中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

胡海泉  (HU Hai-quan)

嗩呐演奏家胡海泉,一九三五年三月二十五日出生於遼寧北鎮縣一個鼓樂班世家,二○○六年十一月三日因「心臟猝死冠心病」逝世於北京。胡海泉九歲時在三叔啟蒙下學習嗩呐。一九五一年,考入東北魯迅藝術學院音工團,一九五二年,調任東北人民藝術劇院,得緣演奏了楊繼武、劉秉義專所作的中國第一首用管弦樂隊協奏之嗩呐協奏曲《歡慶勝利》。一九五四年,調北京中央歌舞團,一九六一年,又調中央民族樂團,一九六三年後,再調北京電影樂團任職。一九五六年的「全國音樂周」他演奏了民樂隊協奏的嗩呐協奏曲《歡慶勝利》版本,引起了業界的巨大反響,聲明鵲起,此後花費了大量的時間及精力進行創作、改編和樂曲整理工作,同時還孜孜不倦地培育後進,桃李滿天下。 HU Hai-quan         HU Hai-quan was born on March 25, 1935 in Beizhen county, Liaoning province and passed away of illness on November 3, 2006 in Beijing. He learned the suona under his uncle at the age of nine. In 1951, he was admitted to the music group of Lu Xun Arts Academy of Northeast China. In 1952, he was transferred to the People’s Art Theatre of Northeast China. At there, he had the chance to perform China’s first suona concerto piece Joyfully Celebrates Victory of YANG Ji-wu and LIU Bing-yi. In 1954, he was transferred to the Central Song and Dance Troupe in Beijing. After 1963, he was transferred to the Film Orchestra of Beijing until he

郭鷹 (GUO Ying)

潮籍箏家郭鷹,一九一四年出生於廣東省朝陽縣南陽鄉一貧家,二○○二年逝世於南京,學名明坤,別號秦箏館主,九歲喪父,與母相依為命,十三歲時,始習椰胡,後拜精通潮樂之塾師莊以蒞為師習潮箏,後又獲潮箏前賢蕭韻閣先生之教益。一九三一年,往上海謀生,拜師習裝潢美術,並在鑫記大舞台任管理員。其間不忘習箏,參加旅居上海潮汕人士之「嶺東絲竹社」及「新潮絲竹會」等社團,一九四一年前後,上海民間絲竹樂社團眾多,常假蘭心大戲院演出,郭氏亦於此舉行潮箏演奏會,是二十世紀較早時期將潮箏介紹於上海地區年輕箏人。一九四七年,郭氏在上海一電台作定期潮箏演奏之實況廣播,並不斷結識上海的國樂高手。一九五○年,郭氏在上海創建「潮州國樂團」,並任團長,演出活動頻繁。一九五三年,在上海錄製潮箏《寒鴉戲水》唱片,上海民族樂團成立後,擔任古箏獨奏員。一九六○年,郭氏調上海音樂學院任教,並在南京藝術學院兼任教職,孫文妍、項斯華、范上娥、王昌元、張燕、郭雪君及涂永梅、尹群等著名箏家均得其教益。 GUO Ying         GUO Ying was born in 1914 in Chaoyang, Guangdong province and passed away in 2002 in Nanjing. He was also named GUO Ming-kun and was called “the master of Qinzheng Guan”. He learned the yehu at the age of thirteen and later learning the zheng from ZHUANG Yi-li and XIAO Yun-ge. In1931, he moved to Shanghai and lived there. He joined the Chaozhou societies in Shanghai. In 1941, he took a concert to introduce Chaozhou zheng music to the Shanghai community. In 1947, he often broadcast Chaozhou music in the radio stati

谷新善 (GU Xin-shan)

