中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive


中国广播民族乐团青年琵琶演奏家陈音,一九六三年生于四川成都市,九岁学琴,启蒙于其祖父——著名民族音乐家陈济略教授。一九七八年,考入四川音乐学院附中,一九八一年,升入本科。在校期间先后师从韩淑德、潘凤鸣二位副教授,从而在音乐理论知识和琵琶演奏技术上有了更大的提高。一九八五年,毕业后被分配到中国广播民族乐团工作迄今,后又师从著名琵琶大师王范地教授,在乐团的工作中亦常受到俞良模等的指导。陈音早在一九八二年便获得了四川省琵琶比赛一等奖,后又多次在全国的各种比赛中获奖,一九八六年,他曾应日本著名电子音乐家富田勳(I Sao Tomita)的邀请作为唯一的中国音乐家参加了在纽约举行的为庆祝自由女神落成百周年的纪念音乐会。


CHEN Yin is a young pipa soloist of the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra. Born in 1963 in Chengdu of Sichuan Province, he has been studying music since he was nine. On music, he was enlightened by his grandfather— the famous expert of national music, Professor CHEN Ji-lue. In 1978 he entered the Affiliated Secondary School of the Sichuan Music Institute, and in 1981 he was promoted to his own major. In that period, he studied under the two Vice-Professor HAN Shu-de and PAN Feng-ming, and his knowledge of musical theories and his art of performing the pipa was greatly improved.  Since his graduation in 1985 till now, he has been working for the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra. Under the leadership of the famous conductor PENG Xiu-wen. He also studied under the celebrated pipa master, Professor WANG Fan-di. During those years under the instruction of WANG ,his art of performance was developed in steady progress, especially on the expression traditional flavour when interpreting traditional piece and on the use of language and tone colour of the pipa. During his work in the orchestra he was also guided frequently by musician like YU Liang-mo. Even as early as in 1982, CHEN Yin already won the first class award in the Sichuan Province Pipa Competition, and since then he has won many awards in various competition in China. In 1986, at the invitation of the celebrated Japanese electronic musician I Sao Tomita, he joined the concert for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the erection of the Statue of Liberty in New York, in which he was the only Chinese musician.
