中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

馬聖龍 (Ma Sheng-long)

馬聖龍: 琵琶演奏家、指揮家馬聖龍,一九三四年出生於上海一工人家庭,二○○三年病逝於上海。自幼在父親影響下學習江南絲竹。一九五○年,隨瞿東森習琵琶演奏。一九五一年,在上海楊浦區的絲竹活動中認識了陸春齡、周惠、周皓等人,常與之合樂而成為「清客串」,四人之「老搭檔」,今已被譽為江南絲竹「四大名宿」。一九五二年十月,馬氏等四人同入上海民族樂團,並任琵琶首席。一九五九年,兼任上海音樂學院琵琶教師,一九六○年,任上海民族樂團學館琵琶教師,一九七八年起,任該團專職指揮多年。早於一九五八年,其處女作,著名的琵琶曲《歡樂的日子》面世,次年又與顧冠仁合作,創作民族管弦樂作品《東海漁歌》,至今仍為海內外中樂團體常演奏之曲目。 MA Sheng-long                In 1934, pipa performer, conductor, Ma Sheng-long was born in a Shanghai-worker’s family. In 1950, he learned the pipa from JU Dong-sen. In 1951, He played music together with LU Chun-ling, ZHOU Hui and ZHOU Hao. Later on they often gathered together and to be treated as “Four Famous Elders”. In October, 1952, MA and his three friends joined the Shanghai Traditional Orchestra and he became the pipa principal of the orchestra. In 1959, he was the pipa teacher of the Shanghai Conservatory. In 1960, he was the pipa teacher of the learning center of Shanghai Traditional Orchestr

龔幽蘭 (GONG You-lan)

龔幽蘭女士,一九七九年三月出生於上海,六歲隨父親龔一學琴,曾獲“敦煌杯–少兒民族樂器比賽”古琴演奏獎,二OO一年獲古琴考級「十級–優秀」的成績,又在二OO二年中國文化部舉辦的“中國古琴大賽”中,以《樓蘭散》一曲獲得青年業餘組“金獎”,並在中央電視台“風華國樂”中攝像播出。自二OO八年參加上海“九派琴院”的古琴教學實踐,積累了豐富的經驗,更於二O一一年夏天獲邀赴馬來西亞演出。 GONG You-lan was born in March 1979 in Shanghai. When she was six, she began to study the qin under her father GONG Yi and awarded a merit on the Duanhuang Cup – Competition of Chinese Traditional Instruments. In 2001, she achieved her goal to get highest mark in grade 10 of the Standard Qin Examination. In 2002, she performed the Tune of Loulan to get the gold-medal of Chinese Qin Competition organized by the Cultural Department of China. She has been very active in the music area of Shanghai.

劉楚華 (LAU Chor-wah)

劉楚華女士,一九五O年出生於香港,在大學修讀中國文學及哲學期間,對中國傳統音樂發生濃厚興趣,曾玩習多種絃樂器,其後盡棄前學,專意於琴道。一九七O年代初,追隨居港琴家蔡德允女史學琴,一直以來受她的德學修養所薰陶。一九八O年代,到國內遊歷,遍訪名家,先後得已故之張子謙先生及姚丙炎先生親為指授,自此開闊學藝視野,並逐漸形成個人之演奏風格。其特點在取音純美、雅潔,指腕活潑、靈敏,演繹流暢、自然,氣質秀逸,在怡然自得之中洋溢詩意的幽芳。 LAU Chor-wah was born in 1950 in Hong Kong. When she was studying Chinese Literature and Philosophy in the university, she became very interested in traditional Chinese music. After trying many string instruments, she decided to specialize in playing the qin. In the early 1970’s, she learned the qin under TSAR Teh-yun. In 1980’s, she travelled all over China an learned under many qin masters, and in particular received the guidance of ZHANG Zi-qian and YAO Bing-yin. Since then, her performing style has been gradually established. Her qin playing is characterized by refined tone, skilful fingering and natural interpretation.

劉德海 (LIU De-hai)

