中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

呂培原 (LUI Pui-yuen)

呂培原先生,籍貫江蘇省吳縣,一九三三年(農曆八月初二日)出生於崑山。早年在上海隨琵琶名家蕭韻閣及夏寶琛先生學習古曲,移居香港以後,又隨吳宗漢先生學習古琴,他除了擅奏琵琶及古琴外,更精通多種絲竹樂器。一九七三年,呂先生定居美國後,仍致力發揚中國音樂,先後於布朗、雷奧拿、伯克萊之美國東方藝術院及世界音樂中心等著名學府任教,又經常在紐約、波士頓、水牛城、芝加歌、侯斯頓、三藩市、伯克萊、溫哥華及多倫多等美加城市作巡迴演出。 LUI Pui-yuen was born in 1933 in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. His ancestral home was in Wu County, Jiangsu Province. He was first trained in the ancient repertoire of pipa under XIAO Yun-ge and XIA Bao-chen in Shanghai. After resettling in Hong Kong, he studied the qin under WU Zong-han. He is known for his virtuosity not only in pipa and qin, but also in many other kinds of Chinese traditional instruments. In 1973, he settled in United States. Since then, he has been teaching in many music institutions there. He has also given highly acclaimed concerts in many cities in North America and Asia.

梁銘越 (LIANG Ming-yue)

梁銘越先生原籍河北省高陽縣,一九四一年十月十一日出生於河南省晃縣。一九四九年初隨其父梁在平移居台灣,操縵琴藝從學於胡瑩堂先生,為查阜西先生再傳弟子,一九六二年秋畢業於台灣國立藝術專科學校,師從王沛綸、簫而化等,主修小提琴,是第一屆畢業生。一九六四年赴美國深造,獲夏威夷大學學士、南加州大學民族音樂學碩士及博士榮銜,歷任馬里蘭大學教授及音樂系主任之職。梁博士的學術著作有《古琴的研究》、《中國音樂通論》、《姜白石度曲的研究》……等。 LIANG Ming-yue, David was born on October 11, 1941 in county Huang, Henan Province. His ancestral home was in Gaoyang, Hebei Province. In early 1949, he followed with his father to immigrat to Taiwan and learned the qin under HU Ying-tang. In 1962, David graduated from National Art Academy, Taiwan. Followed by musical studied abroad, he received his B.A. in composition from the University of Hawaii, and culminated his academic studies with the Ph.D. (with honors in ethnomusicology) from the University of California Los Angeles, where he also studied composition with Roy Harris, Henry Lazarof, and John Vincent. While at UCLA, he was twice a prize-winning composer in the Atwater Kent contemporary music composition.

姚公白 (YAO Gong-bai)

姚公白先生,一九四八年九月二十八日出生於故鄉浙江杭州,二OO八年中國文化部授予國家級非物質文化遺產項目古琴藝術代表性傳承人。姚先生先後畢業於雲南楚雄師範學院數學系、上海華東師範大學旅遊系,其琴學藝術得自家傳,在乃父姚丙炎先生的系統教授下成長,又受教於吳振平、張子謙先生,其琴風細膩精當,清新淡雅,數十年來操縵不輟,琴品如其人品,富有清心內養之功,漸入純淨自如之境。他以彈奏姚丙炎先生打譜之琴曲最具心得,又有自己的打譜成果,對於古琴古指法、琴曲演變、律學等亦深有研究,頗具心得。 YAO Gong-bai was born on September 28, 1948 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. In 2008, he has proclaimed as one of the representative successors of qin music of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity by Cultural Department of China. He studied the qin under his father. Later, he further studied under WU Zhen-ping and ZHANG Zi-qian. His performance is specialized in his father’s transcriptions. He also has his own transcriptions of qin music. Besides of performance, he also studies and researches on ancient fingerings, history and temperament of qin music.

