中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

扬琴演奏家、教育家刘月宁,一九六五年出生于湖南安化,曾师从张五十先生(一九三八至二○○一年)、桂习礼、项祖华教授,并师从李祥霆教授专修古琴。 一九七八年十二岁时,以一曲扬琴独奏《映山红》而名闻海内外,在国内外的民族器乐比赛中获多种奖项及教育园丁奖,同时,为扬琴音乐教育事业培养了大批的演奏专业人才,他们在各地区的各类比赛中都取得了良好的成绩。一九九六年,参与创建了著名的“卿梅静月”中国民乐重奏组合,一九九八年,荣获北京市优秀青年骨干教师称号,二○○五年,作为扬琴音乐家,成为首位捷克国际扬琴比赛的中国评委。中央音乐学院民乐系教授、硕士研究生导师、国际扬琴学会理事、中国扬琴学会副秘书长、中国音乐家协会会员、中国民族器乐学会常务理事、北京市港澳台侨妇女联谊会理事、中国民族管弦乐学会理事。

LIU Yue-ning

LIU Yue-ning was born in 1965 in Anhua, Hunan province. She learned the yangqin under ZHANG Wu-shi, GUI Xi-li, XIANG Zu-hua and the guqin under LI Xiang-ting. In 1978, she performed the solo piece Mountain Red and became well known. She has got many awards in the competitions and also be appointed as the “Educational Gardener”. In 1996, she and her friends founded the Qing-Mei-Jing-Yue Ensemble. In 1998, she was awarded the “Beijing Outstanding Youth Teacher”. In 2005, she was the first Chinese to be the judging committee of the International Competition of Yangqin held in Czechoslovakia. She is now the professor of the Central Conservatory, teacher of master degree, committee member of the International Yangqin Society, vice chief secretary of the Chinese Yangqin Association, member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association, executive committee member of the Chinese Traditional Instrumental Society, committee member of the Women Association of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan in Beijing, committee member of the China Folk Orchestral Music Academy.
