中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

楊靜 (YANG Jing)

楊靜: 琵琶獨奏家、作曲家楊靜,一九八六年畢業於上海音樂學院,師從葉緒然教授學習琵琶演奏,師從胡登跳教授學習作曲,並同時師從林友仁教授學習民族音樂學及古琴。又先後求教於林石城等琵琶教授,並師從琵琶教授王范地先生。一九九七年起,師從作曲家三木稔深造作曲。曾任職琵琶獨奏,在中國中央民族樂團工作十二年,一九九八年起,獨立為職業獨奏家,二○○二年起,擔任「亞洲室內樂團」音樂監督。在繼承古典傳統的同時,更具有鮮明的音樂個性。由她創作的琵琶獨奏作品:《龜茲舞曲》、《九連鈺》等及其首演的三木稔的獨奏作品《江上流韻》、《琵琶潭詩》和一些傳統曲目組成的琵琶獨奏音樂會,在世界各地久演不衰。一九八九年,在第十三屆世界青年聯歡節上楊靜榮獲金獎並被授予「最傑出藝術家」榮譽證書;琵琶作品《龜茲舞曲》獲一九九三年中國小型民樂作品一等獎及演奏一等獎。 YANG Jing       YANG Jing graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and had been a member of the National Traditional Orchestra of China for twelve years. She is now an individual soloist and the Music Director of the Asian Chamber Orchestra. She has dedicated herself to music composition in recent years, and her works include Dance Along the Old Silk Road, Dream of Duanhuang and Nine Jade Chains. Being an active musician in the international scene, she has performed pipa concerto with the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra and the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra of the United States.

衛仲樂 (Wei Chong Loh)

  衛先生本姓殷,過繼衛姓後更名衛秉濤、衛祟福,其後鄭覲文又替他改名衛仲樂,原籍江蘇無錫。一九○八年三月二十三日生於上海的一個碼頭工人家裏,一九九七年四月七日逝世於上海的病榻中。一九二八年因家貧,得鄭覲文免收會費,招為「大同樂會」會員,並拜在鄭覲文、汪昱庭、柳堯章等人門下,學習古琴、琵琶、小提琴等,又從其他樂家學習簫、笛、二胡等民族樂器,由於興趣、天賦及刻苦,加上良師的指導,成為首屈一指的學員。一九三八年隨中國文化劇團赴美國演出,頗獲盛譽;一九四一年創辦中國管弦樂隊及仲樂音樂館;新中國成立後隨「中國文化代表團」出訪印度、緬甸、印尼等國;除任教於上海音樂學院外,還受託籌建該院民樂系,初任副主任,一九五八年升為系主任,一九八五年改任名譽系主任。他畢生致力音樂教育事業,學生桃李滿天下。 WEI Chung-loh                WEI Chung-loh was born in Shanghai on March 23, 1908 and passed away of illness on April 7, 1997 in Shanghai. In 1928, he joined the influential “Ta Tung National Music Research Institute”. There he learned many instruments including qin, pipa, erhu, jinghu, sanxian, xiao, bamboo flute and violin from famous players. His musicianship became so mature that he was appointed the Associate Music Director of the institute. In 1938, he was involved in many charity concerts in Hong Kong and in United States to raise money for Chinese refugees. The American

程午嘉 (CHENG Wu-jia)

