中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive


字數曲目Programme NotesTitlePlay FormPerformerOther InformationSong Coding
3春鶯囀—>Oriole Sings in SpringPercussion and ShengYANG Shan、孟繁珍、黃金、高瑩潔、史琛、馬若梅、王凱、常文文、張翼、吳凡、師慶、張旭、和經田-V9003-03230
4中華鼓宴—>Drums of ChinaDrums陝西安志順打擊樂藝術團Led by Zhang Zhuo-V9004-03227
4雙龍戲梅—>Two Dragons Playing the PlumMeihua DrumMA Lin-V9004-03228
4春夜喜雨—>Rain in Spring NightPercussion and VocalLEI Ping、黃金、郭娟,吳凡、師慶、畢鵬飛 、劉蕾、梁曉鳳、張藍芳等-V9004-03229
4獅子戲鈴—>Lion Playing a BellPaigu and orchestraYONG Chen-chu, AN Chuan-V9004-03232
4蛟龍騰飛—>Flying DragonsDrums陝西安志順打擊樂藝術團Led by LI Jing-V9004-03235
4鴨子拌嘴—>Quarrelling DucksXian DrumsAN Zhi-shun、安源、李寶林、安川、李靜、方璇-V9004-03236
4秦俑兵陣—>Soldiers of Qin TombsPercussion陝西安志順打擊樂藝術團Led by IE Xiong-V9004-V0001
4黃河激浪—>Tides of Yellow RiverPercussionAN Yuan領奏-V9004-V0002
4蛟龍騰飛—>Flying DragonsPercussion陝西安志順打擊樂藝術團Led by IE Xiong-V9004-V0003
4大唐六駿—>Six Horses of Tang DynastyPercussionAN Yuan領奏-V9004-V0004
4老虎磨牙—>The Tiger Grinding Its TeethPercussionAN Zhi-shun領奏-V9004-V0005
4鼓鳴盛世—>Drums in Propserous YearsPercussionLed by AN Yuan-V9004-V0007
4滴水訴情—>Expressing through Water DropsPercussion and PipaDONG Xiao-lin琵琶-V9004-V0008
4龍騰虎躍—>A Scene of Bustling Activity打擊樂領奏CHEN Huanting、夏飛雲、上海飛雲民族樂團李民雄V9004-01641
6老倆口比幹勁—>Hardworking Old CouplePercussion and DanceAN Zhi-shun、張亞明、王文娟-V9006-03234
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2. From the table below, Click the Chinese title to listen/watch the music. Click" →" or highlighted name to see more information about the music and performers.