黃雪輝 (HUANG Xue-hui)

黃雪輝女士,廣東省汕頭市人。一八九八年出生於故鄉,一九七四年在杭州因病去世,享年七十五歲。黃女士一九二五年與徐元白先生結婚,並在徐元白先生的指導下學會了操縵之藝,演奏技巧淡雅清麗,富浙派特色,平時幫助徐元白輔導琴弟子學習琴藝,做了不少薪傳的工作。一九六五年又被浙江省文史館吸收為文史館館員,從事弘揚古琴藝術工作,作出了不少貢獻。 HUANG Xue-hui was born in 1898 in her ancestral home Shantou, Guangdong Province and passed away of illness in 1974 in Hangzhou, at the age of 75. She married with Mr. XU Yuan-bai in 1925 and mastered the art of playing qin under the coaching of Mr. XU Yuan-bai. She could play dozens of masterpieces and her performing style is unsophisticated and in delicate taste which characteristic of Zhejiang School. In her spare time she assisted Mr. XU Yuan-bai in teaching the students. In 1965, she was nominated as a member of Research Institude of Literature and History, Zhejiang Province. She contributed quite a lot to the glorifying of qin art.

ZENG Cheng-wei

曾成偉先生,四川成都人,一九五八年出生於故鄉。其琴藝自幼得自家學,在其外祖父,蜀派古琴名家喻紹澤的親自教導下,勤學精研蜀派琴曲,盡得喻氏真傳,成為該派的重要傳人之一。曾成偉畢業於四川音樂學院,現為該院老師,古琴專業的副教授,曾氏琴風豪放穩健,樸實典雅,有著儒家文人琴藝的風範。除了演奏古琴,他的製琴藝術也受到琴界的廣泛讚許。 ZENG Cheng-wei was born in 1958 in his ancestral home Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Since his childhood, he learned the qin under his maternal grandfather YU Shao-ze of the Sichuan School. He was graduated from the Sichuan Conservatory and became a teacher of qin there. His playing had cultural standard, dignified and elegant.

XIE Xiao-ping

謝孝苹先生,江蘇省泰州市海安縣人,一九二O年七月十八日出生,一九九八年五月病逝於北京。早年在南京修業,後入東吳大學,修讀國際政治;課餘期間,於一九四O年隨吳景略學琴,其後加入今虞琴社;一九四五年後,長期服務於南京中國外交界,因工作關係,奔走四方,遂借機請益於張子謙、吳宗漢、夏一峰、查阜西、徐立孫等名家,獲益良多。一九五O年調至北京外交部;一九七九年,徵調為中國社會科學院歷史研究所研究員。謝先生的琴學論文有《中國古琴學發凡》、《中國古琴創始於虞舜時代論》、《梅庵琴派在海峽兩岸的流傳》、《鳥瞰二十世紀中國古琴音樂》、《旅日琴僧東臯心越傳略》、《海外發現〈龍吟館琴譜〉孤本》……等。 XIE Xiao-ping was born on July 18, 1920 in Haion of Taizhou, Jiangsu Province and passed away of illness in May 1998 in Beijing. When he was young, he studied international politic at Soochow University and graduated there. He then took his career in diplomatic circles of Nanjing. In 1940, he studied the qin under WU Jing-lue and joined the Jinyu Qin Musicians Association. Later on, he studied under the masters ZHANG Zi-qian, WU Zong-han, XIA Yi-feng, ZHA Fu-xi, XU Li-sun, etc. In 1950, he was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Beijing. In 1979, he was appointed as research fellow of the Chinese Academy of Social Science. He wrote many articles about the qin history.

XU Jian

許健先生,原籍河北省磁縣,一九二三年出生於天津。一九四二年開始就讀於重慶青木關國立音樂院,畢業後在重慶任音樂教師。新中國成立後參軍,抗美援朝時,從事戰地音樂活動,一九五四年復員返北京,任職中國音樂研究所至退休;其間,從楊蔭瀏、查阜西及管平湖修習古琴及樂學研究。一九五六年,任北京古琴研究會副會長,同年又與王迪參加查阜西先生領導的三人小組,向全國琴人進行採訪及錄音存檔。一九六二年及一九八三年,與王迪匯編《古琴曲集》,成正、續二集分年出版;一九八二年,又出版《琴史初編》,自一九八O年代開始,許先生又對傳統琴曲進行發掘及打譜,卓有成績。 XU Jian was born in 1923 in Tianjin, Hebei Province. His ancestral home was in County Ci, Hebei Province. In 1942, he studied in the National Conservatory of Qing Mu Guan, Zhongqing. After his graduation, he became a music teacher in Zhongqing. In 1954, he was admitted to the Music Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Arts and worked there until his retirement. After his joining the music research institute, he learned the qin and music theories under GUAN Ping-hu and YANG Yin-liu respectively. In 1956, he became the vice chairman of the Beijing Qin Society. In the same year, he and WANG Di joined ZHA Fu-xi to travel around China to have the qin players’ sound recording. In 1962 and 1983, he and WANG Di together publi