  程先生亦名程午加,江蘇省奉賢縣南橋鎮人。一九○二年二月十日生於江蘇奉賢,一九八五年十一月十五日於南京因胃疾手術,傷口發生感染,不幸逝世。自幼從父學習各種民族樂器,一九一七年七月經陳有荃介紹拜琵琶名家沈肇州學習《瀛州古調》,又拜王燕卿門下學習諸城派琴曲,二十世紀二十年代初為首批大同樂會成員,並從鄭覲文學古琴與仿古樂器及其製作,從汪昱庭學琵琶;一九三六年成為新成立的「今虞琴社」首批會員;新中國成立後為山東大學藝術系、華東藝術專科學校骨幹教師;一九五五年創改出「鼓琶」等新樂器;一九五八年起任教於南京藝術學院。著述包括《琵琶曲集》、《中國鑼鼓曲》、《月琴、秦琴、三弦》等,創作樂曲有《泰山觀日出》、《巴山夜雨》等。 CHENG Wu-jia               CHENg Wu-jia was born on February 10, 1902 in Fengxian (now belong to Shanghai district), Jiangsu and he passed away at the age of 83 years old in Nanjing in 1985. He learned music from his father when he was young. In 1917, he started to learn the pipa from the famous teacher SHEN Zhao-zhou and the qin from WANG Yan-qing. In the early 1920’s, he joined the “Ta Tung National Music Research Institute” and studied music under ZHENG Jin-wen and WANG Yu-ting. In 1936, when Jin Yu Qin Society was established, he joined it as a member. He reformed and made new instruments such as gupa in 1955. In

劉少椿 (LIU Shao-chun)

  劉先生名紹,字少椿,號德一,一九○一年十月十六日生於陝西省富平縣北陵堡的一個鹽商家庭,一九七一年十一月二十日逝世於揚州。一九二八年劉少椿得到廣陵琴派名家孫檀生之子孫紹陶教授操縵之藝,在明師、嚴師的傳授下,勤奮刻苦地鑽研琴道,把廣陵派琴曲的自由跌宕掌握得非掌牢固,由於抗戰時期的艱苦,他將家中財物不顧,僅抱一琴逃難,固被稱為「琴癡」。一九五六年應查阜西之邀由揚州赴南京為全國琴人採訪活動錄製廣陵派琴曲八首,後經張正吟介紹,留在南京樂社為青少年傳授琴藝,一九五八年經甘濤推薦,在南京藝術學院音樂系教授古琴。 LIU Shao-chun         LIU Shao-chun was born on October 16, 1901 in a salty family of Fuping, Shanxi province and passed away on November 20, 1971 in Yangzhou. His first name was Shao and also called De-yi. In 1928, he learned the qin from SUN Shao-tao of the Guang Ling School. He learned hard and acquainted all the techniques of the Guang Ling School. As a result of the Sino-Japanese War, he disregarded all the belongs and took only a qin with him during fleeing from homeland. This brought him a nick name called “the crazy man in qin”. In 1956, he was invited by ZHA Fu-xi to go to Nanjing for recording of his 8 pieces of Guang Ling School qin music. He then stayed in Nanjing. And in 1958, he was intr


  夏先生字福雲,江蘇淮安人,一八八三年出生於江蘇淮安,幼年父母俱亡,一九六三年卒於南京。少時得琴家楊子鏞收為弟子,刻苦好學,盡得楊氏琴藝。二十世紀二十年代遷居南京,參加「青溪琴社」,琴藝更為精進。新中國成立後,夏氏受聘為中央音樂學院民族音樂研究所特約研究員,並由楊蔭瀏為其將琴曲錄音及記譜整理出版,一九五四年與甘濤等發起成立「南京樂社」,並任社長,受其教益者計有梅曰強、鄧文權、劉正春、龔一、林友仁、李禹賢等。  XIA Yi-feng         XIA Yi-feng was born in Huai’an, Jianhsu province in 1883 and passed away in Nanjing in 1963. His first name was Fu-yun and his parents died since his childhood. He learned the qin from YANG Zi-yong. In 1920’s, he settled down in Nanjing and joined the Clear Stream Qin Society there. His skills in qin were more strives. In 1950’s, he was appointed as a special correspondent researcher of the Central Conservatory. All his performances of qin were recorded by YANG Yin-liu and transcribed for publishing in the Book of Qin Score. In 1954, he and his friends found the Nanjing Music Society. He was then the first Chairman of the society. His fellow students including MEI Yue-qiqng, DENG Wen-quan, LIU Zheng-chun, GONG Yi, LIN Yo


