中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive



侯艷秋 (HOU Yan-qiu)

  管樂演奏家侯艷秋,出生於中國河南省,在父母的薰陶下,九歲時開始學習嗩呐,十二歲考入中國音樂學院,現已是中國音樂學院的一名青年教師,她經常被邀參加電影、電視以及電台的音樂錄音工作,同時還應邀到世界許多國家和地區訪問演出。並受到了各國人民的一致歡迎和好評。一九九五年榮獲「北京國際中國民族器樂獨奏大賽」嗩呐第一名。 HOU Yan-qiu                HOU Yan-qiu was born in Henan province. She started to learn the suona under her parents’ guidance at the age of nine. When she was twelve, she was admitted to the China Conservatory. Now she has become a teacher in the Conservatory. She is frequently invited to join soundtrack productions for films, TV and radio stations, and has toured many countries for performance, winning the acclaim of the audiences. She was the champion for the suona section in the International Chinese Music Competition 1995.

呂文成 (LU Wen-cheng)

粵樂宗師呂文成,一八九八年三月十二日出生於廣東中山縣石岐鎮南門一清貧農家,一九八一年八月二十二日病逝於香港。一九○一年,隨父遷居上海的粵籍移民聚居之虹口區,一九○八年,免費入讀廣肇義學,一九一三年,畢業後當銀匠徒工,因性好音樂,更嗜好胡琴與揚琴演奏,不時向俱樂部粵樂隊學習,至二十歲時,已有「二胡博士」之雅號。一九二六年得司徒夢岩指導,將「江南二胡」創改為「粵樂二胡」,其亦長於演唱粵曲「旦喉」,自打揚琴自唱之《燕子樓》、《瀟湘夜雨》及頌揚革命家秋瑾女士的《秋魂夜怨》等唱腔,流芳於世,經久不衰。一九三二年「一‧二八」戰役後,離開上海到香港,從事粵樂演奏及灌錄唱片之工作,在大半個世紀的藝術生涯中,呂氏錄製的粵樂及粵曲唱片達二百餘張,其創作之粵樂、粵曲等亦不下此數。其粵樂作品包括《蕉石鳴琴》、《燭影搖紅》、《平湖秋月》、《醒獅》、《下山虎》、《步步高》等等家喻戶曉名曲百餘首。 LU Wen-cheng LU Wen-cheng was bron on March 12, 1898 in Zhongshan, Guangdong province and passed away of illness on August 22, 1981 in Hong Kong. In 1901, he moved to Shanghai with his father. In 1913, he graduated from school and started to learn music from the members of the ensemble of his working area. At that time, he studied hard with diligence and got him a fame of “Master of Erhu”. In 1926, he was guided by the violinist SITU Meng-yan to transform the Jiangnan erhu into a new format which let him to invent the Guangdong erhu. Later, he continued his reformation of musical instruments on the yan

任同祥 (REN Tong-xiang)

嗩呐演奏家任同祥,一九二六年十二月十八日(農曆丙寅年十一月十四日)出生於山東省嘉祥縣張樓鄉荷澤區任家村,二零零二年十二月十日病逝於上海。任氏九歲自習民間鼓樂,十二歲隨堂伯父任保盼學習魯西南鼓吹樂演奏,不久即成為當地鼓樂班子的「主吹」,十五歲參加在山東楊莊舉辦的五家鼓樂班「對班」嗩呐比賽,技驚四座,任氏吸取各地高手演奏民間嗩呐曲《百鳥音》的特點,借鑑前輩藝人袁子文創用的「疙瘩腔」技法創改為「反雙吐」,配用袁子文的《百鳥朝鳳》易名,及至一九五三年,此曲已趨成熟、完整,同年通過多次選拔,參加了全國第一屆民間音樂舞蹈(業餘)匯演。稍後又被選拔參加在羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特舉行的第四屆世界青年與學生和平友誼聯歡節,以《百鳥朝鳳》一曲獲銀質獎章。隨後在「嗩呐王國」緬甸演出《百鳥朝鳳》後,獲緬甸總理親授國家金質獎章。一九五四年,出任上海實驗歌劇院嗩呐獨奏演員及在上海音樂學院兼課,直至病逝。他還擅演《抬花轎》、《一枝花》等。 REN Tong-xiang         REN Tong-xiang was born on December 18, 1926 in Jiaxiang, Shandong province and passed away of illness on December 10, 2002 in Shanghai. At the age of nine, he learned the folk percussion tunes by himself. When he was twelve, he learned the wind and percussion music of south-west Shandong from his uncle REN Bao-pan. Soon, he became the chief performer of the local ensemble. When he was fifteen, he participated in the competition of suona for the five local ensembles. At the competition, he was pleasantly surprised by others of

