中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

魏育茹 (WEI Yu-ru)

中阮演奏家魏育茹,一九六○年五月二十六日出生於北京市,自幼酷愛音樂,十歲起學習琵琶,一九八一年,考入中央民族樂團,長期以來對中阮演奏進行了潛心的鑽研,掌握了中阮演奏的高難度技巧和豐富的變化。魏育茹曾榮獲「第十三屆世界青年聯歡節」的金獎及最高藝術家榮譽證書;在參加國內外藝術節的演出中獲得良好的讚譽;並在多次國際及國內的中國民族器樂比賽中獲獎,是當今較有影響的中阮演奏家。 WEI Yu-ru             WEI Yu-ru was born on May 26, 1960 in Beijing. She learned the pipa when she was young. In 1981, she joined the National Traditional Orchestra of China, and then she started to study ruan as her profession under some well-known soloists and teachers. After years of diligent practice and study, she has mastered all the skills and developed high tastes of Chinese classical music. She has won the Certificate of Honour for the Greatest Artist of the Year and gold prize of the 13th World Youth Festival. In 1995, she won the second prize of Chinese Traditional Musical Instrument, Solo Contest. There is no doubt that she is among the most influential young artists in contemporary China.

黃桂芳 (HUANG Gui-fang)

三弦演奏家黃桂芳,一九六三年出生於上海,十四歲考入中央音樂學院附中,畢業後升入中國音樂學院,師從三弦名家蕭劍聲專攻三弦演奏。一九八二年後,多次於全國民族樂器比賽中獲獎,一九九五年,更榮獲國際民樂大賽一等獎。她曾隨女子彈撥樂團「五朵金花」及中國藝術家代表團等出訪過世界多個國家和地區,並獲得各地觀眾的讚賞。 HUANG Gui-fang HUANG Gui-fang was born in 1963 in Shanghai. She was admitted to the affiliated secondary school of Central Conservatory when she was fourteen. After graduation, she entered China Conservatory, studying under the famous sanxian master XIAO Jian-sheng. Since 1982, she has won many awards in national Chinese instrumental music competitions. In 1995, she was awarded the first class award in an international Chinese music competition. She has also visited many countries as a member of an ensemble, and her performance was highly acclaimed.

李乙 (LI Yi)

三弦演奏家、教育家李乙,一九三二年二月十日出生於上海浦東,二零一九年十二月五日逝世於上海。一九四四年,李氏參加新四軍後調入革命文藝團體——新安旅行團,從事三弦演奏專業,期間向晉、冀、魯、豫的民間藝人學習說唱藝術和民間音樂,一九四九年,隨中國人民解放軍進入上海,以軍方文藝工作者的身份,參加了由何士德指揮的《黃河大合唱》等演出,並開始向上海市工部局交響樂團小提琴演奏家鄭金鑾學習小提琴及西洋音樂理論。一九五三年,參加慰問第三團赴朝鮮慰問,以三弦獨奏的形式為志願軍服務,一九五六年,赴北京參加全國專業音樂舞蹈會演,演奏《十八板》、《大浪淘沙》、《黃河之水天上來》、《春江花月夜》等曲目,獲得專家的肯定,中央人民廣播電台,錄音並灌製了第一張三弦獨奏的唱片向全國發行,並以《三弦能手》為題,專文介紹李乙和他演奏的曲目,由中國廣播電台國際部向全世界廣播,從此確立了三弦這個樂器在國內外的地位和影響。 LI Yi             LI Yi was born on February 10, 1932 in Pudong, Shanghai and passed away on December 5, 2019 in Shanghai. In 1944, he joined the cultural and art troupe of the Chinese Army as a sanxian player. At the same time, he learned the traditional music and versified story singing from the folk musicians of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan. In 1949, he followed the People’s Liberation Army to Shanghai and participated in the performance of the Yellow River Cantata conducted by HE Shi-de. He then learned the violin and theory under ZHE

蕭劍聲 (XIAO Jian-sheng)

三弦演奏家、教育家蕭劍聲,一九二八年十月一日出生於湖南省洞口縣,中學時即好絲竹,早年向京韻大鼓三弦琴師魏福漢習琴,後從師著名三弦演奏家白鳳岩。一九四九年,入中南部隊藝術學院音樂系,主修三弦,畢業後留校任音樂工作隊演奏員,一九五四年,調中國人民解放軍總政治部文工團歌劇團樂隊任演奏員,一九六四年,中國音樂學院成立,調該院器樂系任三弦專職教授,集教學、演奏、樂改、創編及科研於一身,退休後仍傾心於三弦音樂的承傳與發展,免費傳授三弦技藝,其所改革傳統三弦獲國家科技獎狀,又記譜、整理白鳳岩創作著名三弦獨奏曲《風雨鐵馬》及《八音合》等,與黃曉飛合作三弦協奏曲《紅梅》、與張肖虎等合作三弦協奏曲《劉胡蘭》等。 XIAO Jian-sheng             XIAO Jian-sheng was born on October 1, 1928 in Dongkou, Hunan province. He was fond of traditional instruments. He started to learn the sanxian under WEI Fu-han who played the sanxian accompaniment of the Beijing Versified Story Singing. Later on, he further studied it under BAI Feng-yan. In 1949, he was admitted to the Music Department of the Art School of Central South Troop majoring in sanxian performing and stayed in the ensemble of the school as his career. In 1954, he was transferred to the operatic Troupe attached to the Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department. In 1964, he was appoint

