中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

原野 (YUAN Ye)

板胡演奏家、作曲家原野,一九三六年三月出生於天津寶坻,二○○四年四月五日在北京逝世,享年六十九歲,名袁天祺,筆名白予。一九五一年,參加中國人民解放軍北京公安總隊文工團演奏手風琴,一九五五年,調公安文工團,次年改建民族樂隊,任板胡及高胡演奏員。一九五八年,隨團調往濟南軍區前衛歌舞團,歷任弓弦組副組長、組長、樂隊首席、樂隊副隊長、隊長等職,一九八五年,調北京武裝警察政治文工團任副團長、團長至一九九一年退休。在「前衛」的樂器改革潮中,原野參加了弓弦樂器特別是板胡系列的改革,與張長城合作設計出板胡的前共鳴罩、次高音板胡及在「碗碗腔」伴奏板胡的基礎上改制成中音板胡,一九七○年後,又製成活動雙千斤板胡。與張長城合作首創板胡二重奏形式,創作二重奏板胡曲《抬花轎》、《對口令》,又與何化均合作創作了《山東小曲》。原野是張長城的學生、創作及演奏的合作者,同時,亦是張在「前衛」生活時的夥伴,充滿友情與愛心,令雙目近於失明的張在生活與創作中,都獲得了信心與生機。 YUAN Ye     YUAN Ye was born in March 1936 in Baodi, Tianjin province and passed away at the age of sixty-nine on April 5, 2004 in Beijing. His name was YUAN Tian-qi also known as Bai Yu. In 1951, he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Beijing Public Security Troop cultural work group as accordion player. In 1955, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of Beijing Public Security Army as banhu and gaohu player. In 1958, he went along with the troupe and transferred to the Progress Chinese Orchestra, Jinan as vice group leader, group lea

趙松庭 (ZHAO Song-ting)

趙松庭: 笛子演奏家趙松庭,一九二四年八月二十九日出生於浙江東陽縣巍山,二○○一年三月九日病逝於杭州。趙氏又名趙鶴初、趙松挺,九歲時,隨父習笛,初中畢業已能奏笛與徽胡,並拜昆曲藝人葉小荀為師習藝。一九四七年,報考上海國立音樂學院,因受其父「二胡笛子不登大雅之堂」觀念之影響,中途轉考上海法學院攻讀法律。一九四九年,參加軍隊文工團,一九五六年,入浙江省歌舞團任笛子獨奏演員,創編了《早晨》、《三五七》、《鷓鴣飛》、《二凡》、《牧羊歌》、《海濱》、《小河淌水》、《京調流水板》等笛曲,一九七六年起,任教於浙江省藝術學校。又曾創作有《歡樂的山谷》、《婺江風光》及創編了《西皮花板》、《採茶忙》、《幽蘭逢春》等浙江派樂風笛曲,還有《竹笛演奏技巧廣播講座》及《笛藝春秋》等笛藝重要著述。 ZHAO Song-ting ZHAO Song-ting was born on August 29, 1924 in Dongyang, Zhejiang province and passed away of illness on March 9, 2001 in Hangzhou. His first names were He-chu and Song-ting. In the age of nine, he learned the dizi from his father and further studied it under the famous Kunqu artist YE Xiao-xun. In 1947, his father objected him to learn the dizi in the National Shanghai Conservatory, he then studied the law in the Shanghai Law School. In 1949, he joined the Song and Dance Troupe of the Military Force. In 1956, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of Zhejiang Province as a dizi soloist. He then composed the dizi pieces In the Mo

翁鎮發 (WENG Zhen-Fa )

翁鎮發,著名笙演奏家,國家一級演員,中國音樂家協會會員,全國笙專業委員會副長,上海音樂學院、上海師範大學音樂學院客座教授,上海飛雲民族樂團副團長。   青年時期已嶄露頭角,上世紀70年代代表中國最早出國訪問演出並擔任獨奏。80年代提出了在傳統笙的基礎上進行改革,並與著名笙演奏家牟善平共同研製了37簧傳統改良笙,解決了一人多笙的難題。改良笙不僅能演奏民間曲牌,還能演奏現代和西方的音樂作品,被譽為“中國第一笙”,並獲得中國文化部頒發的科技進步三等獎。翁鎮發在國內多次重大器樂比賽中獲大獎。與國內外著名唱片公司合作,灌錄了各種音樂唱片近百張;現已出版了數張個人獨奏專輯,如《笙華》、《笙——小河淌水》、《笙聲慢》、與中國笙名家共同錄製的《中國笙名家名曲》等。