姜克美 (JIANG Ke-mei)

青年胡琴演奏家姜克美,瀋陽市人,一九八八年畢業於中央音樂學院,師從李恒先生,主修板胡,並獲南北胡琴名家們的指導,系統地學習了京胡、二胡、高胡、中胡及其它胡琴族樂器,現任中國廣播民族樂團胡琴獨奏演員。一九九二年,應邀赴澳門參加第六屆澳門國際音樂節,舉辦個人胡琴獨奏專場音樂會,與澳門中樂團進行了成功的合作演出,獲得中外人士的高度讚賞,報稱「姜克美的胡琴演奏聽出耳油」。姜克美是國內民族樂壇上較為活躍的青年演奏家,經常在各種重大演出和錄影活動中擔任獨奏節目。音樂評論家評論姜克美的演奏為:「技術嫺熟,精細而富於變化,善於以自我的方式去感受和處理音樂的語意,而女性的溫柔細膩又使她的演奏始終洋溢著詩一般的靈氣和激情」。 JIANG Ke-mei         JIANG Ke-mei was born in Shenyang. She graduated from the Central Conservatory in 1988, majoring in the banhu under the guidance of LI Heng. She also systematically studied other instruments of the huqin family under the guidance of famous huqin players in various parts of China. She is now a huqin soloist of the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra. In 1992, she was invited to join the 6th Macau International Music Festival and gave a huqin recital. She gave a successful performance with the Macau Chinese Orchestra, which was highly acclaimed. JIANG Ke-mei is an active young soloist of Chinese music in China. She is frequently

李慕良 (LI Mu-liang)

戲曲音樂家、京劇琴師李慕良,一九一八年二月二十三日出生於湖南長沙,二零一零年二月二十八日病逝於北京。李氏字孟鄂,幼年開始學唱京戲老生,九歲學京胡,十五歲拜馬連良為師,並開始為言菊朋操琴。十九歲開始向徐蘭沅學琴,二十二歲之後一直為馬連良操琴。他曾為京劇《赤壁之點》、《官渡之戰》、《趙氏孤兒》、《逼上梁山》、《海瑞罷官》、《闖王旗》及《沙家浜》、《智取威虎山》、《紅岩》等設計唱腔,並對京劇曲牌進行了大量的改編,其中《夜深沉》、《萬年歡》、《春夏秋冬》具有代表性。還創作了《新東方贊》、《躍龍門》等新的京劇曲牌。一九八二年,錄製了《李慕良京劇音樂十一首》的唱片及盒式錄音帶。  LI Mu-liang         LI Mu-liang was born on February 23, 1918 in Changsha, Hunan province and passed away of illness on February 28, 2010 in Beijing. He was also named LI Meng-e and learning Peking Opera since he was young. When he was nine years old, he started to learn the jinghu. At fifteen, he learned under MA Lian-liang and started to accompany for YAN Ju-peng. At the age of nineteen, he started to learn the jinghu under XU Lan-yuan and accompanied for MA Lian-liang after twenty-two. He has designed operatic song melodies for many Peking Opera shows and has composed many new qupais. In 1982, he has recorded eleven jinghu pieces played by himself on phonograp

趙春峰 (ZHAO Chun-feng)

