中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

曲祥 (QU Xiang)

曲祥: 笛子演奏家、作曲家、指揮家曲祥,一九四五年一月出生於山東省煙台市。曲氏幼時即隨兄曲台習笛,一九五九年,在煙台藝術學校畢業後,即在躍進歌舞團樂隊任職演奏,一九六○年,調入山東藝術劇院,集演奏、作曲、指揮於一身。一九八七年,被評為國家一級演奏員、一九八八年,授一級尖子演員稱號、山東省拔尖人材,榮獲文化部優秀專家稱號。曲氏曾二十八次獲得獨奏、作曲、指揮獎,創作的器樂曲《綠色的思念》(二胡曲)榮獲全國第八屆「文化新節目獎」,若干作品均已出版。一度受山東省政府「通令嘉獎」。一九八五年,錄製了《沂河歡歌》(曲祥笛子獨奏曲選)由唱片公司出版,其曲集《笛子練習曲選》,由出版社出版;曲氏亦善嗩呐,一九八九年,錄製並出版了嗩呐獨奏曲《歡慶秧歌》。 QU Xiang QU Xiang was born in January 1945 in Yantai, Shandong province. When he was young, he learned the dizi under his elder brother QU Tai. After he graduated from the Arts School of Yantai in 1959, he joined the Yao Jin Song and Dance Troupe as a member of the ensemble. In 1960, he was transferred to the Shandong Arts Theater as a performer, a composer and a conductor. In 1987, he was appointed to be a national first class performer. He has won twenty-eight awards on solo, composition and conducting. His erhu work the Green Mood has won the 8th cultural New Programme Award. Many of his works were honoured by the Government of Shandong Province. His book Excise Mat

江先渭 (JIANG Xian-wei)

江先渭: 笛子演奏家江先渭,一九二四年出生於山東威海一盛行京劇之村落,二零一四年逝世。江氏幼時隨兄長習京胡、竹笛、嗩呐等樂器。稍長,即往大連「福記班」從事「舊藝」生涯四年。一九四七年參軍,在山東軍區學兵訓練處文工團服役,一九五五年,調華東野戰軍文工團歌舞團,該團後易為南京軍區前線歌舞團,江氏在此任職多年,直至離休。一九六○年代初,江氏以昆曲曲調創作笛曲《姑蘇行》,數十年來,流行海內外。一九九四年,該曲原譜由在滬英國留學生約翰‧斯多克改編為長笛曲樂譜,一併收入,英國斯考特公司出版之《中國長笛音樂》樂譜,一九六二年,又與龍飛、朱南溪合作,創作笛曲《腳踏水車唱豐收》。 JIANG Xian-wei JIANG Xian-wei was born in 1924 in Weihai, Shandong province and passed away in 2014. When he was young, he started to learn the jinghu, dizi, suona, etc. from his elder brother. He used the old techniques to work in Dalian for four years. In 1947, he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and was appointed to the song and dance troupe under the Shandong military region. In 1955, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of the East China Military Force until his retirement. In the early 1960s, he composed the Travel in Suzhou according to the Kunqu melody which was then well received and was popular everywhere. In 1994, this piece was transcribed to a flute piece by a overseas s


