中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

喬珊 (QIAO Shan)


趙家珍 (ZHAO Jia-zhen)

古琴演奏家趙家珍,一九六二年出生,祖籍浙江。十四歲起,在上海隨龔一、張子謙習琴,一九八○年,考入北京中央音樂學院民族音樂系,師承吳景略,亦得益於吳文光,一九八二年,參加全國民族器樂獨奏觀摩演出,獲優秀表演獎,一九八四年畢業,留校任教,一九八五年,獲「北京市優秀文藝工作者」稱號。除教學外,趙氏亦為北京市青少年藝術發展促進會屬下「華夏室內樂團」成員,經常參加海內外演出活動。 ZHAO Jia-zhen ZHAO is a qin player, born in 1962. She learned qin from the famous masters Zhang Zi-qiang and Gong Yi since 14. In 1980, she entered the Central Conservatory and furthered her qin studies from Wu Jin-lue and Wu Wen-guang. In 1982, she won an award from competitions. She graduated in 1984 and became a teacher in the Central Conservatory. She won the fame of Outstanding Arts Workers in 1985. Besides teaching, she is presently a member of the Hua Xia Chamber Orchestra.

WU Wen-guang

吳文光原籍江蘇常熟西塘,一九四六年出生於故鄉。自幼師承父親吳景略,盡得「虞山吳派」之藝,一九六一年考入中央音樂學院,主修古琴,兼修琵琶,後該院改組,併入新成立的中國音樂學院,至畢業。吳文光自青年時期便以琴名,以表現自然之趣和擅長心理描寫為追求,從而形成了新時代的文人行吟風格,把古琴的表現技術和美學理論向前推了一步。他採用實證的方法,揭示傳統中國音樂(尤其是古琴音樂)的深層結構和微觀體系,他主張尊重古琴演奏者演奏的現時心理時值,並運用拍速變化的理論進行記譜,在理論上提供了某種解決琴界長期因記譜不能反映實際演奏狀況之困惑的方法。吳文光現為中國音樂學院的研究員。  WU Wen-guang      WU Wen-guang was born in 1946 in Changshu, Jiangsu province. Since his childhood, he learned the qin from his father WU Jing-lue and inherited all the techniques and culture of the Yu Shan Wu School. In 1961, he was admitted the Central Conservatory, majoring in qin music and also studied the pipa. Later the conservatory was reorganized and merged to the newly set up China Conservatory. In 1987, after graduated from the department of National Music of the China Conservatory, he studied Chinese music and the art of qin as a graduate student at the Research Institute of Chinese Arts under Professor YANG Yin-liu. After he had obtained his Master degree, he went to USA

成公亮 (CHENG Gong-liang)

成公亮先生一九四零年出生於江蘇宜興,二零一五年七月八日病逝於南京。一九六零年畢業於上海音樂學院附中古琴專業,一九六五年畢業於該院本科民族音樂理論作曲系,嘗任教於南京藝術學院音樂系。早年學琴於梅庵派琴家劉景韶先生,後師從廣陵派著名琴家張子謙先生。四十多年來不斷尋師訪友,吸取精華,豐富自己,把人生的思索和對大自然的感受融匯於琴樂演奏之中,繼承了廣陵琴派三百多年的優秀傳統,善於變換指法和節奏跌宕不拘的風格,奏出真切而深邃的人情味和詩意般的琴曲,融人與琴為一體的意境。外報譽為「心靈漫遊的嚮導」。 CHENG Gong-liang       CHENG Gong-liang was born in 1940 in Yizing, Jiangsu province and passed away of illness on July 8, 2015 in Nanjing. In 1960, he graduated from the Affiliated Secondary School of the Shanghai Conservatory, majoring in qin music. In 1965, he graduated from the Department of Traditional Music of the Shanghai Conservatory, majoring in composition. He is teaching in the Department of Music of the Nanjing Academy of Arts recently. In his early days, he studied the qin under LIU Jing-shao of the Mei’an school. Later, he continued his studies under ZHANG Zi-qian, a famous qin player of the Guangling school. In the past 40 years, he has visited other teachers and colleagues, learning from them to enrich

龔一 (GONG Yi)

