中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

楊元亨  (YANG Yuan-heng)

  民間管樂演奏家楊元亨,一八九三年二月二十一日出生於河北省安平縣南王宋村,一九五八年二月二十日病逝於安平縣角丘村,七歲在呂祖廟出家當道士,道名元亨,師從永興及老蓮,學習工尺譜、管、笛、笙、嗩吶、胡琴及敲擊樂,十一歲已能登壇演奏道樂,期間他所抄寫之曲譜,已成研究河北民間音樂的珍貴資料。一九四六年,往定縣子位村吹歌會傳授民間吹管樂,一九五一年,應聘到天津中央音樂學院任教管子專業及民間打擊樂課程,一九五六年,升任副教授。 Yang Yuan-heng Yang was a folk wind instrumentalist. He was born in Hebei in 1893 and died in 1958. He became a Taoist at the age of 7 and learned various types of musical instruments from elder Taoists. He started his performance life since 11 . All the handwritten scores and materials of Yang had become the most precious materials for researching the Hebei folk music. In 1946, he began to teach his art and in 1951, he was invited to Tiantsin Conservatory to teach wind instruments and percussions music. In 1956, he was promoted to vice-professor.

馮子存 (FENG Zi-cun)

馮子存: 笛子演奏家馮子存,一九O四年七月二十九日出生於河北陽原縣井集鎮西堰頭村一農家,一九八七年十二月二十五日逝世於北京。馮氏讀私塾兩年後,即為人放牛、放驢。大哥與二哥均好絲竹,十一歲時,開始向二哥習笛,隨之參加「高蹺會」伴奏。十三歲時,已能代二哥獨當一面,亦為村中「鬧紅火」演奏隊伍中的一員,一九二一年,隨大哥到蒙古包頭謀生,因而學到了二人台、爬山調及當地的民歌與曲牌。一九五三年,入選河北省代表隊,參加全國第一屆民間音樂舞蹈匯演,後調中央歌舞團任笛子獨奏演員。一九六四年,中國音樂學院在北京成立,馮氏調任為該院器樂系吹打教研室主任,「文革」中返回陽原故里,一九七二年,重返北京中國音樂學院,一九八三年,該院在京舉行了「馮子存笛曲演奏會」。其作品先後收錄在《馮子存笛子曲選》及《馮子存笛子曲集》中出版。 FENG Zi-cun FENG Zi-cun was born on July 29, 1904 in Yangyuan, Hebei province and passed away on December 25, 1987 in Beijing. He had only studied two years in a private school, he then became a cow-boy in his hometown. At the age of eleven, he learned the dizi from his elder brother and joined the ensemble in his hometown as an accompanist. At the age of thirteen, he could be able to stand out for himself in performance. In 1921, he followed his eldest brother to Mongolia. Over there, he learned most of the Mongolian folk songs and local music. In 1953, he was selected as a representative of Hebei province to participate in the 1st Nati

馬曉暉 (MA Xiao-hui)

      胡琴演奏家馬曉暉,一九六五年出生於河北唐山,自幼對音樂產生濃厚的興趣,六歲時在其父啟蒙下開始學習二胡;十三歲考入上海音樂學院附屬中學,師從二胡教育家王乙教授;一九八三年,以胡琴第一名的考績進入上海音樂學院本科;一九八七年,代表上海音樂學院參加「全國廣東音樂邀請賽」,榮獲一等獎;同年參加「首屆海內外江南絲竹比賽」,並獲獎;一九八七年,以優異的成績畢業,隨即考入上海民族樂團,為該團之二胡首席兼獨奏演員;馬氏的演奏風格剛柔並蓄,有大將之風,在國內外舉辦過二十多場獨奏會和學術講座,經常與海內外大型樂團及著名指揮合作,最近更獲頒上海「寶鋼杯」高雅藝術大獎。 MA Xiao-hui MA Xiao-hui was born in 1965 in Tangshan, Hebei province. Since her childhood she has been very interested in music. At the age of six, she started to learn the erhu under her father. When she was thirteen she was admitted to the affiliated secondary school of the Shanghai Conservatory, studying under the erhu teacher Professor WANG Yi. In 1983 she was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory, having been ranked first for playing instruments of the erhu family. In 1987 she represented the Shanghai Conservatory to take part in the National Guangdong Music Competition and won the first class award. In the same year she was also awarded in the 1st Worldwide Jiangnan Music Comp