俞伯蓀 (YU Bo-sun)

俞伯蓀先生祖籍四川成都,一九二二年出生於故鄉。少時習戲曲及各種民族樂器,十四歲時習操縵於川派琴家陳蘊儒及龍琴舫門下;及長,與琴壇名宿查阜西、吳景略、溥雪齋等諸公遊。數十年來操縵不絕,將琴藝薪火相傳,曾創辦“蜀新琴社”、“古風國樂社”,嘗任“東坡詩琴社”社長之職,與夫人俞炎女士,將蜀派氣韻琴歌、琴樂,通過音樂會、雅集、詩詞吟唱會等,向各界作推廣介紹。 YU Bo-sun was born in 1922 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. When he was young, he learnt many traditional Chinese instruments and opera. In the age of fourteen, he learned the qin under CHEN Yun-ru and LONG Qin-fang of the Sichuan School. Later, he travelled along different parts of China and visited and made friends with qin masters ZHA Fu-xi, WU Jing-lue, PU Xue-zhai etc. He founded the Dong-po Poetry and Qin Music Association and became the leader. Besides, he also founded Shu Xin Qin Music Association and Gu Feng Traditional Music Association to promote the qin music and qin ge of the Sichuan School together with his wife YU Yan.

楊葆元 (YANG Bao-yuan)

楊葆元先生,字乾齋,湖南省寧遠縣清水橋人,被譽為湘中琴學名宿,楊時百的哲嗣,一八九九年出生,一九六二年一月二十一月病逝於北京。其琴藝直宗並深得其獨步燕都的父親,宣南為琴來室、舞胎仙館主人,九疑山人楊宗稷(時百)的真傳,其琴風深具北派以味取勝的特點,蒼古正大,技巧豐富,格調高峻,沉吟有致。一九四七年,楊先生與張伯駒、溥雪齋、王世襄、管平湖、鄭珉中等人發起組織了“北平琴學社”,一九五四年,改名為“北京古琴研究會”。 YANG Bao-yuan was born in 1899 and passed away of illness on January 21, 1962 in Beijing. His first name was Qian Zhai and his ancestral home was in Qingshui Qiao of Ningyuan, Hunan Province. He inherited all his father’s performing art in the qin. In 1947, he and ZHANG Bo-ju, PU Xue-zhai, WANG Shi-xiang, GUAN Ping-hu together with ZHENG Min-zhong founded the Peiping Qin Association and renamed the Qin Research Association of Beijing in 1954.

沈興順 (SHUM Hing-shun)

沈興順先生,一九五六年生於香港,先後隨寓港容思澤、蔡德允二師習琴,並獲北京吳景略、蘇州吳兆基教授指導。操縵之餘蒐訪歷代古斲並考其沿革,所藏宋元明清琴曾展出於香港(一九九八、二OO三)、台北(二OOO)及澳門(二OO四)各地博物館。一九九七年北京音樂研究所聘為特約研究員,一九九八年起擔任香港德愔琴社副社長至今,撰有《歷代琴器概說》、《絃外雜錄》、《潞琴考略》、《香江琴話》等。 SHUM Hing-shun was born in 1956 in Hong Kong. He learned the qin under RONG Si-ze and TSAR Teh-yun and got advice from WU Jing-lue and WU Zhao-ji. He was fond of preserving antique qins. His collections has been exhibited in Hong Kong (1998, 2003), Taiwan (2000) and Macau (2004). He was appointed to the Music Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Arts as a specially invited research fellow. He was the vice-chairman of the Deyin Qin Society since 1998.
