一九五四年在山西省發現的距今十萬年左右的丁村人,已經使用一種稱之為「飛石索」的狩獵工具,這種工具可能就是後來演變為「石塤」的樂器。這種石塤大體上有三種類型:梨形的、筒形的和魚形的。後來發現有用獸骨做成筒形的骨哨,最初發現的骨哨是河姆渡文化 的遺址,但是這些骨哨是樂器或是狩獵工具還不能確定。一九七九年在河南舞陽縣賈湖的新石器時代遺址,出土了十幾隻比河姆渡骨哨更為完善的樂器——賈湖骨笛。這種骨笛已經和文獻上有記載的箎基本一致。這個骨笛除吹孔外已經有七個音孔,而且每個音孔都有明顯的開孔的橫線,證明在製作時經過了一定的計算,特別是第七個音孔之上還鑿了一小孔,大約是為校正第七音孔所發的音而開鑿的。這個骨笛是殉葬品,在一個墓穴內共有兩隻,一隻破裂,一隻完好,考古學家認為,這是賈湖一期文化遺存,根據碳十四年代測定資料,賈湖一期文化距今已有七千九百二十年,前後差誤修正為一百五十年(樹輪校正為距今七千七百三十七年,前後差誤修正為一百二十八年)。經測音鑒定:筒音為#F5+44,第七音孔為A5+8,第六音孔為B5-25,第五音孔為C6+24,第四音孔為D6+16,第三音孔為E6+16,第二音孔為G6-40,第一音孔為#A6-42(骨笛全長二十二點二公分)。據此,這個骨笛已經可以奏出中國古代傳統的下徵調五聲和七聲音階,也可奏出清商六聲音階。這雖然只是一個孤例,但也可以證明在仰韶文化之前還存在著一種古文化。這個文化分佈於淮河中下游及其支流,最北達到河南的東南部。最南達到安徽的中部,歷史學家考證,這裏是中國古代東夷集團的勢力範圍。文獻記載這是中國古傳說中太昊氏活動的地方(傳說中的太昊氏的墳墓稱之為太昊陵,就在這個地區的今河南省淮陽縣)。考古學家認為,賈湖文化和大汶口文化有著密切關係,大汶口文化距今約六千年,但考古學家認為大汶口文化屬於少昊氏部族,如果歷史學家所說的太昊、少昊為先後之分,這種骨笛先於大汶口文化約二千年,便更是可信的了。
An Outline of the history of Chinese music from the Chinese musical instruments found in archaeology sites (abstract)
Zhao Feng
It is generally believed that human species lived on the land of China in the Paleolithic Period about a million years ago. It was discovered in 1954 in Shanxi Province that the Dingcun Man (100,000 years before present) used a hunting tool called flying-stone-chain. The hunting tool probably developed into the musical instrument of stone xun. There are three types of stone xun: pear-shaped, tube-shaped and fish-shaped. The tube-shaped, animal bone whistles were found from archaeology sites of the Hemudu Culture. However it is not determined whether they are musical instruments or hunting tools. The Jiahu flute is a better instrument than the Hemudu bone whistles. There are seven holes and a mouth hole on the Jiahu bone flute. There are conspicuous lines to mark the opening locations of the holes. This may indicate that calculation had been made in making the instrument. There is a small hole beside the seventh hole. The small hole was probably put there to adjust the pitch of the seventh hole. The Jiahu bone flute was a sacrificial object. There are two flutes in one grave. The grave is a relic of the early Jiahu Culture (7737+-123 years before present by radio carbon date). The length of the bone flute is 22.2 cm. The tube pitch is tested as *F5 + 44, the seventh hole A’ + 8, the sixth hole B’-25, the fifth hole C° + 24, the fourth hole D° + 16, the third hole E° + 16, the second hole G®°-40, and the first hole * A6-42. I herefore the bone flute plays both the five or seven-notes scale of Xia Zhi and six-notes scale of Qing Shang of the ancient Chinese musical system. In the same grave where the bone flute was found, sacrificial tortoise shells were unearthed. There are characters carved on the tortoise shells. Some of the recognizable characters are similar to those of the Yin Dynasty. The Jiahu bone flute indicates that musical culture of China began to develop in the late Neolithic Age.