郭嘉瑩,揚琴演奏家。郭氏生於廣州,曾先後入讀廣東粵劇學校及星海音樂學院附中,2005年以優異成績考取全額獎學金入讀香港演藝學院,先後師從胡若雄,王文禮,陳森林,張汝珠及余美麗。香港演藝學院首名揚琴專業碩士。在學期間曾任香港演藝學院中樂團揚琴首席; 2006年至2010年間參與《粵樂薪傳》出版計劃; 2010及2012年於學院先後舉辦兩次個人揚琴演奏會及舉辦揚琴講座,發表論文《廣東揚琴音樂之回顧與風格體現》,大獲好評;同年參與CCTV全國民族器樂電視大賽“傳統器樂組合”榮獲銀獎佳績。2013年創辦香港揚琴學會並獲邀赴台灣出席 “第12屆世界揚琴大會”,舉辦廣東揚琴流派專題演奏會及講座,又多次應香港,台灣等大學及機構之邀請舉辦『蝴蝶琴的前世今生』,『廣東音樂風格詮釋與實踐』『香港學校音樂節邀請賽前講座』等一系列揚琴音樂推廣講座。2014年由康樂及文化事務署舉辦『揮竹狂想』揚琴個人演奏會,2015年由東方民族樂團主辦『揚琴遊蹤』及入選香港中樂團『躍動的音符』計劃舉辦『粵揚香江』兩場個人揚琴演奏會。首演作品包括『尋蹤』『楓香古道』『越秀隨影』等,演奏足跡遍及法國,德國,荷蘭,英國,比利時,盧森堡,匈牙利,中國內地,香港,澳門,台灣等國家和地區。郭氏現為香港演藝學院揚琴導師,音樂事務處兼職導師,竹韻小集常任樂師,香港中樂團特約樂師,世界揚琴協會會員,香港揚琴學會創辦人兼會長。

尹維鶴 (YIN Wei-he)

尹維鶴: 笛子演奏家尹維鶴,一九四○年出生於武漢市,二零一九年七月十六日病逝於加拿大。中學時以竹笛演奏參加合奏,而獲得全國民族器樂合奏一等獎。一九五七年,到湖北省廣播樂團參加專業演奏工作。他師承孔建華,又求教於陸春齡等人。一九六二年,調到湖北省歌舞團,同年考入湖北省藝術學院進修,曾任湖北省歌舞團獨奏演員。他的演奏清秀,音色清脆,比較注重於音樂的表現,多善長於演奏明快、輕鬆的作品,他在一九六零年代創作並演奏了《春山採茶》、《清河頌》二首樂曲,而獲得同行的好評。代表作品還有《揚子江音畫》、《飛翔吧,美麗的百靈》等。尹維鶴為中國音樂家協會湖北分會會員。 YIN Wei-he  YIN Wei-he was born in 1940 in Wuhan, Hubei province and passed away of illness on July 16, 2019 in Canada. When he was in secondary school, he joined an ensemble as a dizi player and got a national ensemble first honour award. In 1957, he was appointed to the Broadcasting Orchestra of Hubei Province which started his professional performance job. He learned the dizi under KONG Jian-hua and further studied it under LU Chun-ling. In 1962, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of Hubei Province and was the soloist of dizi. At the same year, he was admitted to the Institute of Fine Arts of Hubei Province. In 1960s, he composed and performed the Picking Tea on the Hill in Spring and Od


司徒健,二胡演奏家。出生於香港,小學二年級於音樂事務統籌處(現稱音樂事務處)隨錢永利學習二胡,亦曾分別受教於曾志偉,李佩君及王志聰。在香港演藝學院就讀期間,師從胡琴大師余其偉及黃安源,雙主修二胡高胡,更曾隨何文川學習指揮,擴闊其在音樂上的領域。多次與香港演藝學院中樂團合作演出協奏曲目,包括高胡協奏曲《梁山伯與祝英台》、《粵魂》、三重奏《江南風韻》。更獲邀與音樂事務處九龍青年中樂團合作演出板胡協奏曲《花梆子》,大獲好評。以樂團首席身份隨香港青年中樂團前往台灣演出,擔任擂琴、板胡及高胡領奏。在學期間,曾獲「匯豐銀行慈善基金 ─ 香港內地學生交流獎學金」赴北京中央音樂學院隨板胡大師沈誠學習;葛量洪獎學金;Yamaha獎學金;2009至2011年間更連續三年獲頒「香港賽馬會獎學金」以表揚其卓越表現。香港學校音樂節中獲得雨果中樂獨奏獎優勝及二胡深造組冠軍等獎項。2011年,香港演藝學院學士(音樂)學位畢業後,隨即通過香港中樂團之全球聯招考試,獲取錄加入胡琴聲部,成為全團最年輕樂師。2017年,獲特區政府主辦的香港卓越獎學金計劃,辭去香港中樂團全職合奏樂師一職,入讀美國伊薩卡學院,修讀指揮學音樂碩士學位。

王鐵錘 (WANG Tie-chui)

