中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

杜聰 (DU Chong)

管樂演奏家杜聰一九六七年出生於上海,自幼酷愛吹奏藝術,以優異的成績考入上海音樂學院,在笛子演奏家陸春齡與趙松庭兩位大師悉心栽培下,脫穎而出,成為一位優秀的演奏人材,於一九八五年畢業並加入上海民族樂團,後調入上海歌舞團,為該團獨奏演員,現任職於北京空政文工團。杜聰以其紮實的基本功和富有創造性的演奏才能,在笛、簫、巴烏、塤、排簫、新笛及胡蘆絲等吹奏樂器的演奏中,取得了矚目的成就。在排簫的吹奏中,杜聰尤以其柔婉、灑脫、極富表現力的演奏,獲得廣泛好評,被譽為「排簫王子」。杜聰多次以獨奏家身份隨團出訪過荷蘭、比利時、法國、香港等國家和地區,廣為觀眾的讚賞。他曾錄製了鐳射唱片專輯;並為多部電影、電視片配音擔任音樂主題的獨奏或領奏。現為中國音樂家協會會員,上海音樂家協會會員。 DU Chong         DU Chong was born in 1967 in Shanghai. Graduated from Shanghai Conservatory in 1985, he joined the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra and was later transferred to Shanghai Dance and Opera Troupe to be a dizi soloist. He is now the soloist of the Song and Dance Troupe of the Air-force Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in Beijing. He studied the dizi under great masters LU Chun-ling and ZHAO Song-ting. He has laid a firm foundation in music and achieved great success in dizi, xiao, ba-u, hulusi and xindi. He has formed a unique style and is extremely tender, gentle, easy and expressive i

王樹仁 (WANG Shu-ren)


譚寶碩 (TAM Po-shek)

簫、笛演奏家及造簫家譚寶碩,自幼學笛,師承嶺南派一脈,後更廣泛研習南北各派的吹奏風格,其洞簫技法,則綜合了傳統和現代手法,形成自己獨特的風格。一九八七年,譚氏研究製造出低音洞簫,其後製造出定調洞簫系列,一九九三年,製造出一支在中國音樂史上最大的洞簫,多年來致力於洞簫演奏及製作的研究,對洞簫藝術貢獻良多,備受音樂界人士好評。譚氏致力音樂教育,曾先後在中文大學、香港音專、梁式芝書院及香港演藝學院出任中樂導師,一九九七年至二○○二年,出任香港學校音樂節評判。一九七七年,譚氏的作品《運河歡歌》入選為廣東省優秀創作器樂曲,近年創作有《雲門夜雨》等超過三十首的音樂作品。譚氏亦從事寫作·著有《笛子技法》及散文集《葉落天地間》。 TAM Po-shek       TAM Po-shek started to learn the dizi since he was a child and was the follower of Lingnan School. Later he began to extensively research the performing styles of different schools both from south and north of China. He developed his special character of performing the xiao as a result of integrating the traditional and modern techniques. In 1987, he produced a series of xiao which ranged from bass to alto as his researching result. In 1993, he produced the biggest xiao in China’s music history. During all these years, he has dedicated himself to studying the performing techniques of xiao and making the instrument. He has continually bro

傅定遠 (FU Ding-yuan)

傅定遠,著名擂琴演奏家,1933年出生。1949年考入中南部隊藝術學院音樂系,學習二胡、板胡,後轉入廣州軍區戰士歌舞團,又學習了墜胡、古箏、獨弦琴等民族樂器,均甚出色。1954年,師從擂琴創始人王殿玉大師學習擂琴,自此數十年如一日,為繼承和發展擂琴藝術潛心鑽研,耕耘不輟,成績卓著。被評為國家一級演奏員,享受國務院特殊津貼,獲中國民族管弦樂學會 “民樂藝術終身貢獻獎”。曾任中國音協擂琴斫究會首屆會長、現任名譽會長、中國音樂學院國樂系客座教授。他曾多次為中央首長演出,深得稱讚;也參加接待外國領導人的演出;曾應邀與新加坡及中國香港、中國台灣等地樂團合作演奏;並赴歐、亞、美洲多國演出,均備受歡迎。過去,擂琴演奏的傳承只靠口傳心授,傅定遠對擂琴的演奏方法進行了系統的總結整理,從理論上加以闡述,在《人民音樂》、《中國音樂》等刊物發表多篇有關擂琴的論文;出版了《擂琴演奏法與曲集》、《傅定遠擂琴獨奏專輯》、《擂琴曲集》(與人合輯)等。

張維良 (ZHANG Wei-liang)

笛、簫、塤演奏家張維良,一九五七年出生於江蘇省蘇州市。一九七七年,考入北京中央音樂學院民族音樂系,一九八一年,轉入中國音樂學院器樂系,一九八二年,畢業並留校任教;同年,參加文化部主辦全國民族器樂獨奏觀摩演出,獲北方片笛子組一等獎。一九八七年,參加上海首屆海內外江南絲竹比賽,與同仁獲集體一等獎;同年,演奏《清明上河圖》(簫與箜篌),獲日本國際放送基金大獎。創作《太湖春》及《南韻》笛子獨奏曲兩首,分獲中國音樂學院首屆創作比賽二等獎和全國第六屆器樂創作比賽三等獎。張氏現為中國音樂學院器樂系副教授,九十年代中以來,發表專著《簫演奏法》、論文《當代中國笛樂文化發展的透視》、《中國竹笛教學回顧與展望》、《笛、簫樂器呼吸理論與實踐》等多篇,改編《簫曲四十首》並結集出版。 ZHANG Wei-liang ZHANG Wei-liang was born in 1957 in Suzhou, Jiangsu province. In 1977, he was admitted to the Beijing Central Conservatory. In 1981, he was transferred to the China Conservatory. In 1982, he graduated from the conservatory and became a teacher of the conservatory. In the same year, he was selected to participate in the National Traditional Instrumental Solo Performance organized by the Ministry of Culture and awarded the first honour of the dizi section. In 1987, he participated in the 1st Jiangnan Sizhu Competition and awarded the first honour together with his colleagues. He is now teaching in the China Conservatory and is the chairman of t

