黃河大合唱》等演出,並開始向上海市工部局交響樂團小提琴演奏家鄭金鑾學習小提琴及西洋音樂理論。一九五三年,參加慰問第三團赴朝鮮慰問,以三弦獨奏的形式為志願軍服務,一九五六年,赴北京參加全國專業音樂舞蹈會演,演奏《十八板》、《大浪淘沙》、《黃河之水天上來》、《春江花月夜》等曲目,獲得專家的肯定,中央人民廣播電台,錄音並灌製了第一張三弦獨奏的唱片向全國發行,並以《三弦能手》為題,專文介紹李乙和他演奏的曲目,由中國廣播電台國際部向全世界廣播,從此確立了三弦這個樂器在國內外的地位和影響。 LI Yi             LI Yi was born on February 10, 1932 in Pudong, Shanghai and passed away on December 5, 2019 in Shanghai. In 1944, he joined the cultural and art troupe of the Chinese Army as a sanxian player. At the same time, he learned the traditional music and versified story singing from the folk musicians of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan. In 1949, he followed the People’s Liberation Army to Shanghai and participated in the performance of the Yellow River Cantata conducted by HE Shi-de. He then learned the violin and theory under ZHE
