王中山 (WANG Zhong-shan)
青年古箏演奏家,河南南陽(蒙古族)人,自幼習箏,曾得到十多位民間箏家的指導,有深厚的河南箏曲基礎。一九八一年,考入南陽藝術學校,隨著名箏家趙曼琴先生學習,一九八六年,他以其全新的高難度技法首演了《打虎上山》以及《井崗山上太陽紅》等箏曲,轟動了中國首屆古箏學術交流會,受到海內外同仁注目。其後考入中國音樂學院,師從著名箏教育家李婉芬教授,一九八九年,參加「ART」杯中國樂器國際比賽,在青年專業組決賽中獲獎,一九九五年「國際中國民族器樂獨奏大賽」,王中山以其精湛的技藝獲得了古箏項目的第一名。王中山現為中國音樂學院古箏教師,在古箏演奏技法上他有許多新的創意,如開拓性地運用了左右手輪指、彈輪等技巧,豐富了箏的表現力。 WANG Zhong-shan WANG Zhong-shan is of Mongolian descent, but was born in Henan province. He started to study the zheng in his childhood, and has received the guidance of a dozen of zheng players. He is deeply rooted in the Henan School of zheng playing. In 1981, he entered Nanyang Art School, studying under the zheng player ZHAO Man-qin. In 1986 he played the premieres of Defeating the Tiger on the Mountain and Red Sun over Jinggang Mountain with newly invented difficult techniques, and attracted the attention of many. Afterwards, he entered the China Conservatory, studying under the zheng player LI
馬壽洛 (MA Shou-luo)
馬壽洛先生,又名馬祝眉,浙江省溫州人,一八六四年出生,家居浙江溫州麻行關帝廟旁澹園。馬先生琴學出於二百多年的家傳,他的曾祖父在北京向一位山東人學得琴曲四操,盡得其奧,返溫州後傳給學生徐茞生,馬老的隔代孫馬元熙,再從徐茞生處得回家傳之學,又向廣東遊方到溫州的孤峰和尚增益琴藝,並手輯《友石山房琴譜》,馬家琴學藝術至此達至高峰。馬壽洛先生的琴藝是由其父馬元熙嫡傳的,馬先生在本集所收曲操的錄音,年事已屆九十二高齡,音節不亂,洵為可貴。 MA Shou-luo was born in 1864. His other name was MA Zhu-mei and his ancestral home was in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. He had a more than two hundred years ancestered qin inheritance. His grand-grandfather learned the qin under a Shandong qin player at Beijing and after coming home he taught it to XU Chai-sheng. MA Shou-luo’s father MA Yuan-xi learned it back from XU Chai-sheng and passed it down to MA Shou-luo. The recordings of MA Shou-luo in this album are valuable that he recorded them in the age of 92.
李萌 (LI Meng)
古箏演奏家、教育家李萌,一九五九年出生於廣西南寧市,父為著名男低音歌唱家李志曙。一九七一年,李氏入廣西壯族自治區雜技團樂隊任小提琴與二胡演奏。一九七六年開始習箏,一九七七年考入北京中央音樂學院民族音樂系,先後師從李婉芬、曹正、項斯華、張燕等,一九八二年畢業留校任教,一九八四年,就讀該系古箏表演藝術專業研究生。自一九八○年以後,李氏曾多次往粵、閩、陝、豫、浙、蒙等地採集前輩所奏箏樂,一九九五年一月,出版由其所編之《潮州箏曲選》,內收有肖韻閣、鄭源、林毛根、楊秀明、郭鷹五位潮州箏家演奏之箏譜《日月交》、《倒瑞蓮》等六十二首。 LI Meng LI Meng was born in 1959 in Nanning, Guangxi province. Her father was a renownd singer LI Zhi-shu. In 1971, she jointed the Acrobatic Troupe of Guangxi as a member of its orchestra in performing of violin and erhu. In 1976, she was admitted to the Central Conservatory learning under LI Wan-fen, CAO Zheng, HON See-wah and ZHANG Yan. In 1982, she graduated from the conservatory and became a teacher there. In 1984, she further studied the zheng as a graduate student. Since 1980’s, she has visited Guangdong, Fujian, Shaanxi, Henan, Zhejiang, Inner Mongolia to collect the zheng pieces performed by the senior musicians. In January 1995, her book Zheng Pieces
樂瑛 (YUE Ying)
樂瑛女士,北京人氏,生於清廷鼎革之際(一九一一年,另說一九O四年),約於一九六O年代初逝世,是近代為數不多的女琴家之一。自幼,在京城開設有著名“樂家老藥店–同仁堂”的父親督教下,受到傳統文化的嚴格教育,少年時由其父延請京城著名琴家黃勉之的學生賈闊峰到家內授琴,盡得賈氏真傳,尤擅操奏《滄海龍吟》、《岳陽三醉》、《韋編三絕》等曲。樂氏琴風,指力蒼勁,按音堅實,吟猱得法,節奏靈巧,富於韻味,縱有成就,惜無傳人。在近現代北京琴壇上的影響,與管平湖齊名,分別為男女琴家的代表。新中國成立後,參加北京市業餘古琴研究會,與同好一起眾樂樂。 YUE Ying was born in 1911 (another saying, 1904) in Beijing and passed away around 1960 in Beijing. Since her childhood, she received Chines traditional education under her father who set up and ran the Beijing Tong Ren Tang Medicine Company. When she was young, she learned the qin under the famous master HUANG Mian-zhi’s student JIE Kuo-feng. She was skillful at playing the Crying of the Dragon in Deep Blue Sea, Soaring at the Lake Dongting, Hard Study of Confucius, etc. She was one of the few female qin players in the old days and was equally famous to the male qin player GUAN Ping-hu.