Pottery xuns (similar to ocarina) were unearthed from archaeology sites of the Neolithic Age. Pottery xun probably developed from stone xun. The Banpo one-hole pottery xun dates back to about 6,700 years before present. Its pitches are F’ and A’ flat which form a minor third interval. Both the Shanxi two-hole pottery xun and the Zhengzhou one-hole pottery xun have one minor third interval. The minor third interval may be a character of the Pentatonic scale, of may relate with the pronunciation of the Chinese language. Contemporary musicologists have different opinions on the dating and origin of the Pentatonic scale. More works are needed to solve this problem.
The one-hole pottery xun gradually developed into the five-hole pottery xun. The Gansu pottery xun produces four musical notes. The five=hole pottery xuns of Huixian and Anyangxiaotun, Henan Province, play 12 notes. The anyangxiaotun xun (Yin Dynasty) plays a complete 7-notes scale.
The ancient history of China is generally divided into two periods: the Ancient Times (2,100 B.C. -220 A.D.) and the Middle Age (220-960 A.D.) The historical records of ancient China are mixed with fairy tales and legends. From historical legends, music of the Ancient Times often signifies totem worship. For example, the legendary Huangdi worshiped clouds, and his music was called “the clouds”.
Ceremonial music, the Yayue, was developed from totem music of ancient tribes. The Yayue exists from the Zhou dynasty to Qing, the last dynasty in Chinese history. Each new dynasty kept a part of the Yayue from the preceding dynasty, and added rituals and music of their own. The ceremonial music reflects cultural ideologies. Ancestor worship is one of those ideologies. The earliest ceremonial activity was Shaoyue. The Shaoyue is a combination of poetry and dancing, accompanied with singing and instrumental music to call back the spirit of ancestors. According to historical documents, instruments qin, she, taogu, wooden chu, and yu were used in the ceremony of Shaoyue. Worship of heaven and earth became an important state ceremony in an agricultural society. The music of Laji is for the celebration of harvest, the earliest manifestation of the cultural and artistic consciousness of the Chinese nation which is one of the oldest agricultural nations in the world.
Confucian made a contrast between the Shaoyue and Wuyue (music of war). Confucian considered that the Wuyue is perfectly beautiful but not perfectly good. The aesthetic thought that goodness is more important than beauty has been shared by the Confucianists for more than two thousand years.
There were several parts in Getianshi, a legendary dance of the Ancient Times: wish for the increase of population, worhip of totems, farm work, respect of heaven and earth, tespect of emperor’ s merits, and dances of birds and animals. The music of Getianshi is the earliest record in history wich mentioned dance music. A painted pottery basin was unearthed in Sunjiazhai, Qinghai Province in 1973. There are three groups of dancers painted on the basin. Each group consists five dancers, and each dancer has a tail. The painting may be the image of the dance Baishoushuaiwu (the dance of hundred animals). The pottery basin is about five thousand years before present.
The earliest drums are probably made of wood. Wooden drums are still being used among the minorities of Guangxi today. The woden drum is very simple; a deep slot is made on a piece of wood which produces sound when it is struck. Sociologists believe that the wooden drum may indicate the worship of female genital genital organ.
Pottery drums were unearthed in Shanxi Province, but they were not fully studied yet. Pottery drums were found at archaeology sites of the Dawenkou Culture (about 6,000 years before present), Shandong Province. 84 pieces of crocodile scales were found near the opening of a white pottery pot. It was inferred that this is a crocodile skin covered pottery drum.
The major instruments made of bronze are bells. The pitches of three bells, which form a set of chime-bells unearthed in Wenxin, Henan Province, are C, E and G. The pitches of the Yin Dynasty chime-bells (collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing) are Dflat, F (slightly flat) and A flat.