溥雪齋 (PU Xue-zhai)

民族音樂家溥雪齋,一八九三年出生於北京,一九六六年逝世,滿族人,清宗室,原名愛新覺羅‧溥伒,以字行,號雪道人、一號南石居士,筆名南石、邃園、樂山等,堂號怡清堂、松風草堂,琴棋書畫無不精通,尤長山水。青少年時即從當時著名古琴家黃勉之弟子賈濶峰學彈古琴,後改彈三弦等其他樂器,經常參加演出活動直至晚年,琴藝精湛,風格灑脫。一九三○年起,從事文化藝術工作,曾任輔仁大學美術系主任。一九五○年後,歷任北京市文化藝術界聯合會理事、北京市書法研究社副社長、北京古琴研究會主席、北京中國畫研究會理事、北京市文史館館員、中國美術家協會北京會副主席、中國美術家協會會員。 PU Xue-zhai             PU Xue-zhai was born in 1893 in Beijing and passed away in 1966. He was a Manchurian and a direct descendent of the emperor Daoguang of Qing dynasty. His full name was Aisin Gioro Pujin. He was a noted painter as well as qin and sanxian player. When he was young, he learned the qin from JIA Kuo-feng who was a student of the renowned qin player HUANG Mian-zhi. Later on, he also learned sanxian and other instruments. Since 1930, he was engaged in culture and art career. He was the department head of the Art Department of Furen University. By 1950, he was once the director of Beijing Culture and Art Union, vice president of Beijing Callig

張鑫華 (ZHANG Xin-hua)

柳琴演奏家張鑫華,一九六一年生於上海,十二歲始習月琴、秦琴,次年改學柳琴,師從柳琴演奏家高華信,十五歲考入上海電台少兒民樂團任首席柳琴,十七歲考入中央民族樂團任首席至今,現同時是該團彈撥樂聲部長,中國國家一級演員。在中國首屆中華千人大樂藝術節中首次演奏中阮協奏曲《雲南回憶》,使中阮的地位從伴奏樂器和獨奏短小樂曲提升到能演奏協奏曲的水平。曾參加第二十三屆奧運會藝術節,演奏足跡遍及北韓、台北、香港、新加坡等地。 ZHANG Xin-hua             ZHANG Xin-hua was born in 1961 in Shanghai. When he was twelve, he started to learn the yueqin and qinqin. One year later, he learned the liuqin from the famous liuqin virtuoso GAO Hua-xin. When he was fifteen, he was the section head of the Children’s Broadcasting Orchestra of Shanghai. He has been the chief and section head of the plucked instruments of the National Traditional Orchestra of China since seventeen years old till now. He has been granted the national first class performer. He has performed the zhongruan concerto Memory of Yunnan in the 1st Chinese Orchestral Music Festival. He was selected to participate in the 23rd Olympic Art Festival. He has his performances throughout North Korea, Ta

吳強 (WU Qiang)

上海音樂學院民樂系講師,中阮、柳琴演奏家吳強,多次在各項比賽中獲獎,並數次出訪美國、前蘇聯、新加坡、荷蘭、比利時、日本、香港、台灣等十多個國家和地區,受到了廣泛的一致讚譽。在大陸、港台等地錄製出版了中阮、柳琴獨奏的鐳射唱片,音樂帶等專輯,一些專輯還幾次再版。她的演奏基本功扎實,技術精湛,音樂感覺極其到位,並賦有非常的感染力,使人在看或聽她演奏時,只感覺其音樂未覺察其演奏痕跡,並隨之完全融入她所表現的音樂之中。 吳強是我國傑出的柳琴、中阮演奏家,她以隨心所欲、爐火純青的演奏,年紀輕輕就坐上了中國民族管弦樂學會柳琴分會副會長的交椅。一九七八年,考入上海音樂學院附中,一九八七年,以優異成績畢業於上海音樂學院民樂系本科梅雷森先生的柳琴專業,並留校任教,二○○二年獲夏飛雲先生的民樂指揮碩士學位,現為上海音樂學院民樂系副教授,柳琴、中阮碩士生導師,「絲弦五重奏」課程指導老師。她曾獲得文化部主辦的全國民族器樂觀摩比賽柳琴組第一名、「上海之春」演出獎、上海市三八紅旗手稱號、上海市優秀青年教師稱號和上海文藝人才「優秀教師獎」等眾多榮譽。 WU Qiang WU Qiang is a lecturer in the Chinese Music Department of Shanghai Conservatory and a zhongruan, liuqin performer. She has been given awards in many competitions, and has visited places like the USA, the former USSR, Singapore, Holland, Belgium, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and was highly acclaimed by the audience. In China, Hong Kong and Taiwan she has published on CD and cassettes albums of zhongruan, liuqin solo, and some are re-published several times. She has strong basic skills, an apt musical sense and the geni