王鐵錘: 笛子演奏家王鐵錘,一九三二年六月十一日出生於河北省定縣子位村,定縣為吹歌音樂之鄉,王氏七歲即向其父與吹歌會藝人習奏管及笛,後向民間管樂演奏家楊元亨習藝。一九四七年,王氏入華北聯合大學文藝學院音樂系就讀,後在該校文工團任職。一九四九年,王氏在北京第一屆全國文代會上演奏河北吹歌《放驢》後,即隨中國青年文工團赴匈牙利演出,其後參加了第二屆至第五屆的世界青年聯歡節,在第五屆的民間管樂四重奏與笛子獨奏,分別獲二等及三等獎。一九六○年,加入中央民族樂團,後被評為國家一級獨奏演員,王氏創作有笛子曲《慶豐收》、《草原牧歌》、《趕路》、《油田的早晨》及《黃河邊的故事》等。 WANG Tie-chui WANG Tie-chui was born on June 11, 1932 in Ding county, Hebei province whose native-land was famous of wind art. When he was seven years old, he started to learn the dizi and guanzi under his father and the native artists. Later on, he further studied them under the renowned musician YANG Yuan-heng. In 1947, he was admitted to the music department of the literary faculty of North China United University and then joined their performing group. In 1949, he was selected to participate in the performance of the 1st National Cultural Representatives Conference and then went along with the representatives to perform in Hungary. Later on, he was selected to participate in the 2nd to 5th World Yout

陸春齡 (LU Chun-ling)

陸春齡: 笛子表演藝術家陸春齡,一九二一年九月十四日出生於上海市,二零一八年五月二十二日病逝於上海。陸氏曾任上海音樂學院教授,歷任中國文聯、中國音樂家協會理事及上海江南絲竹協會會長。半個多世紀的藝術實踐形成了其獨特的藝術流派,熔南曲北調於一爐,廣蓄並納,獨樹一幟。他演奏的《鷓鴣飛》、《中花六板》、《歡樂歌》、《小放牛》、《行街》、《梅花三弄》、《關山月》及由他早期創作的《今昔》、《喜報》、《練兵場上》、《江南春》、《奔馳在草原上》、《瀟湘銀河》、《水鄉新貌》、《月下思親人》、《節日舞曲》(巴烏)及近期創作的《普天同慶》(協奏曲,笛子與樂隊)無不揮灑自如,似行雲流水,令人歎為觀止,其中不少已成為中國笛類樂曲的經典曲目,其個人傳略被各種大型史冊收錄。 LU Chun-ling LU Chun-ling was born on September 14, 1921 in Shanghai and passed away of illness on May 22, 2018 in Shanghai. He was the professor of the Shanghai Conservatory, the director of Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the director of the Chinese Musicians’ Association and the chairman of the Shanghai Jiangnan Sizhu Society. His artistic experiences had more than half centuries and merged the north and south style in one new school. His performance on The Flying Partridge, Zhong Hua Liu Ban, Song of Happiness, Feeding Cattle, Xing Jie, Three Variations of Plum Blossom, Moon over the Fortified Pass and his early time compositions Yesterday and Today,

陳重 (CHEN Zhong)