The discovery of a set of bronze chime-bells from the Zenghouyi tomb (5″ centry B. C.) consists of 85 bells with a register of 5 octaves. The pitches are basically the same as the Occidental C scale. The chime-bells plays complete 12 tones in its middle register. Therefore the chimebells can make a complete chromatic scale within 3 octaves. There are gold-inlaid inscriptions on the bells. The inscriptions record the different names and scales of a tone for the Chu, Qi, Jin, Zhou, Shen, and Zeng Kindoms of the Spring and Autumn Period (771-403 B. C.). This proves the existence of an ancient Chinese 12 tone temperament system and its variation in different regions of the Central Plains of China. Therefore , as early as 5th century B.C., Chinese people mastered a musical system with concepts which are equivalent to the concepts of intervals (including major, minor, augmented, and diminished ) and octaves of the Occidental music.
During the Zhou Dynasty, there were about seventy musical instruments. The instruments were classified by their material as metal, stone, pottery, leather, string, wood, gourd, and bamboo. There were qin and she of the string, drum of the leather, chi and paixiao of the bamboo, sheng of the gourd, and serial qing of the stone types among the instruments unearthed in the Zenghouyi tomb. Those instruments and the classification were still used in the court of the Qing dynasty about two thousand years later.
Yayue, a temple dance music, was played in court ceremony and memorial ceremony for Confucian. The folk music of god-welcoming festivals of Shanxi Province was developed from the court music. 14 copies of recently discovered manuscripts date from 1522 to 1925. The manuscripts record the folk festivals of Shanxi Province. It is written in the manuscripts that there are three hundred pieces of court music, whereas there are three thousand pieces of ceremonial folk music. Although there are no musical scores in the manuscripts, the records do prove that the folk music of Shanxi Province relate with the court music of the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties.
Guchui, known as music on horseback, was military music which may date back as early as the Han dynasty. The performance of Guchui can be seen on the mural paintings of the Jiyi Temple, Shanxi Province.
The Katyuan Temple at Quanzhou, Fujian Province was first built in 686A.D., and had been rebuilt many times. Documentary records show that the wood sculpture of the Flying Apsaras 1n its great hall have been existed since the Yuan Dynasty (1357). According to architectural investigation, the wood sculptures are duplication or restoration of the original work of the Yuan Dynasty. The Flying Apsaras are images of Yueyi (musicians). The instruments hold by the Yueji include pipa, paiban (clappers) and chiba (a wind instrument) of the Tang Dynasty, erxian (a two-string fiddle) of the Tand and Song Dynasties, and huqing (fiddle) of the Yuan Dynasty.
According to a stone tablet, the Fanta Tower at Kaifeng, Henan Province was built on 927 A.D. The top of the tower was removed around 960 A.D. because it was higher than the imperial palace. The original carving on the stone tablet includes drums, taogu, bo (symbals), faluo (gong), pipa, guan (wood wind), di (fiute), paixiao (pan-pipe), and paiban (clappers).
Grottoes of Buddhism temples were built from 5th to 10th centuries by the royal families of the North, Sui and Tang Dynasties. The 12th cave of Yungang Grottoes, Shanxi Province was built from 465 to 492 A.D. It is called the cave of music because there are many stone sculptures of Yueji (musician) in the cave. The musical instruments hold by the figures of Yueji are similar to those of the Tang Dynasty.
There are 24 stone sculptures of Yueji on a pedestal in the tomb of Emperor Wangjian (847-918 A.D., Early Shu Kingdom of the Five Dynasties ) The musical instruments on the stone sculptures are similar to those of the Tang Dynasty, including wokonghou (similar to harp) and chueyie (playing orange leaf as an instrument). There is a stone carving of two Yueyji on the front side of Wangyjian’s tomb. According to historical research, the dancing moement of the Yueji is the famous Nishangyuyiwu of the Tang Dynasty. From the poems of Tang Dynasty, we know that the Nishangyuyiwu includes solo, duet and group dances for the imperial court.