嗩呐演奏家趙春峰,一九一二年十二月二十二日出生於山東省樂陵縣一莊稼人家。九歲入私塾,開始萌發學習民間音樂的志向,十三歲正式拜同村吹歌會高手邵相林為師學管子演奏,並參加該村之半職業性吹歌會,十六歲離鄉參加山東樂陵別處一個職業性鼓樂班,隨張世昌學習板胡、嗩呐、笙等樂器。一九三九年,隻身赴天津參加當地鼓樂班贏得「嗩呐大王」之美譽。一九四○年,被哈爾濱「郭炳日鼓樂班」聘為該班主奏。一九五○年,返回山東,先後在寧津縣河北梆子劇團和評劇院任琴師。一九五三年後,被中央音樂學院及中國音樂學院聘為嗩呐專業教師,兼授笙、管、板胡等樂器。趙氏多年來走南闖北,廣擷鼓吹樂之精粹,將原為有詞之《大金絲草》,描述伯牙失去知音懷故之情的曲趣放慢潤飾,另具懷舊思故之情,並易名為《高山流水》,與琴、箏曲《高山流水》各異旨趣,各領風騷。其著述有《趙春峰嗩吶曲集》和《嗩吶曲選》等教材。 ZHAO Chun-feng         ZHAO Chun-feng was born on December 22, 1912 in Leling, Shandong province. At the age of nine, he was admitted to a private school and started to approach traditional music. When he was thirteen, he formally learned the guanzi under the famous musician SHAO Xiang-lin of the wind ensemble in his hometown. He later joined the ensemble there. At the age of sixteen, he left his native place and joined the ensemble in other place. At there, he learned the banhu, suona, sheng, etc. from ZHANG Shi-chang. In 1939, He went to Tianjin and won a fame of “The King of

楊寶忠 (YANG Bao-zhong)

戲曲音樂家,京劇琴師楊寶忠,一八九九年出生於北京的梨園世家(祖父楊朵仙,父楊小朵均清末名花旦),原籍安徽,一九六七年文革時因凍餓逝世於天津。九歲從裘桂仙、陳秀華等人學戲。十二歲起,入「雙慶班」以「小小朵」藝名在京、津演童伶老生。十六歲因變聲輟演,改從孫佐臣、陳彥衡學京胡,並向俄人歐羅普學小提琴。二十四歲拜余叔岩為師,二十七歲再登舞台,先後與雪豔琴、尚小雲同台演出。三十二歲起,先後為孟小冬、馬連良、言菊朋、奚嘯伯、楊寶森等名演員操琴。善將小提琴演奏技術運用在京胡上,形成弓法快捷,音色剛勁清脆,表現力豐富的「楊派」風格。著有《楊寶忠京胡演奏經驗談》一書。一九五九年後,任中國音樂家協會天津分會副主席,天津市戲曲學校副校長。  YANG Bao-zhong         YANG Bao-zhong was born in 1899 in Beijing and passed away in 1967 in Tianjin because of hungry and cold. His grandfather YANG Duo-xian, father YANG Xiao-duo were both famous actors. His ancestral home was in Anhui. When he was nine, he learned acting from QIU Gui-xian and CHEN Xiu-hua. At the age of twelve, he acted the role of old man. And at sixteen years old, he started to learn the jinghu under SUN Zuo-chen and CHEN Yan-heng and the violin from a Russian musician. He became an actor again and learned under YU Shu-yan when he was twenty-four. He started as a jinghu accompanist when he was thirty-two and success

趙春亭 (ZHAO Chun-ting)