管樂演奏家谷新善,一九二七年出生於大連市金州亮甲店,一九九二年逝世,享年六十五歲。出身於鼓樂世家,八歲開始隨父親學習嗩呐,十歲以鼓樂為業,十八歲成為「谷家鼓樂坊」領班。一九五一年,入大連歌舞團,任嗩呐,雙管演奏員,期間與王石路、朱廣慶、朱長安等人改編了民間笙管曲《江河水》,隨代表團參加首屆「羊城音樂花會」,以《江河水》一曲成名,後錄製成唱片。此曲後被用於大型音樂舞蹈史詩《東方紅》,之後又被移植成二胡曲,影響頗為廣泛。此外,谷新善多次隨團出國演出,受到各國人民的歡迎。在國內多次參加「瀋陽音樂周」、「長春音樂周」、「哈爾濱之夏音樂周」以及廣州「羊城花會」等大型演出。谷新善的嗩呐、雙管在民間打下了深厚的功底,又多年在專業團體磨練,有較高的藝術造旨。他嗩呐技巧嫺熟,氣、舌、指配合密切,演奏華麗、流暢。雙管演奏氣息飽滿,字音結實,吞、吐、揉、顫運用恰當,富於表現力。尤其《江河水》一曲的演奏,已達爐火純青的境地。他的代表曲目:笙管曲《江河水》、《四季》:嗩呐曲《單鳥》、《六凡》等。 GU Xin-shan         GU Xin-shan was born in 1927 in Jinzhou, Dalian and passed away at the age of sixty-five in 1992. He was born in a family keen of wind and percussion music. At the age of eight, he learned the suona under his father. He took wind and percussion music as his career when he was ten and became the principal of an ensemble at eighteen. In 1951, he was appointed to the Song and Dance Troupe of Dalian as suona and shuangguan performer. Later on, he arranged the solo piece of shangguan the River Water to

唐毓斌 (TANG Yu-bin)

高胡、二胡演奏家、教育家唐毓斌,一九三四年八月九日出生於山東省榮成縣俚島鎮南鄭家村,二零一三年十月十一日病逝於瀋陽,唐氏籍貫山東威海。一九五六年七月,畢業於東北音樂專科學校(今瀋陽音樂學院)民族器樂系,並留校任教,一九八五年,晉升為教授,曾任系主任、碩士研究生導師等職。一九五七年夏,參加在莫斯科舉行的「第六屆世界青年與學生和平友誼聯歡節」,演奏高胡、古箏三重奏《春天來了》、《陽關三疊》、《對花》三首樂曲獲金獎。後隨中國青年音樂家代表團赴前蘇聯、捷克、比利時、法國、日本等國演出,在國內又參加過「全國第一屆音樂周」、「羊城音樂花會」、「哈爾濱之夏」、「沈陽音樂周」等重大演出活動。錄製高胡、二胡曲二十餘首,專著有《民族器樂藝術》、《民族器樂史》、《高胡藝術》、《唐毓斌高胡二胡創作曲集》、《二胡演奏教程》等,論文有《論二胡規範化》、《論劉天華的藝術觀》等二十餘篇。 TANG Yu-bin         TANG Yu-bin was born on August 9, 1934 in Rongcheng, Shandong province and passed away of illness on October 11, 2013 in Shenyang. His ancestral home was in Weihai, Shandong. In 1956, he graduated from the music school of North-east (which is now the Shenyang Conservatory) and became a teacher since then. In 1985, he was appointed the officer in charge of the Chinese nusic department and promoted to professor grade. In 1957, he was selected to participate in the 6th session of the World Youth and Student Peace and Friendship Festival and awarded a golden

包鍵 (BAO Jian)

  管子演奏家包鍵,一九七六至一九八六年,在中央音樂學院附中及民樂系學習,獲學士學位,師從著名管子演奏家,教育家胡志厚教授,畢業後留校任教,任中央音樂學院講師,該院民族室內樂團成員。一九九四年,應香港市政局之邀出席第十五屆亞洲藝術節;一九九五年,獲「北京國際中國器樂獨奏大賽」管子第一名,曾隨中央音樂學院民族室內樂團、中國佛教樂團、中央歌劇院等團體先後出訪德國、義大利、芬蘭、法國、瑞士、新加坡等十幾個國家與地區演出,被譽為來自東方的神樂。 BAO Jian                BAO Jian studied in the affiliated secondary school and Department of Chinese Music of the Central Conservatory from 1976 to 1986. He achieved a bachelor degree and studied under the famous guanzi player HU Zhi-hou. After graduation he stayed in the conservatory as a teacher and a member of its Chinese Chamber Orchestra. In 1994, he was invited by the Hong Kong Urban Council to perform in the 15th Asian Arts Festival. In the International Chinese Music Competition 1995, he was the champion for the guanzi section. He has toured with the Central Conservatory Chinese Chamber Orchestra, China Buddhist Orchestra and Central Opera House in places like Germany, Italy, Finland, Franc

余其偉 (YU Qi-wei)