陳重: 國樂演奏家陳重,一九一九年出生於上海浦東楊家渡,二零零二年病逝於上海。陳氏自幼即受舅父蔣龍生影響,愛好管弦絲竹,十一歲時,隨舅父習二胡與笛,一九三四年參加浦東地區的「恬樂國樂研究社」(後易名為「梅友國樂社」),一九三五年,入上海友聲旅行團國樂組,得前輩絲竹音樂家金忠信及任光、林之音的賜教,又先後向孫裕德、張子謙、吳景略習琵琶、簫、塤與古琴等,刻苦磨練,技藝日進。一九四一年,與孫裕德等五人組上海「國樂研究會」,並參加「今虞琴社」。一九五二年,在「今虞琴社」的古樂演奏會上,用高價購得從清宮外流的朱紅描金古塤演奏《陽關三疊》、《關山月》、《普庵咒》等古曲,獲特殊良好效果,萌改革之想,後研製成九孔及十孔陶塤,自編樂曲,並授於徒。一九五六年秋開始,先後在瀋陽音樂學院、天津音樂學院、中央音樂學院、中央民族學院及中國人民解放軍藝術學院專任或兼任笛、簫、琵琶與古琴等教學至退休。陳氏曾改編蘇南吹打《大步步高》,撰《介紹古琴》及《怎樣吹簫》(合作)等著作。 CHEN Zhong CHEN Zhong was born in 1919 in Pudong, Shanghai and passed away of illness in 2002. Since his childhood, his music talent was affected by his uncle JIANG Long-sheng. At the age of eleven, he started to learn the erhu and dizi under his uncle. In1934, he joined the Tian Le Music Research Society (later changed name to Mei You Music Society) of Pudong. In 1935, he joined the Shanghai You Sheng Tour Music Society and learned traditional music from JIN Zhong-xin, REN Guang and LIN Zhi-yin. He also learned the pipa, xiao, xun and guqin under SUN Yu-de, ZHANG

梁培印 (LIANG Pei-yin)

梁培印: 民間吹歌藝人梁培印,一九二八年出生,一九九四年六月二日病逝於河北石家莊。梁氏河北省永年縣人,四歲就沒爹,靠著母親給拉扯大,七歲就開始拜師學藝,成為民間吹歌藝人,吹歌在永年縣很盛行。一九五三年,梁培印參加了華北的會演後,感到政府很重視民間藝人,雖然全縣會吹歌的人不算少,但都沒組織起來。回鄉後,他和他的師兄弟、盟友等一起商量,在該年五月份就組織起吹歌聯合會,有十九個人參加,到了年底已有五十多人,之後發展至二百多人,梁培印被選為縣群藝聯合會、吹歌聯合會的主任。 LIANG Pei-yin              LIANG Pei-yin was born in 1928 in Yongnian, Hebei province and passed away of illness on June 2, 1994 in Hebei. When he was four years old, his father died, he lived lonely with his mother. At the age of seven, he started to learn wind instruments and became a famous native performer in Yongnian. In 1953, he was selected to participate in the Joint Performance of North China. He felt that the government had paid special attention to them. So after returning to Yongnian, he started to associate all the performers in Yongnian to form an association. At the beginning, there were only nineteen persons to join, but at the end of that year, there were more than fifty members

劉管樂 (LIU Guan-yue)

劉管樂: 中國管樂演奏家劉管樂,河北省安國縣人,一九一八年一月二十四日出生於一個貧農家庭,一九九○年五月二十七日在天津病逝。十歲開始拜師學笛,十四歲經人介紹,拜還俗僧人為師,學習笛子和嗩呐。此後近十年時間裏,過著搭班賣藝的流浪生活,但演奏水平卻越來越高,名聲也越來越大,後來參加了抗戰救國工作。一九五一年,他被調到天津音樂工作團(今天津歌舞劇院前身)工作,擔任笛子、管子和嗩呐獨奏演員,同年,他隨中國音樂家代表團赴捷克斯洛伐克,參加「布拉格之春」的演出。從一九五三年開始,他專門從事笛子演奏,他的笛子藝術才得到了充分的發揮。多年來,他創作、改編、整理並演出了一批獨具特色的樂曲,如《和平鴿》、《蔭中鳥》和《賣菜》等。劉管樂演奏的不少樂曲,早已被各音樂院校列為笛子專業的必修曲目,也成為音樂會舞台上的保留曲目。為了繁榮民族器樂藝術事業,他還應聘在專業音樂院校兼課,為國家培養出一批批笛子演奏人才。 LIU Guan-yue             LIU Guan-yue was born on January 24, 1918 in Anguo, Hebei province and passed away on May 27, 1990 of illness in Tianjin. At the age of ten, he started to learn the dizi. When he was fourteen, he learned the dizi and suona from a monk who has returned to layman. Since that time, his performing art was higher and higher and won him many fame. In 1951, he was appointed to the Song and Dance Troupe of Tianjin as a solo performer of dizi, guanzi and suona. In the same year, he was selected as the representative of Chine
