中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive


  徐先生名卓,祖籍江蘇南通。一八九七年出生於南通,一九六九年與世長辭。一九一七年於南京國立高等師範學校時,師從山東諸城琴家王燕卿研習諸城派琴藝,又從海門琵琶名家沈肇州學習「瀛州古調」之琵琶曲。一九二九年與其同窗邵大蘇等於其校園的六朝松旁之梅庵創立「梅庵琴社」,一九三一年將其師王燕卿遺著《龍吟觀琴譜》殘稿,重加編述,刋為《梅庵琴譜》,一九三六年又將所學「瀛州古調」輯刊成《梅庵琵琶譜》。其琴藝在師承諸城派後,並發展成梅庵派,其創作琴曲包括《月上梧桐》及《公社之春》等。  XU Li-sun         XU Li-sun was born in 1897 in Nantong, Jiangsu province and passed away in 1969. When he was a student in Nanjing, he learned the qin from WANG Yan-qing of the Shandong Zhu Cheng School in 1917. And also learned the pipa from SHEN Zhao-zhou for the Ancient Tunes of Yingzhou. In 1929, he founded the Mei An Qin Society together with his schoolmate SHAO Da-su. And in 1931, he edited the Mei An Qin Scores according to the manscript of the Long Yin Guan Scores by his late qin teacher WANG Yan-qing. In 1936, he collected all the pipa scores learned from SHEN Zhao-zhou to form the Mei An Pipa Scores. Their studying place was called Mei An, which was by the side of the Six-Dynasty pine tree in their sch

楊新倫 (YANG Xin-lun)

  楊先生初名楊琛倫,字克定,原籍廣東番禺。一八九八年十二月二十四日出生於上海,一九九○年二月一日逝世於廣州。幼年居滬上時,因在精武體育會聞琴家吳純白操縵,遂愛上琴道,先後師從王紹貞、盧家炳及中山鄭健侯,獲授《古岡遺譜》等嶺南派琴曲。新中國成立後,楊氏定居廣州,任廣東文史研究館研究員,從事嶺南琴學之研究;並兼任廣州音樂專科學校客座古琴教席,又在文史夜校及家居中扶掖後學。楊新倫因學得嶺南琴技,將剛健、爽朗、明快的琴風精髓灌注於演繹中,得鄭師真傳名曲《烏夜啼》,搏得琴界雅號「楊烏夜」之美稱。  YANG Xin-lun                YANG Xin-lun was born on December 24, 1898 in Shanghai and passed away on February 1, 1990 in Guangzhou. His first name was Chen-lun, also called Ke-ding and his ancestral home was Panyu, Guangdong province. When he was young, he lived in Shanghai, he was attracted by the performance of the qin solo by WU Chun-bai and began to love with the qin. Then he learned it from WANG Shao-zhen, LU Jia-bing and ZHENG Jian-hou on the qin scores of the Lingnan School. In 1950’s, he settled down in Guangzhou and employed by the Literature and History Research Institute of Guangdong on the research of the qin music of Lingnan. He was also a qin tutor of t


  吳先生名韜,別號縵叟,江蘇省常熟西塘人。一九○七年二月五日生於西塘,一九八七年八月十六日病逝於北京。少時從學民族樂器於趙劍侯、周少梅、吳夢非等;一九二七年從天津琴家王端樸習琴,勤奮上進,四方求教,博採眾家之長,自成一體,並於一九三六年四月參加「今虞琴社」,並司社職;新中國成立後,任教於中央音樂學院,專門從事古琴教學與研究工作。其對鑒琴、修琴有很豐富的經驗,並致力於古琴的改革,在保留民族的特色下,成功地研發出擴大音量的古琴,一九七○年代更成功地研製出鋼絲尼龍琴弦,成為古琴發展歷程上的新里程。其琴藝獨樹一幟,被稱為「虞山吳派」,其演奏的《漁樵問答》,更為琴壇稱道,並獲「吳漁樵」的雅號。 WU Jing-lue         WU Jing-lue was bron on February 5, 1907 in Changshou county, Jiangsu province and passed away of illness on August 16, 1987 in Beijing. His first name was Tao and other name was Man-sou. He learned traditional instruments from ZHAO Jian-hou, ZHOU Shao-mei and WU Meng-fei. In 1927, he started to learn the qin from the Tianjin qin player WANG Duan-pu. Since then he had learned from many sources and developed his own style. In April 1936, he joined the Jinyu Qin Musicians Association founded in Suzhou. From 1939 to 1956, he was appointed as Chairman, running the association in Shanghai. In autumn 1956, he was appointed as Professor of the Ce

張強 (ZHANG Qiang)