The Chinese theater and opera arts gradually developed towards their mature stage from the Baixi of the Han Dynasty, Zaju of the Song Dynasty, Yuanben of the Jin Dynasty, Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty, and Nanxi of the Southern Song Dynasty. Along with the development of commodity economy during the Song Dynasty, entertainment business became prosperous in the big cities such as Dongjing (Kaifeng, Henan Province) and Lin-an (Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province). Quyi, the folk art of story-telling and singing, also became a popular entertainment in the big cities during the Song Dynasty. The history of Quyi can be traced back to the Han Dynasty by the Han scuplture of Drumbeating and Story-telling Figure.
The four major characters of Chinese operas appeared in the Zaju. The four characters include Sheng (a male character), Dan (a female character), Jing (generally a warrior), and Cho (a comedian). Picture 135 shows the mural painting of Zhongduxiu is Acting Here of the Yuan Dynasty. On this mural, the performance of actor Zhongduxiu was accompanied by flute-playing musician.
Beijing Opera, a representative art form of the Chinese opera, was formed during the late Qing Dynasty and 1s a popular entertainment today. Beijing Opera and hundreds of local Chinese operas represent the traditional Chinese theatrical arts.
There were tribes lived on the Chinese mainland during the Ancien’t Times. Some of those tribes became the Han nationality which forms the majority of Chinese population. The Han people have lived on the Central Plains of China. Some of those tribes became minority nationalities of China. The music history of China reflects the mixing of traditions and cultures of different Chinese nationalities.
The music of the Western Regions of China strongly influenced the music of the Tang Dynasty. Yanyuedaqu, the court banquet music, was also influenced by the music of India, Korea, Cambodia, and other countries. There are no musical scores preserved. However, there are descriptions of musical life in the poems of the Tang Dynasty. The performance of the Yanyuedaqu was depicted in a well-known painting of the Dynasty, Hanxizai’s Evening Banquet.
Quzici are artistic songs which were popular during Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties. Quzici is a hybrid of the musical of the Central Plains, the Western Regions of China, Middle Asia, India, and Burma. Quzici include traditional music, foreign music, folk songs, and new melodies. The songs composed by Jiangkui (Baishidaoren) are representative works of the Quzici.
The pipa was originally an musics instrument of the Western Regions of China the western pipa and a similar instrument of the Central Plains were both popular instruments during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. A modern pipa is held vertically and played by fingers, while the western pipa of the Middle Age was held horizontally and played by a plectrum.
Chinese music influenced the musics of her neighboring countries during the last several thousand years. For example, Chinese musical instruments of the Middle Age have been Preserved in the Zhengcanyuan of Japan, and played generations after generations. The musical theory of Korea shows strong influence of Chinese music.
On summary, Chinese music, from, the Ancient Times to the present, has been influenced by musics from foreign countries and Chinese minority nationalities. The mixture of cultures of different regions and countries formed an prosperous culture system, the Han Culture. The history of Chinese music reflects the cultural exchange between China and her neighboring countries, and between the Han nationalites and minority nationalities.
Appendix: Chronicle of the Chinese History
Paleolithic Period (1,00,00-10,000 B.C.)
Neolithic Age (10,000-7,000 B.C.)
Dynasties: xia (21* -16″. Century B.C.); Shang (Yin, 16″ -11″ Century B.C.)
Western Zhou (1,100-771 B.C.); Eastern Zhou (770-221B.C., including the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period); Qin (221-206 B.C.); Western Han (206 B.C.-25 A.D.); Eastern Han (25-220 A.D.); Gin (265-420); Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589); Sui (581-618); Tang (618-907); Five Dynasties (907-960); Northern Song (960-1127); Southern Song (1127-1279); Yuan (1271-1368); Ming (1368-1644); Qing (1644-1911).