劉德海: 琵琶演奏家劉德海,一九三七年八月十三日生於上海,祖籍河北,二零二零年四月十一日病逝於北京。劉氏自幼學習琵琶等多種民族樂器,對中國民族、民間音樂接觸較早,為以後的發展打下了堅實的基礎。一九五四年起,先後從林石城、孫裕德、曹安和及楊大鈞習琵琶,一九五七年,進入中央音樂學院深造,同時接受系統的西方音樂教育。學習刻苦,成績優秀,畢業後留校從事琵琶教學工作,培養眾多優秀音樂人才。一九七零年,劉德海擔任中央樂團獨奏演員,經常參加國內外音樂會演出。一九七九年開始,他與著名指揮家小澤征爾及美國波士頓交響樂團三次合作,演出了琵琶協奏曲《草原小姐妹》等樂曲,並灌制了唱片。一九八一年以來,劉德海還與柏林交響樂團、德意志廣播交響樂團、新加坡交響樂團合作演出,他的高超技藝、獨特演奏風格和極大的演出熱情,吸引和征服了國內外廣大的聽眾。近二十年來,劉德海專攻西方近代哲學理論,相容中西,確立了「相容‧優選‧鼎立」——「金三角」哲學思想,拓展藝術思路和空間,由琵琶向室內樂、交響樂的領域發展。特別是他以新思想、新視角所構架的理論更具有普遍性和使用價值。劉德海是一位集演奏、教學、作曲、理論、指揮於一身,各領域皆有所業績的音樂大師,嘗任中國音樂學院教授。 LIU De-hai LIU De-hai was born on August 13, 1937 in Shanghai and passed away of illness on April 11, 2020 in Beijing. His ancestral home was Heibei province. He started to learn traditional instruments such as pipa at a very early age. This early contact with Chinese traditional and folk music laid a solid foundation for his future achievements. In 1957, LIU De-hai entered the Central Conservatory of Music of China for further study, where he received the education of west

郭同甫 (GUO Tong-fu)

郭同甫先生,祖籍福建省福州市人,一八八三年(農曆九月九日)出生於家鄉,一九七O年十月二十二日在上海逝世。郭同甫先生,早歲學習操縵於張慕樵,盡得浦城派之琴藝,遷居上海後,與滬地琴人相往還,一九五六年查阜西先生領導三人小組,向全國琴人進行採訪、錄音,即將郭先生之《水仙操》及《平沙落雁》收錄存案;他是上海文史館的館員,他對圍棋藝術有精深的研究和影響,一九五O年代在上海開始培養出不少的圍棋高手,都在圍棋界中擔任要職,和在比賽中獲得冠軍。 GUO Tong-fu was born in 1883 in his ancestral home Fuzhou, Fujian Province and passed away on October 22, 1970 in Shanghai. He learned the qin under ZHANG Mu-qiao when he was young. After he changed his dwelling place to Shanghai, he visited the qin players in Shanghai and later was employed by the Literature and History Research Institute of Shanghai. He was also an expert in chess. Many of his followers held important positions in the field and got prizes in important national competitions since 1950.

秦鵬章 (QIN Peng-zhang)

秦鵬章: 琵琶演奏家、作曲家、指揮家秦鵬章,一九一九年三月八日出生於上海,二OO二年五月四日病逝於北京。秦氏祖籍江蘇無錫,父親秦雲德在城隍廟設刻字店以維生計,其七歲時,父亡。一九二七年,在上海隨施家森學二胡,後入學校國樂隊,小學畢業後在上海民眾教育館國樂隊學習江南絲竹。中學時隨衛仲樂學習琵琶,並加入著名的「大同樂會」任簫及大忽雷演奏員。一九三五年,考入聶耳主持之上海百代唱片公司國樂隊,一九三六年起,隨汪昱庭習琵琶,又向旅滬俄籍之上海工部局樂隊單簧管演奏家學習單簧管,並加入該樂隊,及黃自創組之上海管弦樂團。一九三七年,考入國立音專,隨黃自修習理論作曲,一九四一年隨德籍作曲家習現代和聲,同時參加衛仲樂的中國管弦樂團及費穆的上海藝術劇團,一九四七年,任國立上海音專單簧管副教授及上海交響樂團單簧管首席。一九五二年,參加籌組中央歌舞團,一九五五年,以中國民間音樂團負責人身份,任編曲、指揮及琵琶獨奏,往捷克參加「布拉格之春」音樂節。一九六○年,中央民族樂團成立,秦氏為藝術委員會副主任及首任指揮。秦氏創編樂曲甚豐,其論述音樂之文字散見於各報刊。 QIN Peng-zhang                On March 8, 1919, pipa performer, the composer, conductor, QIN Peng-zhang was born in Shanghai. QIN’s ancestral home was in Jiangsu Wuxi and his father QIN Yun-de died when he was seven years old. On February 15, 1960, the National Traditional Orchestra was established, QIN was the artistic committee and the first conductor of the orchestra. In 1979, QIN made a written speech at the National Fourth Cultural Representative

楊大鈞 (YANG Da-jun)