李增光  (LI Zeng-guan)*

笛子演奏家李增光,一九六一年三月十九日出生於北京,少時隨何維青習笛,繼從師趙松庭、王鐵錘、劉森、曾永清及俞遜發等。北京社會音樂學院民族音樂系畢業,現為中國廣播藝術團民族樂團管樂聲部部長、笛子首席,國家一級演奏員,兼任中國戲曲學院客座教授。一九八九年四月,參加「山城杯」全國笛子電視大獎賽,獲三等獎,一九九五年,參加「富利通」國際中國民族音樂獨奏大賽,獲優秀表演獎,一九九七年,與同仁合作研製出「調音孔音階笛」,獲文化部頒科技進步三等獎。 LI Zeng-guan         LI Zeng-guan was born on March 19, 1961 in Beijing. He learned the dizi from HE Wei-qing since he was young. Later on he further studied it under the famous musicians like ZHAO Song-ting, WANG Tie-chui, LIU Sen, ZENG Yong-qing and YU Xun-fa. He graduated from the music department of the Social Music Academy of Beijing and became the section head of wind instruments and the principal dizi of the Central Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra. He was appointed the national first class performer and was the guest professor of the Drama Institute of China. In April 1989, he participated in the dizi section of the Mountain Cup TV Competition and won a prize. In 1995, he participated in the International Chinese Instrumental Com

陳濤  (CHEN Tao)

管樂演奏家陳濤,一九六四年生於上海,一九八九年在全國民族器樂電視大獎賽中獲笛子二等獎第一名,一九九二年獲海內外江南絲竹比賽演奏一等獎。先後出訪了十多個國家和地區,曾任中央音樂學院民樂系講師,中國音樂家協會會員。 CHEN Tao       CHEN Tao was born in 1964 in Shanghai. In the National Instruments TV Competition 1989, he received the second-class prize in dizi section. He also won the first-class prize in the International Competition in Jiangnan String and Wind Instrumental Music. He has performed in many countries and has been the lecturer in national music in the Central Conservatory. He is a member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association.

蔣國基  (JIANG Guo-ji)

笛子演奏家蔣國基,一九五○年七月五日出生於浙江省杭州市,是一位成長於西湖畔的音樂家,師從著名笛子大師趙松庭。一九七五年,參加浙江省歌舞團任演奏員,後升任隊長,國家一級演奏員。一九七六年,全國大賽中以一曲《水鄉船歌》嶄露頭角,自此連獲首獎,聲譽日隆。蔣氏的演奏,立足南派,博採眾長,相容並蓄,既取北派之長,又繼承和發展南派笛子精華,形成自己極富江南水鄉情調的藝術風格。蔣氏曾成功地創作和改編了大量笛曲,其代表作有《水鄉船歌》、《採桑曲》和《吐魯番的夏天》等。蔣氏一九九三年被香港演藝學院聘請為兼職教授及校外考官,此後每年兩次去該學院講學。一九九六年初,蔣氏與他人合作的巨笛試製成功,填補了民族吹管樂器低音的空白,同年五月被世界吉尼斯總部確認。還發表過理論文章《趙松庭笛曲賞析七篇》和《笛子演奏五講》等。蔣氏現為中國音樂家協會會員、中國民族管弦樂學會理事、浙江省民族學會副會長。 JIANG Guo-ji JIANG Guo-ji was born on July 5, 1950 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. He learned the dizi under the famous musician ZHAO Song-ting. In 1975, he was appointed to the Song and Dance Troupe of Zhejiang Province as a performer. Later, he was appointed as a national first class performer and the team leader of the orchestra. In 1976, he made his debut in a national musical contest with the titular piece Floating Melodies of a Water Village, and thereafter, collecting a series of awards in musical competitions at various levels. He has composed many dizi pieces such as Floating Melodies of a Water Village,

俞遜發  (YU Xun-fa)

管樂演奏家俞遜發,一九四六年一月八日出生於上海,二○○六年一月二十一日病逝於上海,享年六十一歲。十三歲參加上海「紅孩子」業餘藝術團演出後,被陸春齡收為學生,一九六○年七月,考入上海民族樂團學館,一九六二年,參加「上海之春」音樂會選拔賽獲第一名。在學館結業後,長期在該團任職,並受益於馮子存、劉管樂、趙松庭等。期間曾借調至上海樂團、上海京劇團及中國藝術團任職。一九七一年,成功創製「口笛」,一九七三年五月一日,首次在上海體育館演出,一九七四年,獲作曲家白誠仁為其創作第一首「口笛」作品《苗嶺的早晨》,一度風靡海內外,遂亦得於推廣。多年來,並創用唇擊音、彈吐音、笛哨雙音等十七種演奏笛子的新技法。經其改、創、編之作品有笛子獨奏曲《瑯琊神韻》、《秋湖月夜》及口笛獨奏曲《雲雀》等等。 YU Xun-fa YU Xun-fa was born on January 8, 1946 in Shanghai and passed away of illness on January 21, 2006 in Shanghai. He was became the student of LU Chun-ling after he jointed the Arts Troupe of Red Children at the age of thirteen. In July 1960, he was admitted to the attached school of the Shanghai Traditional Orchestra. After graduated from the attached school, he became a member of the orchestra. He learned the dizi from FENG Zi-cun, LIU Guan-yue, ZHAO Song-ting, etc. He has temporary transferred to the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, the Beijing Opera Troupe of Shanghai and the China Arts Performing Group. In 1971, he successfully researched an

劉明源 (LIU Ming-yuan)