宋東安 (SONG Dong-an)

宋東安,1934年出生在山東省臨清縣,從小酷愛文藝,15歲師從擂琴藝術創始人、演奏家、音樂教育家王殿玉(1899—1954)先生學習揚琴、古箏、擂琴,在恩師身邊15年之久,是王先生的親傳弟子。1951年,宋東安跟隨王殿玉來到天津,先在“紅風曲藝社” 。1953年後,王殿玉由於生病長期在家休養,宋東安接下了擂琴演奏的班,加入天津市曲藝工作團,任擂琴獨奏演員。1994年退休。多年來致力於山東琴書的演唱、編曲、教學工作。

黃呈權 (WONG Ching-kuen)

洞簫演奏家黃呈權,一九一一年出生,一九六七年一月在香港中風病逝,原籍福建晉江,後移居廈門。一九二○年代到香港,就讀赤柱聖士提反中學,後進入香港大學醫學院。少年時受其兄影響,對音樂產生濃厚興趣,並曾涉獵鋼琴、手風琴等多種樂器,惟對長笛情有獨鐘。第二次大戰後黃醫生出任東華東院院長,後調升為東華醫院院長,同期間積極參與香港中英樂團(香港管弦樂團前身)演奏活動。一九五○年代後期,開始對洞簫發生興趣,除發掘及編寫洞簫演奏資料外,並嘗試製造及改良洞簫,在演奏和編譜方面,亦引進西洋長笛形式風格及技法,創新洞簫演奏風格。在推廣中國音樂方面,黃醫生亦不遺餘力,除音樂會和電台演出外,亦參與了香港中國國樂團的創立,並促成了香港校際音樂節中樂項目的設立。 WONG Ching-kuen         WONG Ching-kuen was born in 1911 in Xiamen, Fujian and passed away of apoplexy in January 1967 in Hong Kong. His ancestral home was in Jinjiang, Fujian and later on migrated to Xiamen. He came to Hong Kong in 1920s and studied in St. Stephen College. He was graduated from the medical school of the University of Hong Kong. He became the superintendent of Tung Wah Eastern Hospital, and later Tung Wah Hospital from late 1940s to late 1950s. Despite his medical profession, he was keenly interested in music and was an accomplished flutist apart from being one of the founding members of the Sino-British Orchestra, an a

霍永剛 (HUO Yong-gang )

 霍永剛,青年二胡、板胡演奏家,上海音樂學院民樂系副教授,碩士研究生導師,上海青年民族管弦樂團團長。1978年進入上海音樂學院附小附中,先後師承著名教育家、演奏家劉明源和項祖英教授學習板胡和二胡。於1991年畢業於上海音樂學院大學部本科,留校任教至今。  他在音樂方面有極強的領悟性,兼收並蓄南北方各家風格和演奏技巧、廣採博收,融會貫通形成了自己特有的風格。具有較高的專業修養和藝術感染力。同時他在音樂創作上也頗有建樹。多次應邀赴國外演出。

徐超銘 (XU Chao-ming)

笙、蘆笙演奏家、教育家徐超銘,一九四二年十二出生於浙江省天台縣。徐氏自幼喜愛音樂,六歲隨兄習二胡,中學時繼績隨音樂教師邱士幹習二胡。一九五八年,初中畢業後隻身赴上海,以一曲《燭影搖紅》考取上海音樂學院附中,師從王乙。翌年,由於王氏之倡議,學校開設笙演奏專業,在王氏鼓勵下,改學笙演奏專業。先後隨上海民族樂團張新民與上海實驗歌劇院趙鳳印習十七簧笙。一九六二年,附中畢業,直升上音大學部民族音樂系本科,繼從趙鳳印習笙一年,又短期從貴州省歌舞團著名蘆笙演奏家東丹幹習十八管蘆笙。現為中國笙學會副會長、上海音樂學院教授。作品有《送茶》等多首笙曲,又與牟善平、蕭江合作編著《笙練習曲選》一書,著文有《笙的和音與結合音》刊《音樂藝術》一九九一年第四期、《笙演奏技術的創新》刊《音樂藝術》一九九七年第一期。 XU Chao-ming         XU Chao-ming was born in December, 1942 in Tiantai county, Zhejiang province. At the age of six, he learned the erhu from his elder brother. When he studied in the middle school, he continued to study the erhu under the music teacher QIU Shi-gan. In 1958 after his graduation from junior middle school, he was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory and studied under famous musician WANG Yi. A year after, he was encouraged by WANG Yi, changed his study-subject from the erhu to the newly set-up sheng profession. He then studied the seventeen-reed sheng under ZHANG Xin-min of the Shanghai Chines