  徐先生浙江海門(今椒江市)人,一八九三年出生,一九五七年因患尿毒症逝世於杭州。自幼愛好文學、藝術、音樂,一九一六年拜杭州「照膽台」方丈浙派大琴家大休法師為師,勤學苦練,盡得「浙派」技藝,後走訪「諸城派」王賓魯、「山林派」李子昭、「九疑派」楊宗稷、「廣陵派」張益昌,後又與查阜西、吳韜等琴家往來,以藝為師,博採眾長,因而蘊釀出豐碩的琴藝「天機」,創造出獨特的風格,以弘揚琴心。他曾於南京組織「青溪琴社」,在開封創建「中州琴社」,在重慶組建「天風琴社」。徐先生以琴鳴世,仰慕其名登門求藝者遍及海內外,較有名望者有荷蘭駐華大使高羅佩,英國劍橋大學教授畢鏗,上海著名琴家姚丙炎等,馮玉祥將軍及畫家呂佛庭也曾跟他學過琴。其著作有《天風琴譜》一卷。 XU Yuan-bai          XU Yuan-bai was born in Haimen, Zhejiang province in 1893 and passed away in suffering of uremia in Hangzhou in 1957. He loved literature, art and music since his childhood. In 1916, he went to Hangzhou to study the qin from a Buddhist priest called Da Xiu. His diligence let him mastered all the technique and arts of the Zhejiang School. In the following years, he furtherd his study from WANG Bin-lu, LI Zi-zhao, YANG Zong-ji and ZHANG Zi-qian. He also acquainted himself with or formed the relationship of teacher and student with CHA Fu-xi and WU Jing-lue, etc. In a purpose of glorifying the art of qin, he foun

李祥霆 (Li Xiang-ting)

李祥霆別名李泠秋,祖籍遼寧岫巖,滿族人,一九四○年四月出生於吉林省遼源市。一九五七年從古琴大師查阜西先生學琴,一九五八年考入中央音樂學院,師從大師吳景略先生,並深入研究,學習古琴大師管平湖先先的古琴藝術。一九六三年畢業留校教授古琴,四十多年來培育出中外古琴學生數百人。他經常在電台、電視台作古琴音樂的介紹,使琴樂藝術更能廣泛流傳。他對中國古琴藝術中有悠久歷史,而現已很少有人作此嘗試的「即興演奏」,尤特擅長。李氏現任中央音樂學院教授、中國琴會會長等職。  LI Xiang-ting         LI Xiang-ting was born in April 1940 in Liaoyuan, Jilin province. He was a Manchurian, also named LI Ling-qiu. His ancestral home was in Xiuyan, Liaoning province. In 1957, he started to learn the qin from the master ZHA Fu-xi. In 1958, he was admitted the Central Conservatory and studied under Professor WU Jing-lue. He then further studied the art of the master GUAN Ping-hu on qin music. In 1963, he graduated from the Central Conservatory and became a teacher there. Since that, he has trained hundreds of students. He always performs and introduces qin music in the radio broadcasting stations and television stations. He is well known in improvised performing of qin. He is now the professor of the Cen

丁承運 (Ding Cheng-yun )