有「中國弓弦樂之神手」美譽的劉明源,一九三一年農曆五月二十八日生於天津,一九九六年二月二十一日病逝於北京。六歲從父親學習板胡和京胡,七歲登台,十五歲從事於音樂工作,曾學習絲竹音樂、廣東音樂、京劇、評劇、河北梆子等。一九四七至一九五二年,在天津勝利、皇宮、永安、惠中等歌舞團及評劇團任樂隊隊員。一九五七年,以中國青年藝術家代表身份參加第六屆世界青年聯歡節民間樂器演奏比賽,榮獲金質獎章。一九八二年起,擔任中國音樂學院器樂系教授,除了胡琴之外,劉明源還學會彈鋼琴,曾擔任過爵士鋼琴師;同時,亦曾拜師學習蒙古歌謠,對蒙古音樂風格頗能掌握。劉明源致力於發展中國的弓弦樂器:曾改革研製了高音和中音板胡,又創製了中胡,並創作和改編有《喜車紅馬送糧忙》、《豐收樂》、《馬車在田野上奔馳》等板胡曲,《草原上》等中胡曲及《喜洋洋》等民樂合奏曲,風靡全國,深受聽眾的普遍歡迎。 LIU Ming-yuan                LIU Ming-yuan was born on July 13, 1931 in Tianjin, Hebei province and passed away of illness on February 21, 1996 in Beijing. Influenced by his father, LIU Ming-yuan started to learn the banhu and Beijing opera at the age of five. He gave his first stage performance at the age of seven. When he was eleven, he joined the performing activities of some Chinese music groups in Tianjin, thus having the opportunity of listening to and learning from various musicians for different kinds of Chinese music. In between 1947 t

梁秋  (Liang Qiu)

廣東管樂演奏家梁秋,一九○七年八月十五日出生於廣東省南海縣佛山市一個小商之家,一九八二年五月十九日病逝於廣州,享年七十五歲。梁氏少時即好音樂,在父兄的音樂薰陶下,耳濡目染,又於家鄉的「八音班」及戲台表演中仿習,自學而成,十四歲開始入大民國、鈞天樂、新春秋、孔雀屏等劇團,任「棚面上手」(伴奏樂隊之領奏員)。梁氏長於廣東喉管(短管),有「喉管秋」,之美稱,亦善嗩呐與簫,他那支喉管受人氣手氣滋潤了幾十年,雖然有些地方己被蟲蛀,但音色始終如一,並經得起嚴寒酷暑的考驗。三十年代初,曾為新月唱片公司錄製過一批粵樂與粵曲唱片。一九四六年,梁氏隨鳳凰劇團在小呂宋演出,首次將粵樂的傳統吹管樂器向海外介紹。一九五三年作為中國代表團成員之一,參加了在羅馬尼亞舉行的世界青年聯歡節的音樂比賽獲得四等獎。一九五九年,廣東民間音樂團在莫斯科演出,梁秋以喉管獨奏《下漁舟》,小小竹管發出渾厚洪亮的聲音,全場觀眾為之轟動。 LIANG Qiu         Liang Qiu was born on August 15, 1907 in Foshan, Guangdng province and passed away of illness at the age of seventy-five on May 19, 1982 in Guangzhou. Since he was a child, he was fond of music. Influenced by his father, brothers and the native ensembles, he learned the traditional music by himself. At the age of fourteen, he had been the music leader of many famous operatic groups. He was good at playing the Guangdong houguan and was called “Houguan Qiu”. He had a very good instrument which performed by him for a long time. Although there

甘尚時 (GAN Shang-shi)

高胡、椰胡演奏家甘尚時,一九二九年十月二十一日出生,二零一八年十二月十八日病逝於廣州。甘氏廣東信宜縣人,廣州星海音樂學院教授、學術委員會委員和該院重點學科「嶺南音樂器樂表演藝術」學術帶頭人。中國民族管弦樂學會常務理事暨「高胡專家委員會」主任,加拿大中樂團顧問,美國傳記學會終身理事。一九五三年,任廣州華南歌舞團高胡首席,一九五七年,參加了在前蘇聯莫斯科舉行的第六屆世界青年與學生和平友誼聯歡節,獲「鄂米斯克藝術家」稱號。一九六一年起,在廣州音專(今星海音樂學院)任教了四十多個春秋,專著有《廣東音樂高胡技法》(與趙硯臣合作)、《甘尚時高胡演奏曲選》(五線總譜)、《廣東音樂薈萃——甘尚時高胡演奏名曲》等,均得到了同行專家的高度評價和廣東音樂愛好者熱烈歡迎。 GAN Shang-shi         GAN Shang-shi was born in October 21, 1929 in Xinyi, Guangdong province and passed away of illness on December 18, 2018 in Guangzhou. He was the professor and academic committee member of Xinghai Conservatory, Guangzhou and he was appointed as a scholar to lead and research on the performing arts of Lingnan music. He was the executive committee member of the Chinese Traditional Instrumental Society and the board director of the gaohu expert committee, the advisor of Canada Chinese Orchestra, lifelong director of American Biography Academic Society. In 1953, he was appointed the principal of gaohu of the So