龔一先生一九四一年出生於江蘇省南京市,十五歲登台演奏古琴,獲查阜西先生好評,報譽為「小古琴家」。一九五七年考入上海音樂學院附中,開始接受學院式專業訓練至一九六六年大學本科畢業,期間又先後師從張正吟、夏一峰、劉少椿、王生香、趙雲青、張子謙、顧梅羹、劉景韶等十二位古琴家,涉獵五個琴派,廣泛地掌握了各派的風格及曲目。畢業後,致力以古琴介紹中國古代優秀的音樂文化,除演奏、教學外,還從事古代琴曲的發掘整理及新曲的創作,為古琴的普及做出了一定的成績。 GONG Yi         GONG Yi was born in 1941 in Nanjing, Jiangsu. He made his debut at the age of 15 and was highly praised by CHA Fu-xi, a famous qin player, who called him “the little qin expert”. In 1957, he entered the Affiliated Middle School of Shanghai Conservatory. There he exclusively studied the qin for nine years and achieved a high standard of musicianship. In 1966, he graduated at the Shanghai Conservatory and studied under 12 teachers from 5 schools of qin music, including ZHANG Zheng-in, XIA Yi-feng, LIU Shao-chun, WANG Sheng-xiang, ZHAO Yun-qing, ZHANG Zhi-qian, GU Mei-geng and LIU Jing-shao. In that period GONG Yi studied the performing styles of the various schools and extended his repertoire. Over the years, he has be

梅曰強 (MEI Yue-qiang)

  梅先生字南移,祖籍江西湖口。一九二九年出生於江蘇南京,二○○三年八月二十九日病逝於南京。一九四三年拜在汪建侯門下習琴藝,一九五二年又拜南京琴家夏一峰、趙雲青、胥桐華、劉少椿等為師,精研廣陵琴藝,兼收各派之長而融匯於一身,主張音正韻和而不囿於流派。退休後遷居揚州,任揚州師範學校課外老師,又設琴館,以振興廣陵琴藝為旨。一九九一年中國藝術研究院音樂研究所為其錄製了二十八首琴曲,以作琴樂資料保存。  MEI Yue-qiang         MEI Yue-qiang was born in 1929 in Nanjing, Jiangsu province and passed away of illness on August 29, 2003 in Nanjing. His first name was Nan-yi and his ancestral home was in Hukow, Jiangxi province. In 1943, he started to learn the qin from WANG Jian-hou. Later on, he further studied it under the master XIA Yi-feng, ZHAO Yun-qing, XU Tong-hua and LIU Shao-chun in Nanjing. He received the skills from his teachers of various schools, but he aimed on Guang Ling School much more. After the retirement, he moved to Yangzhou and settled there. He was then teaching students on qin music overthere. In 1991, he was invited by the Music Institute of Chinese Academy of Arts to record down his 28 pieces of qin music recordings for preservat

姚丙炎 (YAO Bing-yan)

  姚先生原名濟良,一九二一年一月十日生於浙江杭州,在癌症病魔的苦纏下,終於一九八三年三月十八日,結束了他六十二年的短暫人生。自幼受庭訓薰陶,熱愛絲竹之樂,青年時代因聽二弟習彈汪建侯所授《陽關三疊》及《石上流泉》二曲,遂受啟蒙,自行摸索按彈,興趣益增。一九四七年姚丙炎以熱誠求學之態,拜浙派著名琴家徐元白先生門下,獲益之深,對他日後從事「打譜」工作奠定了堅實的基礎。一九五一年,姚丙炎舉家遷居上海,與滬上琴人相往還,並參加了今虞琴社的活動,應吳振平先生倡議整理出《琴曲鉤沉》系列。其琴學之重要著述還有《唐陳拙論古琴指法》及其一百二十五條注釋;《唐宋元五家指法釋注》;《琴曲統計》;《古琴指法》……等等,均在國內外有一定影響。 YAO Bing-yan         YAO Bing-yan was born on January 10, 1921 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province and had finished his 62 years live by cancer on March 18, 1983 in Shanghai. His first name was Ji-liang. When he was young, he loved string and woodwind instruments deeply by the influences of his brother. In 1947, he learned the qin from XU Yuan-bai of the new Zhejiang School. In 1951, YAO Bing-yan and his family moved to Shangahi and settled down there. He then joined the Jinyu Qin Musicians Association and made friends overthere. Encouraged by WU Zhen-ping, he started his transcription of qin scores and ready for publishing. Besides, he has written