許菱子 (XU Ling-zi)
許菱子是廣東潮州人,父母均為古箏演奏家及教育家,一九七九年,考入上海音樂學院,師從王昌元、何寶泉及郭鷹,一九八三年,以優異成績畢業並留校任教,發表過論文《論古箏的左手揉按》,在首屆教師節中被評為優秀教師,獲教學優秀獎。一九八六年,調往中國中央民族樂團、為國家一級演奏員、中國音樂家協會會員、北京古箏研究會會員、中國民族管弦樂協會會員。一九九五年至今,為香港演藝學院古箏全職導師。許氏錄製過多張個人專輯,亦在國慶晚會、上海之春及中央電視台等重要節目中擔任獨奏;並多次以獨奏家身份出訪過歐洲、北美及亞洲多國。 XU Ling-zi XU Ling-zi’s ancestral home was in Chaozhou, Guangdong province. Both of her parents are zheng performers and educationists. In 1979, she was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory learning under WANG Chang-yuan, HE Bao-quan and GUO Ying. In 1983, she graduated from the conservatory and became a teacher there. In 1986, she was transferred to the National Traditional Orchestra of China. Since 1995, she has been a full-time zheng instructor at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She has made numerous solo albums over the years and has also performed as soloist in National Day gala concerts, in the Spring of Shanghai Festival and in the CCTV programme. Xu h
沈草農 (SHEN Cao-nong)
沈草農先生,號琴戡,原籍浙江省蕭山市,生於一八九一年,逝世於一九七三年。沈氏早歲曾在湖北宜昌學琴,稍長,拜裴介卿門下,歸宗川派。其琴風高古淡遠,不同凡響,惟其參加今虞琴社後,雜學諸家之藝,查阜西先生認為其“風格已非舊矣”。沈氏曾著《古琴自學法》一書,其後於一九六一年與查阜西、張子謙據此合編《古琴初階》行世,其傳世著作還有《珍霞閣詩草初稿》及《珍霞閣詞稿》。 SHEN Cao-nong was born in 1891 and passed away in 1973. His other name was Qin-kan and his ancestral home was in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province. When he was young, he learned the qin in Yichang, Hubei Province and later on he studied under PEI Jie-qing of Sichuan School. He has written a book Learning the Qin by Yourselve. In 1961, he then rewrote it together with ZHA Fu-xi and ZHANG Zi-qian and rename it as Elementary Book of Guqin.、
王昌元 (WANG Chang-yuan)
古箏演奏家王昌元,一九四五年八月二十二日出生於上海,原籍浙江省杭州,其父為浙江箏家王巽之,九歲時隨父習箏,一九六○年,考入上海音樂學院附中,一九六四年,升入該院民族器樂系古箏專業,先後隨父及潮樂箏家郭鷹習箏,一九六九年,畢業於上海音樂學院民族音樂系本科後,在上海歌劇院、上海樂團、上海舞劇團及上海民族樂團任職古箏獨奏演員。一九八○年代中,王氏移居美國。一九六四年,創作有箏曲《戰颱風》,一九七三年,又與浦琦璋合作改編箏曲《洞庭新歌》,兩曲均在箏樂中有所創新和發展,奏出時代的新聲。 WANG Chang-yuan WANG Chang-yuan was born on August 22,1945 in Shanghai. Her ancestral home was in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province and her father was the renowned zheng musician WANG Xun-zhi of the Zhejiang school. She started to learn the zheng from her father when she was nine. In 1960, she was admitted to the affiliated middle school of the Shanghai Conservatory. She continued her university training in the conservatory under her father and GUO Ying of the Chaozhou school. In 1969, after her graduation from the conservator, she was appointed to the Shanghai Opera House, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and the Shanghai Traditional Orchestra as a zheng soloist. In the mid of 1980’s, she
項斯華 (HON See-wah)