嗩呐演奏家趙春亭,一九○七年七月二十三日出生於河北省滄州縣崔莊一個嗩呐世家,一九八四年四月十九日病逝於北京,享年七十七歲。自幼酷愛民間鼓吹樂,十一歲時拜著名民間樂手「吹破天」及伯父與大哥為師,學習民間吹管樂器。一九五三年,被選為河北省代表隊的一員參加「全國第一屆民間音樂、舞蹈匯演」,以嗩呐獨奏《山東大鼓》和《小放牛》獲優秀演奏獎。後即被北京中央歌舞團吸納為獨奏演員,並於一九六○年調任新成立的中央民族樂團,開始代表國家作對外文化交流的使命,其間又不斷的學習與研究,開發了「簫音」、「三弦音」等新的演奏技巧,一九六四年,調職北京新成立的中國音樂學院任教,並任中國音協民族管樂研究組顧問,對新一代的學子作一絲不苟的培育,同年由北京音樂出版社出版《趙春亭嗩呐曲選》。 ZHAO Chun-ting         ZHAO Chun-ting was born on July 23, 1907 in Cangzhou, Hebei province and passed away of illness at the age of seventy-seven on April 19, 1984. He liked music since his childhood and learned the traditional wind instruments under the famous musician “Blowing to Break the Sky” and his elder brother also his uncle at the age of eleven. In 1953, he was selected to represent Hebei Province to participate in the 1st National Joint Performance of Folk Music and Dance. He won the outstanding prize with the solo suona pieces The Shandong Dagu and Feeding Cattle. After that, he was appointed to the Chinese orche

左翼偉 (ZUO Yi-wei)

嗩呐演奏家左翼偉,一九七三年開始學習嗩呐,師從任同祥、趙春亭、胡海亭、宋保才等嗩呐名師。先後在蘭州空軍文工團、上海電影樂團、上海東方廣播民族樂團、上海民族樂團任獨奏演員。曾在全軍匯演、上海市青年匯演及「上海之春」中獲獎。錄製了多張個人專輯唱片,其中管子獨奏《雲山如夢》獲台灣嚴肅音樂「金唱片獎」。左翼偉除嗩呐外,他還學習了管子、笛子、篳篥、巴烏、葫蘆絲等多種民族管樂和西洋管樂圓號、薩克斯管的演奏,並運用這些樂器,以濃郁的民族風格、生動的音樂形象,出色地為上百部電影、電視劇音樂配樂。曾先後擔任上海東方廣播民族樂團團長,上海民族樂團副團長,上海文廣新聞傳媒集團音樂部資深編輯等職。 左翼偉,著名管樂演奏家,國家一級演員,中國民族管弦樂學會常務理事,全國嗩吶專業委員會顧問,中國音樂家協會、上海音樂家協會會員,上海音樂家協會民族管弦樂專業委員會副會長兼秘書長。曾任上海電影樂團民樂隊隊長•上海東方廣播民族樂團團長,上海民族樂團副團長,上海東方廣播中心資深督導。1973年開始學習嗩吶,師從任同祥、趙春庭、胡海泉、宋保才、楊洪昌、楊禮科、朱鉅昌等管樂名師,曾在蘭州軍區空軍文工團、上海電影樂團、上海東方廣播民族樂團、上海民族樂團擔任獨奏演員,在全軍匯演、上海市青年匯演及“上海之春”獲獎。錄製了民族管樂及薩克斯個人專輯,多次成功舉辦民族管樂獨奏音樂會。與多位著名作曲家合作,首演和演奏了嗩吶協奏曲《走西口》《怒沉》《大風歌》《黃河謠》《敦煌魂》《山丹丹開花紅艷艷》《唱支山歌給黨聽》《翻身道悄》《繡金匾》《梁山隨想》《氣衝霄漢》及管子獨奏《雲山如夢》《小白菜》《山歌仔》《老山謠》等民族管樂作品。以獨奏家身份與中央民族樂團、上海交響樂團、上海歌劇院交響樂團、上海愛樂樂團、上海文廣民族樂團、上海飛雲民族樂團、江蘇省民族樂團、南京民族樂團、香港中樂團、澳門中樂團、台灣高雄市國樂團等合作演出。應邀赴幾十個國家和地區演出、講學。左翼偉基本功扎實,技巧全面•演奏流暢自然•委婉抒情。既能表現嗩吶高亢激昂、歡快喜慶的特色,又講究音色和深沉含蓄的韻味,極富感染力。除嗩吶外,還擅長演奏管子、篳篥、巴烏、葫蘆絲、笛子等民族管樂和西洋管樂薩克斯,並運用這些樂器出色地為上百部電影、電視劇、話劇、舞劇配樂。左翼偉多年來還培養了一大批愛好民族音樂的青少年,教授的學生和指導的學生民樂隊獲得了全國及上海市各類民樂比賽的獎項