高胡演奏家余其偉,一九五三年十月二日生於廣東開平,一九七五年,畢業於廣東人民藝術學院音樂系,主修高胡。曾師從黃日進、劉天一、朱海學習高胡,又師從張韶學習二胡,及後得王宜勤、閔惠芬、駱津及沈偉指導。一九八二年,獲全國民樂獨奏觀摩比賽一等獎,一九八九年,獲首屆中國金唱片獎(高胡獨奏《鳥投林》),同年國務院表彰為「我國表演藝術突出貢獻專家」,以及被評為國家一級演奏員。一九七五年至二○○○年,余氏先後任廣東省歌舞劇院民族樂團首席、獨奏演員及藝術指導、廣州樂團民族樂團團長等職務,二○○二年,任教於星海音樂學院,主持「星海音樂學院余其偉廣東音樂研究室」,二○○四年,任香港演藝學院中樂系系主任,多次赴歐美、東南亞多個國家及香港、澳門、台灣、國內各地演奏及講學。 YU Qi-wei         YU Qi-wei was born on October 2, 1953 in Kaiping, Guangdong province. In 1975, he graduated from Guangdong People’s Art Academy of Music, majoring in gaohu. He learned the gaohu from HUANG Ri-jin, LIU Tian-yi, ZHU Hai and the erhu from ZHANG Shao and latter followed with WANG Yi-qin, MIN Hui-fen, LUO Jin and SHEN Wei for instructs. In 1982, he attained the national folk music solo competition and awarded the first prize. Later on, he was appointed the national first class performer. Between 1975 and 2000, he was the concertmaster, soloist and art director of the traditional orchestra of the Song and Dance Troup



靳世義 (JIN Shi-yi)

管子、嗩吶演奏家靳世義,自幼顯露音樂才華,十二歲被中國電影樂團破格錄取,一九八六年,考入中國音樂學院,師從嗩吶名家劉鳳桐、胡海泉、張寶嶺、管子名家胡志厚、張計貴,一九九二年,以優異成績獲碩士學位並留校任教,是中國第一位管子演奏專業碩士研究生,一九九四年,受新加坡南洋藝術學院之邀,任獅城華樂團管樂藝術指導,一九九五年,參加中國樂器國際比賽獲管子組第二名,一九九七年,加入新加坡華樂團,任嗩吶首席。靳氏為中國音樂家協會民族管樂研究會會員,中國民族管弦樂學會會員,曾任教於中國音樂學院器樂系,教授管子、嗩呐等。 JIN Shi-yi         JIN Shi-yi loved the traditional music since his childhood and was appointed to the Film Orchestra of China at the age of twelve. In 1986, he was admitted to the China Conservatory under training from the famous suona performers LIU Feng-tong, HU Hai-quan, ZHANG Bao-ling and the famous guanzi performers HU Zhi-hou and ZHANG Ji-gui. In 1992, he was the first graduate student specializing in guanzi and then became a teacher of the China Conservatory. In 1994, he was invited by the Nanyang Arts Academy to be the art supervisor of the wind instruments of the Shicheng Chinese Orchestra. He was the runner-up for the guanzi section in the International Chinese Music Competition 1995. In 19

袁子文  (YUAN Zi-wen)

管樂演奏家袁子文,一九○八年出生於山東省鉅野縣,逝世於一九八一年,袁氏是魯西南鼓吹樂著名的演奏家。一九二九年開始從藝,為職業藝人,一九五四年,參加華東民間音樂小型會演,一九五四年六月,參加省音樂工作組,善長於吹嗩吶、竹笛、笙等管樂器,在當地有「哨呐王之稱」,一九五五年,以菏澤著名民間藝人身份參加全國音樂舞蹈會演,獲得一等獎。 YUAN Zi-wen         YUAN Zi-wen was born in 1908 in Juye county, Shandong province and passed away in 1981. He was a famous musician of the wind and percussion music of south-west Shandong. In 1929, he started to learn the traditional wind instruments and became a professional musician later. In 1954, he was selected to participate in the Small Joint Performance of Folk Music of Eastern China. In June of that year, he was appointed to join the music work team of Shandong province. He was good at playing the suona, bamboo flute, sheng, etc. He has got the name of “King of the Suona”. In 1955, he was selected to represent Heze of Shandong province to participate in the National Joint Performance of Folk Music and Dance and won a first class award.


