中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

林石城 - 陳隋 (A2002-01767)
Lin Shi-cheng (1922-2005)
Great master of Pudong Pipa school
Title : Chen Sui
Traditional Pipa solo performed by Lin Shi-cheng
王范地 - 塞上曲 (A2003-01769)
Wang Fan-di (1933-2017)
Great master of Pipa and founder of the Beijing Chinese Traditional Music Society
Title : On the Frontiers
Traditional Pipa solo performed by Wang Fan-di
劉德海 - 十面埋伏 (A2004-01238)
Liu De-hai (1937-2020)
Great master of Pipa in modern times
Title : Ambuscade from All Sides
Traditional Pipa solo, arranged and performed by Liu De-hai
陸春齡 - 今昔 (A5002-01851)
Lu Chun-ling (1921-2018)
Great master of Dizi and Jiangnan music
Title : Yesterday and Today
Dizi solo composed and performed by Lu Chun-ling
趙松庭 - 幽蘭逢春 (A5004-01835)
Zhao Song-ting (1924-2002)
Great master of Dizi in modern times
Title : Blossoming Orchid in Spring
Dizi solo composed by Zhao Song-ting & Cao Xing, performed by Zhao Song-ting
俞遜發-瑯琊神韻 (A5004-01845)
Yu Xun-fa (1946-2006)
Great master of Dizi in modern times
Title : Melody of Mount Lang Ya
Dizi solo composed and performed by Yu Xun-fa
安志順-老虎磨牙 (A9004-01984)
AN Zhi-shun (1932-2022)
Great master of Chinese percussion.
Title : The Tiger Grinding Its Teeth Composed and led by AN Zhi-shun
李民雄 - 漁舟凱歌 (A9004-01995)
Li Min-xiong (1932-2009)
Chinese music theorist, composer, educationalist and percussion expert
Title : The Triumphant Song of Fishermen(Orchestral Music led by percussion)
Percussion part arranged and performed by Li Min-xiong
項祖華 - 蘇武牧羊 (A6Y04-01862)
Xiang Zu-hua (1934-2017)
Great master of Yangqin in modern times
Title : Su Wu Tending Sheep
Yangqin solo arranged and performed by Xiang Zu-hua
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