張長城 (ZHANG Chang-cheng)

板胡演奏家張長城,一九三三年十月三日出生於陝西省西安市,一九九八年七月十五日病逝於西安。兒時視力受損,高度近視,看書困難,遂向母親提出學板胡,母送其往著名秦腔琴師荊生顏處習中音板胡,三年後在西安的秦腔樂社從事伴奏工作。一九五八年,隨公安軍文工團調濟南軍區前衛歌舞團,翌年,在全軍第二屆文藝匯演中演奏其改編之《繡荷包》及《繡金匾》,獲優秀節目獎。一九六二年,因腦瘤壓迫視線神經而要動手術,手術成功,但一目失明,一目仍高度近視,療養期間,與原野合作創作了板胡曲《紅軍哥哥回來了》及二重奏《對口令》、《抬花轎》等。張氏在板胡的演奏弓法上、指法及音域上,均有突破與發展,又在板胡的改革上亦取得若干已付諸於應用的成果,上世紀五十年代初,即將扁束弓毛及縮緊裝置用於板胡琴弓,並採用鋼弦及金屬纏弦。一九五五年,在秦腔板胡的基礎上,成功改革為次高音板胡,一九五九年,與原野合作,設置了板胡的前共鳴罩。一九六二年,與原野等一起,又將陝西戲曲「碗碗腔」伴奏用板胡改進為中音板胡,不僅為樂隊增添了色彩,並且創造了板胡二重奏的演奏形式。 ZHANG Chang-cheng     ZHANG Chang-cheng was born on October 3, 1933 in Xi’an, Shaanxi province and passed away of illness on July 15, 1998 in Xi’an. He was suffered vision injury, highly short-sighted since his childhood. Hardly study normally, he proposed to his mother to learn the banhu performance. He was then learning the alto banhu under a renowned Shaanxi opera musician JING Sheng-yan and became an accompanist in a Shaanxi opera ensemble after three years. In 1958, he went along with the Song and Dance Troupe of Bei

張志生  (ZHANG Zhi-shen)


馬光陸 (MA Guang-lu)

  墜胡演奏家馬光陸,一九三二年出生於河南鞏縣神堤村馬圪牢兒鄉,一九四八年,參加軍隊文工團;一九五三年,由重慶調職北京總政歌舞團任墜胡演奏員;一九五五年,在華沙第五屆世界青年聯歡節中比賽獲獎。演奏的代表作有:《新春樂》、《運輸忙》、《家鄉的喜訊》等。 MA Guang-lu     MA Guang-lu was born in 1932 in Gong county, Henan province. In 1953 he was appointed as a zhuihu soloist of the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe. In 1955, he was awarded in a competition in the 5th World Youth Festival held in Warsaw. His representative pieces performed include Music for the New Year, Busy Transportation and Good News from Home.

楊元亨  (YANG Yuan-heng)

  民間管樂演奏家楊元亨,一八九三年二月二十一日出生於河北省安平縣南王宋村,一九五八年二月二十日病逝於安平縣角丘村,七歲在呂祖廟出家當道士,道名元亨,師從永興及老蓮,學習工尺譜、管、笛、笙、嗩吶、胡琴及敲擊樂,十一歲已能登壇演奏道樂,期間他所抄寫之曲譜,已成研究河北民間音樂的珍貴資料。一九四六年,往定縣子位村吹歌會傳授民間吹管樂,一九五一年,應聘到天津中央音樂學院任教管子專業及民間打擊樂課程,一九五六年,升任副教授。 Yang Yuan-heng Yang was a folk wind instrumentalist. He was born in Hebei in 1893 and died in 1958. He became a Taoist at the age of 7 and learned various types of musical instruments from elder Taoists. He started his performance life since 11 . All the handwritten scores and materials of Yang had become the most precious materials for researching the Hebei folk music. In 1946, he began to teach his art and in 1951, he was invited to Tiantsin Conservatory to teach wind instruments and percussions music. In 1956, he was promoted to vice-professor.