王紅藝 (WANG Hong-yi)

青年柳琴演奏家王紅藝,祖籍浙江省鎮海縣,六歲時在其父王惠然的啟蒙下接受音樂訓練,七歲登上舞台演出,十歲時考入濟南前衛民族樂團,十一歲進京演出,其超群的技藝轟動了首都樂壇,十二歲隨團出訪北歐六國,被外國音樂評論界驚為「神童」,十四歲獲全國少兒民樂比賽專業組金獎第一名,十八歲獲首屆中國藝術節金杯獎,一九九一年,調入總政歌舞團後,連續兩年被授予「紅星藝術獎——突出貢獻獎」,一九九三年,應聘兼任中央音樂學院柳琴導師。一九九三年六月,被特邀參加了在北京舉行的二十世紀華人音樂經典特別音樂會,首演了大型柳琴協奏曲《江月琴聲》,受到各界的高度評價;同年六月,她與父親合作創作的《嵩山印象》又獲得台北市立國樂團第七屆國樂徵曲「佳作獎」;一九九五年,國際華夏器樂展演年《國際中國民族器樂獨奏大賽》中王紅藝又以其精湛的技藝獲得了柳琴項目的一等獎。 WANG Hong-yi WANG Hong-yi is a famous young liuqin artist. She started receiving musical training at six, enlightened by her father, the well-known conductor, composer and liuqin master WANG Hui-ran. She began to perform on stage at seven. Admitted to Jinan Progress Orchestra at ten, she soon impressed the Beijing music circle. She gave performance in northern Europe at twelve and was appraised as prodigy. At fourteen, she won the first prize in the National Children Chinese Music Contest. She received the Golden Cup Award in the 1st National Arts Festival at eighteen. In 1991, she entered the Song and Dance Troupe of the Gen

譚嘉輝 (TAM Ka-Fai, Tony)

  香港出生,八歲移居加拿大,自幼習鋼琴,一九九四年起,兼習揚琴,啟蒙老師為夏薇青,一九九六年開始,隨移居當地的洪聖茂及郭敏清老師繼續學習,一九九四至二○○○年間,多次赴中國進修,得到揚琴名家張高翔、李玲玲等的指導,獲益良多。一九九五年,獲加拿大多倫多大型音樂節Kiwanis Music Festival 首屆[非西方樂器組]比賽冠軍(此為加拿大唯一認可的中國器樂比賽),至一九九七年間,四奪冠軍,最後更獲全組總冠軍。二○○○年,進行首張個人專輯唱片的錄音。近年積極參加與各中西音樂會演出及慈善公益之籌款活動,被譽為不可多得的青年音樂家。除了在海外推動中國文化方面作出實際努力外,並為海外青年一代起著鼓勵的作用。 TAM Ka-Fai, Tony Tony was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Canada when he was eight years old. He commenced his yangqin lessons with Miss Vivian XIA in 1994. He then furthered his yangqin trainings with Professors HONG Shing-Mao and GUO Min-qin of the Shanghai Conservatory. Throughout the years, Tony visited China numerous times and received tutorships from various famous virtuosi such as ZHANG Gao-xiang and LI Ling-ling. Tony is a four-time winner of the prestigious Kiwanis Music Festival of Toronto, Canada. He actively participates in performances and charitable events and has made remarkable contributions in promoting Chinese music overseas.

李玲玲 (LI Ling-ling)

揚琴演奏家、教育家李玲玲,一九六三年十二月七日出生於安徽省毫州市。十一歲開始隨父親學習揚琴,一九七四年,入安徽省藝術學校,師從楊榮耀、趙蔭河,畢業後考入北京中央音樂學院附中,師從張鎮田、桂習禮。一九八一年,升入中國音樂學院本科,師從項祖華,一九八五年畢業,免試就讀研究生,繼續從項祖華習琴,並隨李西安習理論研究,以論文《建國以來揚琴音樂創作的發展與反思》取得碩士學位,留校任教,並成功舉行畢業音樂會,又參加了第一屆世界揚琴大會,其演奏受到高度讚譽。現為該校器樂系彈撥樂教研室主任、副教授。 LI Ling-ling             LI Ling-ling was born on December 7, 1963 in Houzhou, Anhui province. When she was eleven, she started to learn the yangqin from her father. In 1974, she was admitted to the Art School of Anhui Province learning the yangqin under YANG Yong-yao and ZHAO Yin-he. After graduation, she was admitted to the affiliated secondary school of Central Conservatory learning the yangqin under ZHANG Zhen-tian and GUI Xi-li. In 1981, she started her university studies in China Conservatory under XIANG Zu-hua. In 1985, she graduated from the conservatory and was recommended to be a postgraduate, continued to study under XIANG Zu-hua and studied the theory under LI-Xi-an. By publishi
