中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

蘇武 中胡獨奏:劉長福 A7Z02-0003
Su Wu, Zhonghu solo: LIU Chang-fu
草原上 中胡獨奏:劉明源 A7Z03-00132
On the Prairie, Zhonghu solo:LIU Ming-yuan
西皮小開門 京胡獨奏:楊寶忠 A7J05-01887
Xiao Kaimen, Jinghu solo:YANG Bao-zhong
京郊行 京胡獨奏:姜克美 A7J03-01889
Outskirts of Beijing, Jinghu solo:JIANG Ke-mei
八大錘 擂琴獨奏:王殿玉 A7M03-01911
Ba Da Chui, Leiqin solo:WANG Dian-yu
新春樂 墜胡獨奏:馬光陸 A7M03-00322
Happiness in New Year, Zhuihu solo: MA Guang-lu
寒鴉戲水 椰胡獨奏:郭鷹 A7Y04-01896
Ospreys Sporting with Water, Yehu solo:, GUO Ying
皮影牌子 四胡獨奏:劉鈞 A7M04-01914
Shadow Tune, Sihu solo: LIU Jun
禪院鐘聲 椰胡獨奏:甘尚時 A7Y04-01897
Toll from Temple, Yehu solo:GAN Shang-shi
笙管合奏 擂琴獨奏:韓鳳田 A7M04-01912
Combination of Sheng and Guan, Leiqin solo:HAN Feng-tian
北京有個金太陽 二胡齊奏:中國音樂學院 A7M07-0002
There’s a Golden Sun in Beijing, Erhu ensemble :China Conservatory
越調開門 雙嗩吶:魏永堂+袁子文 A8S04-01932
Yue Diao Kai Men, Two Suona : WEI Yong-tang + YUAN Zi-wen
鳳凰展翅 笙獨奏:胡天泉 A8H04-01917
Phoenix Spreading Wings, Sheng solo:HU Tian-quan
吹起蘆笙唱豐收 蘆笙獨奏:徐超銘 A8H07-A0004
Congratulating on the Harvests, Lusheng solo:XU Chao-ming
下漁舟 喉管獨奏:梁秋 A8M03-01938
Xia Yuzhou, Houguan solo:LIANG Qiu
江河水 雙管獨奏:谷新善 A8M03-01936
River Waters, Shuangguan solo:GU Xin-shan
雲山如夢 管子獨奏:左翼偉 A8G04-00902
Dreamy Cloud and Mountains, Guanzi solo:ZUO Yi-wei
幽思 簫獨奏:黃呈權 A8X02-00984
Quiet Thoughts, Xiao solo:WONG Ching-kuen
翠樓吟 簫獨奏:張維良 A8X03-A0003
Cui Lou Yin, Xiao solo:ZHANG Wei-liang
牧歌 排簫獨奏:杜沖 A8P02-00198
Pastoral, Panpipe solo:DU Chong
雲雀 口笛獨奏:俞遜發 A8M02-01939
The Lark, Koud solo:YU Xun-fa
洱海月夜 葫蘆絲獨奏:左翼偉葫 A8M04-00908
Moonlit Night of Erhai, Hulusi solo:ZUO Yi-wei
原始狩獵圖 骨笛獨奏:蔣國基 A8M05-00473
Primitive Hunting, Gudi solo:JIANG Guo-ji
月光下的鳳尾竹 巴烏:陳濤 A8M07-00107
Fernleaf Hedge Bamboo under the Moonlight, Ba-u solo:CHEN Tao
鼓詩 鼓樂合奏:李真貴領奏 A9002-01987
Drum Poem, Drum Ensemble Led by LI Zhen-gui
滴水成音 打擊樂合奏:安志順領奏 A9004-01986
Sound of Water Drops, Percussion Group Led by AN Zhi-shun
漁舟凱歌 排鼓与吹打樂:李民雄領奏 A9004-01995
Triumphant Song of Fishermen, Percussion Led by LI Min-xiong
老鼠娶親 絳州鼓樂:山西絳州鼓樂團 A9004-01989
Mouse Marriage, Drum Ensemble performed by Shanxi Jiang Zhou Music Art Group
將軍令 演奏:上海民族樂團 AA103-00410
General’s Order, performed by Shanghai Chinese Orchestra
月兒高 演奏:中國廣播民族樂團 AA103-A0004
The Moon is High, performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra
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