古箏演奏家項斯華,一九三九年十月出生於雲南昆明,原籍上海,早年專修鋼琴,後師承浙江箏名家王巽之,又從曹正、郭鷹學習其他流派箏樂,畢業於上海音樂學院民族音樂系。在校期間,首次嘗試雙箏演奏,初露鋒芒,深獲好評。畢業後,項斯華先後在北京電影樂團、上海樂團和中國歌劇舞劇院任古箏獨奏演員,並任教於北京中央音樂學院及中國音樂學院,為中國音樂家協會會員、北京古箏研究會理事。一九八一年,項斯華移居香港,為香港民族音樂學會理事及永久會員、香港藝術家聯盟成員,東方樂舞交流學會理事、上海中國古樂團特約演奏家;任教於香港中文大學及香港演藝學院,並獲吉林藝術學院名譽教授榮銜。著有《中國箏樂的源流及風格》和《項斯華演奏中國箏譜》兩集。 HON See-wah HON See-wah was born in October 1939 in Kunming, Yunnan Province. Her ancestral home was in Shanghai. In the early days, piano was her major. Later, she studied the zheng under the celebrated WANG Xun-zhi of the Zhejiang school and CAO Zheng and GUO Ying of other schools. She was graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory. During her days at the conservatory, she was first engaged in a double zheng performance, and this performance won her much acclamation. After graduation, she was appointed as a zheng soloist in the Beijing Film Studio Orchestra, the Shanghai Orchestra and the Song and Dance Troupe of China. She was also a lecturer at the Central Conservatory and the Chi
王生香先生,原名敬亭,號賣履翁,山東省費縣人,一九O二年出生於故鄉,一九七五年病逝於南京。王先生幼時,在家鄉因漫步河畔,遇一操縵之士,後悉之為王露,遂拜師入門學藝,其後又得詹澂秋指授,續成諸城琴學。師範畢業後,從事教職,又曾任費縣縣長之職。一九四八年遷居南京,柴靡茅屋,清貧渡日,鑽研琴學,樂此不疲,因得與金陵各琴家往還,融各派琴藝於一身,形成自身的特點。其著作甚豐,計有《金陵訪琴錄》、《冶山琴譜》、《鑒琴六要》、《廣陵散商榷》、《琴道新編》、《神奇祕譜指法一斑》及《拍節考證》等,嘗任江蘇省文史館館員。 WANG Sheng-xiang was born in 1902 in his ancestral home Fei County, Shandong Province and he passed away of illness in 1975 in Nanjing. His first name was Jing-ting and the other name was Mai Lu Weng. When he was young, he met a WANG Lu at the pool side then he learned the qin under him. Later on, he further studied under ZHAN Cheng-qiu. In 1948, he changed his dwelling place to Nanjing. He then visited and learned more from the Nanjing players. He was employed by the Literature and History Research Institute of Nanjing.
任清志 (REN Qing-zhi)
河南箏派演奏家任清志,一九二四年出生於河南葉縣城北任莊鄉,二零零零年逝世。任氏十三歲習揚琴,十五歲拜葉縣老藝人趙均安及寧寶衡習箏的指法,並能自彈自唱「小調曲子」,他演奏特殊的地方是把三弦的指法「雙搖指」用在箏上,演奏的曲子以民歌、小調為主,樸素而明朗,使人容易接受。一九四四年前後數年,農忙種地,農閒則「玩社」,與「曲子友」切磋,流浪外地,以賣藝為生,後在湖北襄陽的一個話劇團任職,專事教唱及伴唱河南曲子,一九四九年後,在新生曲劇社(後易名河南曲劇院)任職,直至一九九三年退休。任氏首創遊指撥弦法,並創編箏獨奏曲《新開板》、《山坡羊》及《幸福渠》等。 REN Qing-zhi REN Qing-zhi was born in 1924 in Ye County, Henan province and passed away in 2000. When he was thirteen, he started to learn the yangqin. At the age of fifteen, he learned the zheng from the old musicians ZHAO Jun-an and NING Bao-heng of the Ye county. His Charming technique on the zheng was absorbed from the technique of the sanxian and the pieces he used to play were adapted from the folk tunes. Around 1944, he always roamed everywhere and played the zheng together with his friends when it was not in busy farming seasons. After 1949, he joined the Qu Theater of Henan Province until he retired in 1993.