馮子存 (FENG Zi-cun)

馮子存: 笛子演奏家馮子存,一九O四年七月二十九日出生於河北陽原縣井集鎮西堰頭村一農家,一九八七年十二月二十五日逝世於北京。馮氏讀私塾兩年後,即為人放牛、放驢。大哥與二哥均好絲竹,十一歲時,開始向二哥習笛,隨之參加「高蹺會」伴奏。十三歲時,已能代二哥獨當一面,亦為村中「鬧紅火」演奏隊伍中的一員,一九二一年,隨大哥到蒙古包頭謀生,因而學到了二人台、爬山調及當地的民歌與曲牌。一九五三年,入選河北省代表隊,參加全國第一屆民間音樂舞蹈匯演,後調中央歌舞團任笛子獨奏演員。一九六四年,中國音樂學院在北京成立,馮氏調任為該院器樂系吹打教研室主任,「文革」中返回陽原故里,一九七二年,重返北京中國音樂學院,一九八三年,該院在京舉行了「馮子存笛曲演奏會」。其作品先後收錄在《馮子存笛子曲選》及《馮子存笛子曲集》中出版。 FENG Zi-cun FENG Zi-cun was born on July 29, 1904 in Yangyuan, Hebei province and passed away on December 25, 1987 in Beijing. He had only studied two years in a private school, he then became a cow-boy in his hometown. At the age of eleven, he learned the dizi from his elder brother and joined the ensemble in his hometown as an accompanist. At the age of thirteen, he could be able to stand out for himself in performance. In 1921, he followed his eldest brother to Mongolia. Over there, he learned most of the Mongolian folk songs and local music. In 1953, he was selected as a representative of Hebei province to participate in the 1st Nati

馬曉暉 (MA Xiao-hui)

      胡琴演奏家馬曉暉,一九六五年出生於河北唐山,自幼對音樂產生濃厚的興趣,六歲時在其父啟蒙下開始學習二胡;十三歲考入上海音樂學院附屬中學,師從二胡教育家王乙教授;一九八三年,以胡琴第一名的考績進入上海音樂學院本科;一九八七年,代表上海音樂學院參加「全國廣東音樂邀請賽」,榮獲一等獎;同年參加「首屆海內外江南絲竹比賽」,並獲獎;一九八七年,以優異的成績畢業,隨即考入上海民族樂團,為該團之二胡首席兼獨奏演員;馬氏的演奏風格剛柔並蓄,有大將之風,在國內外舉辦過二十多場獨奏會和學術講座,經常與海內外大型樂團及著名指揮合作,最近更獲頒上海「寶鋼杯」高雅藝術大獎。 MA Xiao-hui MA Xiao-hui was born in 1965 in Tangshan, Hebei province. Since her childhood she has been very interested in music. At the age of six, she started to learn the erhu under her father. When she was thirteen she was admitted to the affiliated secondary school of the Shanghai Conservatory, studying under the erhu teacher Professor WANG Yi. In 1983 she was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory, having been ranked first for playing instruments of the erhu family. In 1987 she represented the Shanghai Conservatory to take part in the National Guangdong Music Competition and won the first class award. In the same year she was also awarded in the 1st Worldwide Jiangnan Music Comp

李增光  (LI Zeng-guan)*

笛子演奏家李增光,一九六一年三月十九日出生於北京,少時隨何維青習笛,繼從師趙松庭、王鐵錘、劉森、曾永清及俞遜發等。北京社會音樂學院民族音樂系畢業,現為中國廣播藝術團民族樂團管樂聲部部長、笛子首席,國家一級演奏員,兼任中國戲曲學院客座教授。一九八九年四月,參加「山城杯」全國笛子電視大獎賽,獲三等獎,一九九五年,參加「富利通」國際中國民族音樂獨奏大賽,獲優秀表演獎,一九九七年,與同仁合作研製出「調音孔音階笛」,獲文化部頒科技進步三等獎。 LI Zeng-guan         LI Zeng-guan was born on March 19, 1961 in Beijing. He learned the dizi from HE Wei-qing since he was young. Later on he further studied it under the famous musicians like ZHAO Song-ting, WANG Tie-chui, LIU Sen, ZENG Yong-qing and YU Xun-fa. He graduated from the music department of the Social Music Academy of Beijing and became the section head of wind instruments and the principal dizi of the Central Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra. He was appointed the national first class performer and was the guest professor of the Drama Institute of China. In April 1989, he participated in the dizi section of the Mountain Cup TV Competition and won a prize. In 1995, he participated in the International Chinese Instrumental Com
