潘妙興,古箏、柳琴演奏家。1940年出生於上海,祖籍浙江寧波。1953年師從瞿東森學習琵琶,1956年5月考入上海民族樂團(時稱“上海樂團民族樂隊”),任琵琶演奏員。 1958年,他將安徽的“土琵琶”改良為我國第一台柳琴,填補了民族音樂彈撥樂高音區的空白。1959年,創作了柳琴獨奏曲《小河淌水》,並參加了當年的“上海音樂舞蹈匯演”,受到了黃貽鈞、丁善德等老一輩音樂家的讚揚。1959年10月,錄製了我國第一張柳琴獨奏唱片《小河淌水》。1959年,先後師從張子謙和郭鷹先生學習古琴和古箏。1960年初,被派往東北,向吉林省歌舞劇院古箏獨奏演員趙登山先生學習古箏。回到上海後,以古箏獨奏《慶豐年》參加了1960年五月第一屆“上海之春”音樂節,獲得上海樂界廣泛好評。1961年,在第二屆“上海之春”音樂會上以嫺熟的技藝顯露古箏獨奏才華。1962年,潘妙興又赴瀋陽音樂學院向“箏王”趙玉齋先生學習。1960年至1963年間,他先後赴吉林省歌舞劇院、瀋陽音樂學院、廣州音專,師從趙登山、趙玉齋、羅九香等學習古箏。1961年和1962年,他的古箏獨奏《慶豐收》和《歡樂的日子》連續兩屆被選入“上海之春”音樂會的演出,獲得了專家的高度評價。他曾先後七次被選派參加上海各文化藝術團體出訪演出,足跡遍及瑞士、波蘭、前蘇聯、捷克、日本、新加坡、台灣、香港和澳門等國家和地區。同時,他還經常為國家領導人及國外重要來賓演出,獲得了廣泛的好評。國家一級演奏員、中國音樂家協會古箏學會顧問、前中國音樂家協會古箏學會副會長,上海音樂家協會古箏專業委員會會長。
尹其頴 (YIN Qi-yin)
古箏演奏家尹其穎,一九三三年六月出生於遼寧營口,原籍遼寧海城,回族人,祖父為晚清遼南名中醫及箏家。尹氏少時已能奏二胡與小提琴,一九五○年,入瀋陽文藝幹部訓練班,一九五一年,參加中國人民解放軍東北公安部隊文工團,一九五五年,考入東北音專,專修古箏,先後師承曹正、趙玉齋、蘇文賢及羅九香等人。在校期間即開始將鋼琴曲《晚會》、《牧童短笛》移植由箏演奏,一九五七年,赴莫斯科參加青年聯歡節,演奏雷雨聲創作的三重奏《春天來了》,獲金質獎章。一九五八年,畢業後在甘肅省人民電台樂隊任職。一九六二年,調北京中央民族樂團,創編箏曲有《五月的草原》、《天河頌》、《瑤族舞曲》、《翻身舞曲》、《翻身的日子》等。著文《龜茲樂初探》、《籌與口辨析》、《莫高窟樂舞圖錄》、《前蜀王建墓石刻伎樂是瑟非箏考》及《晚清箏家尹鴻兆》等。 YIN Qi-ying The Zheng player YIN was born in Liaonin in 1933. His grandfather was also a Zheng player and Chinese doctor. YIN could play erhu and violin when he was young. In 1950, he entered training classes in Shenyang. In 1951, he joined the People’s Army Arts Troupe. In 1955, he started his study of zheng in the Northeast Music Institute and was taught by the most famous zheng masters of China. He had transplanted some piano pieces to zheng by that time. In 1957, he won the gold medal in the music fest ival in Moscow by playing the trio piece “Spring is Coming”. In 1958, he worked in the Gansu Radio then transferred t
傅麗娜 (FU Li-na)
箏、瑟演奏家傅麗娜,一九五六年二月出生於河南省開封市。其父為河南省歌舞團第一任團長,自幼喜愛文藝,初從牛登榮習二胡,後隨丁承運習古箏。一九七四年,在鶴壁市礦務局學校任音樂教師,一九七八年一月,入河南大學音樂系就讀,從費如珍研習視唱練耳,一九八一年畢業,獲學士學位。一九八二年,傅氏任教於河南安陽師專,一九八五年起,執教於河南大學,一九八七年任講師,一九九五年升任副教授,任教視唱練耳及古箏課程。致力於中國音樂視唱練耳教學法之研究及其建設,推行工尺譜念唱法之國樂傳統教學方式。除教學外,現亦主持河南省社會科學「九五」規劃重點課題「中原傳統音樂的傳承與傳播」研究。著文論《吟音美感探源》、《吟音感人的心理機制》、《視唱教學的音準訓練》、《社唱教學中的節奏訓練》及《論首調唱名法》等,載《人民音樂》等刊物。一九九六年,傅氏獲河南省教育委員會頒科學研究優秀成果一等獎,兩次獲河南大學教學優秀獎。 FU Ll-na Virtuoso in Zheng and Se. Born in Henan in 1956. As her father was the first leader of the Henan Song and Dance Troupe, FU liked arts since childhood. She first learned erhu, then changed to learn zheng from DING Chengyun. She worked as a music teacher since 1974. In 1978, she furthered her studies in the music faculty of Henan University. She gained the bachelor degree in 1981. Then she had taught in different colleges and finally as a vice-professor in the sight and hearing training courses and zheng studies. Besides teaching, she is presently holding some researches in traditional music