張強: 青年琵琶演奏始家張強,一九六五年出生於陝西省西安市。六歲開學習鋼琴;九歲隨其父張棣華(西安音樂學院副教授)學習琵琶;一九七八年,考入中央音樂學院附中,先後從師吳俊生、鄺宇忠、李光華等諸位名師,並經常從游於劉德海先生;一九八三年,升入中央音樂學院本科,從師陳澤民先生;一九八七年,畢業並留校工作。一九八七年,參加全國廣東音樂演奏邀請賽,獲一等獎;一九八九年,獲全國民族器樂「山城杯」電視大獎賽琵琶組三等獎;同年,獲得第一屆「ART」杯中國樂器國際比賽琵琶青年專業組二等獎;一九九二年,參加第二屆海內外江南絲竹演奏比賽,獲一等獎;一九九三年,赴台灣參加「第一屆台北市民族器樂協奏大賽」,獲第一名,同時獲協奏曲《花木蘭》最佳演奏獎及海外地區最佳演奏獎。張強現為中國民族管弦樂學會會員,中央音樂學院民樂系講師,中央音樂學院實驗樂團琵琶獨奏演員。 ZHANG Qiang ZHANG Qiang was born in Xi’an in 1965. He started his piano learning at 6 and started to learn to play pipa from his father, an associate professor Xi’an Conservatory of Music. He was admitted to the School attached to Central Conservatory of Music in 1978, following the instruction of WU Jun-sheng, KWONG Yu-zhong and LI Guang-hua and receiving tutoring from LIU De-hai. He entered the Central Conservatory of Music in 1983 and became a teacher in the school after graduation in 1987. He won the first prize in the National Guangdong Music Contest in 1987. In 1989, he was awarded a third prize in National Folk

張子謙 (ZHANG Zi-qian )

  張先生原名張益昌,江蘇揚州人。一八九九年八月二十九日出生於江蘇儀征,一九九一年一月十五日病逝於天津。七歲開始受業於廣陵派琴家孫紹陶,勤學不輟,琴藝日進;一九三○年代,移居上海浦東,因與修水查阜西、廬陵彭祉卿遊,被琴界稱為「浦東三傑」,並發起組織「今虞琴社」,又曾任社職。新中國成立後,任上海民族樂團獨奏演員,從事專業演奏,後兼任上海音樂學院教席;曾與查阜西、沈草農合編《古琴初階》一書,為琴學的入門指導性刊物。其演奏風格剛健遒勁,節奏自由,音色多變,擅奏廣陵派名曲《龍翔操》,因而琴壇上雅稱其為「張龍翔」。  ZHANG Zi-qian         ZHANG Zi-qian was born on August 29,1899 in Yizheng, Jiangsu Province and passed away on January 15, 1991 in Tianjin. His first name was Yi-chang and his ancestral home was Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. When he was seven years old, he learned the qin from SUN Shao-tao of the Guangling school. In 1930’s, he migrated to Pudong of Shanghai and made friends in qin with ZHA Fu-xi and PENG Zhi-qing. They were then been called the “Three Outstanding Qin Performers of Pudong”. He initiated to organize the Jinyu Qin Musicians Association and took duty in the association. In 1950’s, he started his profession in the Shanghai Tradional Orchestra as the qin soloist. He also taught qin p

查阜西 (ZHA Fu-xi)

查先生名鎮湖,又字夷平,江西修水人。一八九五年十一月七日生於湖南永順縣,一九七六年八月十日卒於北京。幼年在家鄉學奏琴歌,及長,於一九三○年代初在上海組織「今虞琴社」,於新中國成立後又發起組織「北京古琴研究會」,並開展古琴音樂的學術探討,將史料輯撰和整理,又於一九五六年組織三人小組到全國二十多個地方採錄了六十多個古琴家的兩百多首古琴曲。其琴歌藝術始受教於湖南大庸琴家田曦明、龔嶧暉、俞味蒓,一九二○年代在上海及長沙與沈草農、顧梅羮、彭祉卿等琴友交,開始刻苦鑽研琴道,琴風深沉細膩、古樸典雅。其演奏《瀟湘水雲》一曲,在琴壇中贏得了「查瀟湘」的雅號。 ZHA Fu-xi         ZHA Fu-xi was born on November 7, 1895 in Yongshun county, Hunan Province and passed away on August 10, 1976 in Beijing. His first name was Zhen-hu, alias Yi-ping, his ancestral home was in Xiushui, Jiangxi Province. He learned qin and song in his hometown since his childhood. In 1930, he formed the Jinyu Qin Musicians Association in shanghai. After establishing of the new China, he initiated to organize the Qin Research Association of Beijing for development of qin music. In 1956, he led other two followers to go through over 20 places in China for collecting qin materials and to record over 60 qin player’s performance in 200 hundred picecs of qin music. He learned the songs of

陳音 (CHEN Yin)