楊大鈞: 琵琶演奏家、作曲家、教育家楊大鈞,一九一三年出生於北京,一九八七年逝世。一九二○年代,從米替祥學琵琶,在學期間曾組織國樂研究社演出。一九三一年,考入北京華美術學院國畫系,師從國畫大師齊白石學花鳥畫,在寒暑假期時間又到上海,隨國立音樂院平湖派琵琶大師朱英學習。一九三五年美校畢業,進河北省立大學女子師範學校任音樂、美術教員。其間又從上海派琵琶大師汪昱庭學習。一九四○年,任重慶中央廣播電台特約指揮、琵琶獨奏演員,並兼任教育部音樂教育委員會編輯。一九四二年後,歷任國立女子師範學院音樂系副教授、湖北師範學院音樂系教授兼主任、北京師範大學音樂系教授,並於北平藝術專科學校音樂系教授琵琶。一九五六年後,歷任北京藝術師範學院音樂系教授、中國音樂學院器樂系教授、中央音樂學院民樂系教授等。在一九三○年代,對舊制琵琶作了按十二平均律排列品位的嘗試。其早年創作有琵琶曲《蜀道行》、《血染盧溝橋》;二胡曲《步月吟》、《雙鶯對語》、《勝利曲》;民樂合奏《大地回春》等,一九五六年創作琵琶曲《勝利鑼鼓》。楊氏還編撰和講授中國音樂史,是我國高等音樂學府最早開設音樂史課程的導師。 YANG Da-jun (1913-1987)  In 1913, pipa performer, composer, educationalist, YANG Da-jun was born in Beijing. In 1920, he learned pipa from MI Ti-xiang. In school period, he organized a national music research society and made performances there. In 1931, he was admitted the Beijing China Fine Arts Institute and studied under the Chinese painting master QI Bai-shi. In the winter and summer vacation time, he went to Shanghai to learn Pinghu school pipa pieces under pipa master ZHU Ying. In 1935, he graduated

丁紀園 (DING Ji-yuan)

丁紀園女士,河南鄧州人,一九四二年出生。在學期間,就讀於瀋陽音樂學院,一九六二年開始師從蜀派古琴名家顧梅羮學習操縵之藝,得顧氏傳授琴樂名曲二十餘首,尤擅《流水》、《醉漁唱晚》、《漢宮秋月》、《普庵咒》、《平沙落雁》、《瀟湘水雲》、《憶故人》諸操。又致力於打譜工作,發掘整理出《漢宮秋》、《莊周夢蝶》、《宋玉悲秋》等曲。現居於河南鄭州,其演奏風格端莊雋永,清麗凝重,將所學薪傳,不遺餘力。 DING Ji-yuan was born in 1942. Her ancestral home was in Dengzhou, Henan Province. She was studied at Shenyang Conservatory and she started to learn the qin under GU Mei-geng of the Sichuan School in 1962. She is skillful at playing Flowing Water, Evening Song of the Drunken Fisherman, Autumn Moon over the Han Palace, Pu-an’s Incantation, Wild Geeses over the Calm Sands, The Mist and Clouds over Xiao-Xiang Rivers, Memories of an Old Friend, etc.



李廷松 (LI Ting-song)

李廷松: 琵琶演奏家李廷松,一九零六年二月十日出生於上海,祖籍江蘇蘇州,一九七六年八月十一日病逝於北京。李氏高中畢業後,在洋行任「跑街」;一九三零年後,在其父開辦之搪瓷廠任職經理。少時喜愛絲竹之樂,十五歲開始學習琵琶,由詹啟宏啟蒙,其後從遊於施頌伯、吳夢飛等,最後經胡光介紹,師事琵琶名宿汪昱庭數載,潛心研習,得汪氏器重,盡得其藝,為汪氏琵琶承傳之代表人物。一九五三年起,李氏先後任教於中央音樂學院、天津音樂學院、中國人民解放軍總政治部文工團、瀋陽音樂學院、哈爾濱藝術學院與吉林藝專等,並為中國音樂研究所特約演奏員。一九六四年九月,李氏在《音樂論叢》第五輯上發表《傳統琵琶的音律和音階》一文,對界內之影響尤深。一九八二年十二月,他演奏的十首琵琶樂曲,由其子李光祖整理成《琵琶古曲‧李廷松演奏譜》出版。  LI Ting-song On February 10, 1906, pipa performer LI Ting-song was born in Shanghai, his ancestral home was in Jiangsu Suzhou. After the high school graduation, he was appointed as a salesman. After 1930, he worked in his father’s factory as manager. He liked music when he was young. By 15 years old, he learned pipa from ZHAN Qi-hong, SHI Song-bo and WU Meng-fei. Finally studied under WANG Yu-ting several years. In 1953, LI began his teaching career in the Central Conservatory, the Tianjin conservatory and most of the music institutes in the northern part of China. He is also a special researcher of the Music Research Institute of Chi