TSAR Teh-yun

  蔡女史浙江吳興人,一九○五年出生於湖州雙林鎮,二○○七年六月十日於香港仙逝。少居上海,受傳統詩禮家風所薰沐,又得新文化的洗禮,二十世紀三十年代,師承蕭山琴家沈草農;寓港後,以文人藝術家之高尚品質,傳授琴道,悉力於傳統文化之存微繼絕。女史固能琴,兼善雅簫、崑曲,又常賦詩題字,徐文鏡許為「琴中之禪,詞中之仙,字中之米顛」;在古琴研究方面,專注於整理舊曲,又自行打譜,自六十年代以來,積極推廣古琴,培育新一代香港的泛川派琴人。其演奏耳聽聰敏,指腕柔韌,勁力依舊,動如脫兔,婉若遊龍,其演繹曲操輯著成《愔愔室琴譜》。  TSAR Teh-yun         TSAR Teh-yun was born in 1905 in Huzhou, Zhejiang province and passed away on June 10, 2007 in Hong Kong. Her ancestral home was in Wuxing, Zhejiang province and she grew up in Shanghai. She was born with exceptional talent, nutured in a family of traditional learning, and having received formal education in literature, calligraphy and music early on in her life. In 1930’s, she learned the qin from SHEN Cao-nong. In 1950’s, she moved to Hong Kong and settled down. For half a century, she has dedicated her life and love to poetry, calligraphy and music and has single-handedly trained several generations of qin students, imparting to them not only the art of qin, but also

衛仲樂 (Wei Chong Loh)

  衛先生本姓殷,過繼衛姓後更名衛秉濤、衛祟福,其後鄭覲文又替他改名衛仲樂,原籍江蘇無錫。一九○八年三月二十三日生於上海的一個碼頭工人家裏,一九九七年四月七日逝世於上海的病榻中。一九二八年因家貧,得鄭覲文免收會費,招為「大同樂會」會員,並拜在鄭覲文、汪昱庭、柳堯章等人門下,學習古琴、琵琶、小提琴等,又從其他樂家學習簫、笛、二胡等民族樂器,由於興趣、天賦及刻苦,加上良師的指導,成為首屈一指的學員。一九三八年隨中國文化劇團赴美國演出,頗獲盛譽;一九四一年創辦中國管弦樂隊及仲樂音樂館;新中國成立後隨「中國文化代表團」出訪印度、緬甸、印尼等國;除任教於上海音樂學院外,還受託籌建該院民樂系,初任副主任,一九五八年升為系主任,一九八五年改任名譽系主任。他畢生致力音樂教育事業,學生桃李滿天下。 WEI Chung-loh                WEI Chung-loh was born in Shanghai on March 23, 1908 and passed away of illness on April 7, 1997 in Shanghai. In 1928, he joined the influential “Ta Tung National Music Research Institute”. There he learned many instruments including qin, pipa, erhu, jinghu, sanxian, xiao, bamboo flute and violin from famous players. His musicianship became so mature that he was appointed the Associate Music Director of the institute. In 1938, he was involved in many charity concerts in Hong Kong and in United States to raise money for Chinese refugees. The American

程午嘉 (CHENG Wu-jia)

  程先生亦名程午加,江蘇省奉賢縣南橋鎮人。一九○二年二月十日生於江蘇奉賢,一九八五年十一月十五日於南京因胃疾手術,傷口發生感染,不幸逝世。自幼從父學習各種民族樂器,一九一七年七月經陳有荃介紹拜琵琶名家沈肇州學習《瀛州古調》,又拜王燕卿門下學習諸城派琴曲,二十世紀二十年代初為首批大同樂會成員,並從鄭覲文學古琴與仿古樂器及其製作,從汪昱庭學琵琶;一九三六年成為新成立的「今虞琴社」首批會員;新中國成立後為山東大學藝術系、華東藝術專科學校骨幹教師;一九五五年創改出「鼓琶」等新樂器;一九五八年起任教於南京藝術學院。著述包括《琵琶曲集》、《中國鑼鼓曲》、《月琴、秦琴、三弦》等,創作樂曲有《泰山觀日出》、《巴山夜雨》等。 CHENG Wu-jia               CHENg Wu-jia was born on February 10, 1902 in Fengxian (now belong to Shanghai district), Jiangsu and he passed away at the age of 83 years old in Nanjing in 1985. He learned music from his father when he was young. In 1917, he started to learn the pipa from the famous teacher SHEN Zhao-zhou and the qin from WANG Yan-qing. In the early 1920’s, he joined the “Ta Tung National Music Research Institute” and studied music under ZHENG Jin-wen and WANG Yu-ting. In 1936, when Jin Yu Qin Society was established, he joined it as a member. He reformed and made new instruments such as gupa in 1955. In