陳音: 中國廣播民族樂團青年琵琶演奏家陳音,一九六三年生於四川成都市,九歲學琴,啟蒙於其祖父——著名民族音樂家陳濟略教授。一九七八年,考入四川音樂學院附中,一九八一年,升入本科。在校期間先後師從韓淑德、潘鳳鳴二位副教授,從而在音樂理論知識和琵琶演奏技術上有了更大的提高。一九八五年,畢業後被分配到中國廣播民族樂團工作迄今,後又師從著名琵琶大師王范地教授,在樂團的工作中亦常受到俞良模等的指導。陳音早在一九八二年便獲得了四川省琵琶比賽一等獎,後又多次在全國的各種比賽中獲獎,一九八六年,他曾應日本著名電子音樂家富田勳(I Sao Tomita)的邀請作為唯一的中國音樂家參加了在紐約舉行的為慶祝自由女神落成百周年的紀念音樂會。 CHEN Yin CHEN Yin is a young pipa soloist of the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra. Born in 1963 in Chengdu of Sichuan Province, he has been studying music since he was nine. On music, he was enlightened by his grandfather— the famous expert of national music, Professor CHEN Ji-lue. In 1978 he entered the Affiliated Secondary School of the Sichuan Music Institute, and in 1981 he was promoted to his own major. In that period, he studied under the two Vice-Professor HAN Shu-de and PAN Feng-ming, and his knowledge of musical theories and his art of performing the pipa was greatly improved.  Since his graduation in 1985 till now, he has been working for the China Broadcasti


謝俊仁先生,一九四九年出生於香港,初期接觸歐西音樂,一九七O年代開始研習中樂,曾跟隨蔡雅絲習箏,又隨關聖佑習民族音樂理論創作。一九八O年代開始,先後從學操縵之藝於關聖佑、劉楚華及泛川派名家蔡德允女士。曾創作多闋古琴作品,並錄存於其個人專集中。  TSE Chun-yan was born in 1949 in Hong Kong. He was first interested in European music. He began studying Chinese music in the ’70s, learning the zheng with CHOI Ngar-si and Chinese music composition with KWAN Sing-yau. In the ’80s, he started studying the qin under KWAN Sing-yau, LAU Chor-wah and TSAR Teh-yun of the Fan Chuan School. He has composed a number of new qin pieces and has them included in his CD Collections. He is a medical doctor by profession. After retired from medical job, he studied in the Music Department of the Ch+D8inese University of Hong Kong in 2005 and obtained his Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology in 2009. He is now the vice-chairman of the Deyin Qin Society, an adjunct assistant professor and instrumental instructor on the qin in the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and an advisor of the Chinese Music Archive of the De

湯良興 (TANG Liang-xing)

湯良興: 琵琶演奏家湯良興,一九四八年四月二十二日生於上海,七歲開始學習二胡及琵琶,十三歲考入上海民族樂團學館,先後師從馬林生、馬聖龍、孫裕德、李廷松、衛仲樂、鄒軻等習琵琶,又從張子謙習古琴,一九七○年,調上海樂團,一九七四年,被選為中央交響樂團特邀琵琶演奏家,在北京和日本十六個城市演出,獲得高度評價,其後又受邀於上海交響樂團、上海藝術團、上海芭蕾舞團、中國藝術家代表團等出訪海外演出。一九七五年,奉調文化部籌組的「錄音錄像小組」與其他多位音樂家一同研究民族器樂人聲化,以琵琶模擬京劇唱腔作實驗。一九八一年起,開始首演了《花木蘭》、《西雙版納的晚霞》等大型琵琶協奏曲,一九八六年,移居美國,又參與當地樂團為各大學與中小學作音樂教育節目數百場,影響深遠。一九九七年,自美赴台,在高雄市實驗國樂團任客席演奏家,一九九八年八月,被聘為台南藝術大學專任副教授,致力於教育和傳承工作。 TANG Liang-xing On April 22, 1948, pipa performer TANG Liang-xing was born in Shanghai. He started tolearn erhu and pipa when he was seven years old. At thirteen years old, he admitted the Shanghai Traditional Orchestra’s learning center. He learned from MA Lin-sheng, SUN Yu-de, MA Sheng-long, LI Ting-song, WEI Chung-loh, ZOU Ke for the pipa and ZHANG Zi-qian for the guqin. In 1970, he was admitted the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1974, he was invited to the Beijing Central Philharmonic Orchestra as a guest pipa performer. He joined the orchestra to perform in the cities of Japan. The Shanghai Sy

戴曉蓮 (DAI Xiao-lian)

戴曉蓮女士,原籍浙江省吳興市人,一九六三年六月出生於上海。九歲時,隨外叔公張子謙先生學習操縵,又得吳景略、吳文光父子的教益,一九八一年考入上海音樂學院民族音樂系,隨龔一先生等老師修習古琴,一九八五年畢業留校工作,任圖書館資料室及該院古琴專業教師。一九九一年,應歐洲中國音樂研究基金會之邀,赴荷蘭萊頓大學漢學院,研究荷蘭漢學家高羅佩(Robert Hans van Gulik)及其古琴譜之收藏。戴曉蓮又曾發表過多篇學術論文,她現為中國琴會理事,上海今虞琴社理事,歐洲中國音樂研究基金會海外會員。 DAI Xiao-lian was born in June 1963 in Shanghai. Her ancestral home was in Wuxing, Zhejiang Province. When she was nine, she studied the qin under her uncle ZHANG Zi-qian and also WU Jing-lue and WU Wen-guang. In 1981, she was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory and studied under GONG Yi. After she was graduated from the Conservatory, she was employed by the Conservatory as a staff. She has published many articles of qin music during these days.