  琴、箏演奏家丁承運原籍河南鄧州,一九四四年三月出生於河南開封。自幼得家訓,隨胞姊丁伯苓習琴、箏,後師事中州琴家陳仲巳、陳樹三、黃松濤,泌陽箏家王省吾等,及長又師從顧梅羹及張子謙習琴藝。一九六九年畢業於湖北藝術學院民族器樂系,一九七二年起任教於河南大學藝術學院,現為武漢音樂學院長江傳統音樂文化研究中心主任,中國音樂學院及台灣南華大學客座教授。丁氏對琴學、古樂器研製、中國樂律學、中州箏樂等研究致力,多次獲得國家及地方頒發的優秀成果獎項,其打譜發掘的琴曲《神人暢》、《白雪》、《六合遊》等,亦頗具成績,其著作有《中國造琴傳統抉微》、《清商三調音階調式考索》、《古瑟調弦與旋宮法鈎沉》等等數十篇章。  DING Cheng-yun         DING Cheng-yun was born in March 1944 in Kaifeng, Henan province. His ancestral home was in Dengzhou, Henan province. He started to learn the qin and zheng from his elder sister DING Bo-ling when he was young. Later, he learned the qin from CHEN Zhong-si, CHEN Shu-san, HUANG Song-tao and the zheng from WANG Sheng-wu. He further studied the qin from the masters GU Mei-geng and ZHANG Zi-qian. In 1969, he graduated from the Traditional Instrumental Music Department of Hubei Academy of Arts. In 1972, he taught in the Art Academy of Henan University. Presently, he is the director of the Research Centre for Traditional Music of Yangz

顧梅羹 (GU Mei-geng)

  顧先生名燾,號梅羹,別名琴禪,祖籍四川華陽。一八九九年十一月六日出生於湖南長沙,一九九○年八月二十二日病故於湖南長沙。顧梅羹的琴藝,自幼承家學,三代能琴,一九一一年始受於乃父及叔父,其祖父謂得青城張孔山親傳《流水》一曲,指法節奏的風格,繁複而純淨,查阜西先生謂,印象所及,和四川喻家大致相同,所說淵源於蜀,實可信也。一九五六年任中央音樂學院特約通訊研究員,並參加北京古琴研究會,協助查阜西完成《存見古琴曲譜輯覽》及《存見古琴指法譜字輯覽》等油印著述,一九五九年調任沈陽音樂學院教席,文革時回鄉長居,將畢生琴藝著成《琴學備要》傳世。  GU Mei-geng         GU Mei-geng was born on November 6, 1899 in Changsha, Hunan province and passed down of illness on August 22, 1990 in Changsha, Hunan province. His first name was Tao, alias Qin-chan and his ancestral home was in Huayang, Sichuan province. In three generations of inheritation, he learned the qin of the Sichuan School from his father and uncle. The score and fingering of the Flowing Water of the GU’s family was directly inherited from the master ZHANG Kong-shan. From 1956, he was appointed as a special correspondent researcher of the Central Conservatory. He was also a member of the Qin Research Association of Beijing and helped ZHA Fu-xi in the development of qi

喻紹澤 (YU Shao-ze )

  喻先生名潤,祖籍四川成都。一九○三年出生於成都,一九八八年逝世。一九一八年喻紹澤與兄喻瑉一同隨蜀派古琴大師張孔山的三傳弟子,即其舅父廖文甫學習琴藝。新中國成立後,在四川音樂學院任教職,對蜀派琴曲的傳承有突出的貢獻,除教學外還事創作琴曲,所知者有《歡慶》、《耕歌》、《光明頌》、《春天》、《採茶歌》、《春光曲》、《除夕》、《思念》等。他所掌握的直宗於張孔山的技法尤被推崇,查阜西先生認為喻紹澤所彈《流水》,正是張孔山派,就中滾拂一段運指最為靈活,出音優柔,今時彈張派《流水》無出其右者。他特善《春山聽杜鵑》一操,曾獲琴界稱許為「喻杜鵑」。 YU Shao-ze         YU Shao-ze was born in 1903 in Chengdu, Sichuan province and passed away in 1988. His first name was Run. In 1918, he learned the qin together with his brother YU Min from his uncle LIAO Wen-fu who was the second inherited successor of the qin master ZHANG Kong-shan of the Sichuan School. From 1950’s, he taught qin performance in Sichuan Conservatory. Besides of teaching, he also composed many qin pieces, such as Joyfully Celebrates, Plough Song, Praises of Bright, Spring, Song of Picking Tea, etc. Passed down by ZHANG Kong-shan, YU Shao-ze inherited the qin techniques of the Sichuan School and esteemed by most of the qin players. The qin master ZHA Fu-xi praised es