陳雯 (CHEN Wen)
陳雯女士,生長於台灣,一九六一年出生於台灣新竹。一九八五年畢業於台北中國文化大學音樂系古琴專業;一九七七年在王海燕啟蒙下學習古琴,一九七九年師從台北著名琴家孫毓芹,學習操縵並得其真傳,其琴風古雅端樸。陳氏嘗任台北和真琴社社長之職,又對古琴弦歌推廣致力。 CHEN Wen was born in 1961 in Xinzhu, Taiwan. In 1985, she graduated from the Chinese Culture University in Taipei with the qin as a major. Since 1977, she learned the qin under WANG Hai-yan. In 1979, she further studied under SUN Yu-chin. She was active in teaching and performing, and fostering the development of a small but growing circle of players and connoisseurs of the qin.
黃建偉 (WONG Kin-wai)
香港土生土長之胡琴、古箏演奏家,幼時自學胡琴,十八歲考入香港中樂團,接受專業訓練,後隨二胡大師黃安源深造,更得國內名家王國潼、李秀琪、饒寧新、余其偉及指揮家閻惠昌、陳燮陽指點,黃氏曾數度受邀到台灣巡迴演出,及被日本東京藝術大學邀往日本舉行示範講座及獨奏,亦曾隨香港中樂團往新加坡、北京、台灣、澳門及澳洲雪梨歌劇院演出,經常接受電視台及電台訪問及示範。黃氏除精於胡琴外、亦擅古箏、柳琴、中阮、揚琴等樂器。除教學外,亦指揮多個音樂團體,更為香港民族樂團創辦人。一九八五年,應敫往澳門開設訓練班,推動澳門之中樂發展,一九八七年,受聘為澳門文化司署屬下澳門中樂團之音樂總監兼指揮。一九八八年十二月,帶領澳門中樂團赴葡萄牙及波爾圖演出,一九八八及八九年度,受邀參加第一、第二屆台北傳統藝術節任客席獨奏家,並與台北市立國樂團合作演出,一九八九年六月,應邀在北京「中國樂器國際比賽」中任評委。 WONG Kin-wai WONG Kin-wai started his musical career playing the erhu in Hong Kong where he grew up, although he is now better known as a player of huqin and zheng. He joined the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in 1978, going on to study with the famous teacher WONG On-yuen as well as receiving lessons from famous musicians in China. He has toured Taiwan on several occasions and given classes and recitals in Japan. While he was a member of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, he visited Singapore, Beijing, Taiwan, Macau and Australia. He has given frequent interviews on television and radio. He is a multi-face
夏蓮居先生,名繼泉,字溥齋,號渠園,在日本時曾用名夏泉,歸國後改名蓮居,取號一翁,山東省鄆城縣人,一八八四年三月二十日生於新疆於闐,晚年寓居北京,一九六五年十二月十四日夜間唸佛聲中安祥西逝於北京,享年八十二歲。清末入仕直隸知州,辛亥革命時公推為山東省各界聯合會會長,一九一八年當選國會議員,並任齊魯金石書畫館監督,一九二五年被張宗昌迫逃日本,兩年後返國臥病津沽,一九三二年遷居北平,以研究佛學為主。其一生除治學外,金石書畫、文物考古,均亦擅長,且收藏宏富,鑒定頗精。一九六二年八十歲時,為表愛國之心,將一生撙衣節食所收藏之歷史珍貴文物三百餘件,分別捐獻給故宮博物院及山東博物館等國家機構。 XIA Lian-ju was born on March 20, 1884 in Yutian, Xinjiang and passed away at the age of 82 on December 14, 1965 in Beijing. His ancestral home was in City Yun, Shandong Province. Mr. Xia was named Ji-quan, aliases Pu-zhai and Qu-yuan. In 1925, he went to Japan and used the name XIA Quan. After two years, he came back to China and changed the name to XIA Lian-ju and lived in Beijing since 1932. In 1911, he was the chairman of the United Associations of Shandong. In 1918, he was the supervisor of the Institute of Chinese Printing and Calligraphy of Shandong. He was fond of collecting antiques. In 1962, he donated all his collections to the National Museum and Shandong Museum.
任潔 (REN Jie)
任潔,古箏演奏家、古箏碩士,先後獲得文化部頒發的政府最高獎「文華藝術院校獎」金獎和中國音樂最高獎「金鐘獎」金獎,成為中國第一位「文華、金鐘雙料冠軍」,被媒體稱為「中國古箏含金量最高的雙料冠軍」。在朝鮮國際藝術節榮獲個人演奏「國際金獎」,這也是該藝術節舉辦二十四屆以來,首次由中國藝術家獲得的器樂組金獎。由此,任潔成為國內首位集中國政府最高獎、音樂最高獎和國際金獎於一身的傑出青年演奏家。她還以最高票當選為南京「十大傑出青年」,被媒體稱為「影響中國的超級八十年代」代表。一九九○年代以來,受到著名作曲家王建民、莊曜老師的信任,首彈首演了《箜篌引》、《西域隨想》、《楓橋夜泊》等箏樂作品,均在全國乃至世界範圍廣為流傳,她的演繹也成為此類作品的專業範本,在古箏界享有很高讚譽。 REN Jie REN Jie is the best young zheng player in China who won the champions of the two national top music competitions the “WenHua Art College Prize”, which is the highest government prize awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the “Gold Bell Prize”, which is the highest Chinese music prize. She was the first one to achieve this double champions. Also, she won the champion of the “International Gold Prize” of solo in the International Art Festival of North Korea. She had been the first Chinese artist to win this prize in the past 24 years. Then, she was the first best young artist who won the highest government prize, the highest Chinese music prize and
毓鄰初 (YU Lin-chu)
毓鄰初先生,滿州愛新族,覺羅氏人,名毓峑,字鄰初,以字行,清宗室後人,溥雪齋先生之長子,一九二四年(農曆甲子年八月十八日)出生於北京,一九九九年卒於廣東旅途中,曾肄業於輔仁大學數學系,任北京師專數學教師,賦有音樂天才,擅長古琴操縵,公餘期間,聽其父彈琴,隨即上手,不僅彈奏傳統古曲,且將《解放軍進行曲》移植於古琴上演奏。為北京古琴會會員。 YU Lin-chu was born in 1924 in Beijing and passed away at the journey to Guangdong in 1999. He was the elder son of PU Xue-zhai and his first name was Quan. He was the ancester to the Aisin Gioro of the Royal Family of Qing Dynasty. He has been the teacher of the Beijing Teacher Training School. His qin performance was learning from listening to his father’s performance.
袁莎 (YUAN Sha)
袁莎未滿六歲就正規學習古箏,師從劉媌老師。十歲以優異成績考入中國最高音樂學府北京中央音樂學院的附屬音樂小學,一九九○年,作為該音樂小學的「優秀畢業生」被保送進入中央音樂學院附屬音樂中學,一九九六年,畢業後又被保送進入中央音樂學院民樂系,一九九九年,因成績突出,被中央音樂學院免試成為該院的碩士研究生。袁莎自中央音樂學院音樂小學至中央音樂學院碩士研究生的十餘年間,師從古箏名師李萌教授,成為該院的古箏「尖子」學生,曾連續被評為該院的北京市的「全優三好學生」和連續獲得多項中國和外國頒發授予的獎學金。二○○一年十一月,她在「第一屆‘龍音杯’中國民族樂器—古箏國際比賽」中奪得金牌,並於二○○二年八月在中國文化部舉辦的「全國青少年藝術大賽—第一屆中國民族樂器獨奏比賽」中再次以極大的優勢榮獲青年專業組第一名,袁莎已成為當今傑出的新一代表演精英。 YUAN Sha YUAN Sha began to receive the formal zheng train from LIU Miao since she was six. At the age of ten, she was admitted to the affiliated elementary school of the Central Conservatory. In 1990, she was admitted to the affiliated middle school of the conservatory as an excellent graduate and in the same way further her study in the university. In 1999, she was recommended without examination as a post-graduate in the conservatory. Since she has been admitted to the conservatory from elementary to university, she studied the zheng diligently under Professor LI Meng. She was an outstanding student and had gained many