中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

根如大師 (Master Gen Ru)

根如大師,近現代琴僧,法名印華,江蘇省泰興人氏,一八八六年出生,一九六一年辭世。自幼喪父,六歲時隨師善緣至普陀山豐山庵居,後隨師祖古峰老人至龍游靈耀寺習琴數年,屬新浙派。一九二五年,任南京卧佛寺住持;一九三九年,任南京特別市佛教會候補理事;次年,赴安徽滁州開化寺任住持,並擬議修繕寺院及醉翁亭。新中國成立後,任中國佛教協會理事、中國音樂家協會理事、安徽省政協委員等職。 Master Gen Ru was born in 1886 and passed away in 1961. His ancestral home was in Taizing, Jiangsu Province. When he was six, he followed his master Shan Yan to settle in Putuo Mountain and became a monk there with a name Yin Hua. He learned the qin under his great master Gu Feng of the new Zhe School. In 1925, he was the abbot of theWo Fo Monastery. In 1940, he was then the abbot of the Kai Hua Monastery in Chuzhou, Anhui Province.

曹桂芬 (CAO Gui-fen)

古箏演奏家曹桂芬,一九三八年六月出生於河南的音樂世家,二零一九年五月二十八日病逝於鄭州。曹氏為河南鄧縣人,系河南著名箏箏家曹東扶之女。自幼隨父習箏,深得曹派古箏藝術之精髓,並跟隨父親學了許多河南大調曲子、曲牌,彈唱俱佳。十六歲時,加入河南開封曲劇團任演奏員,後調開封市京劇團、市文工團,一九七八年,調河南省曲劇團。二十五歲時參加「全國首屆獨唱獨奏會」,以三首河南箏曲《陳杏元落院》、《上樓》、《河南曲牌聯奏》見稱當時,具有很高的演奏水平和藝術魅力。 CAO Gui-fen             CAO Gui-fen was born on June 1938 in Henan province and passed away of illness on May 28, 2019 in Zhengzhou Henan province. Her ancestral home was in Dengzhou, Henan province. She was the daughter of the renowned zheng artist CAO Dong-fu of the Henan school. She learned the zheng, Henan Da Diao and Qupai from her father. When she was sixteen, she joined the Qu Theater of Kaifeng as a member of its orchestra and later transferred to the Beijing Opera Theater of Kaifeng. In 1978, she was transferred to the Qu Theater of Henan Province. When she was twenty five, she was selected to participate in the 1st Session of the National Recital and Solo Concert. Her performance was high level and w

WU Zhao-ji

吳兆基先生,字湘泉,一九O八年冬生於湖南洞庭湖西濱的漢壽縣,一九九七年八月逝世,享年九十。一九一二年的春天隨父親吳蘭蓀遷居蘇州,十三歲時,在父親的啓蒙下習操縵之術,後隨父參加一九二一年的全國琴人大雅集——“晨風廬琴會”,於此認識並得拜四川洪都琴家吳浸陽為師,獲授《瀟湘水雲》、《漁歌》等操。吳先生一九二六年就讀東吳大學化學系,畢業後任教中學二十五年,一九五六年調任江蘇師範學院數學系,任教至退休,一生以教學為業。吳先生早年琴風繼承其師的中正平和、靜遠淡逸的特點;晚年受其生平所好的太極拳氣功之影響,將氣功與操縵結合,達至精、氣、神的統一,進入一個理想的境地。 WU Zhao-ji was born in winter 1908 in Hanshou, Hunan Province and passed away in August 1997 at the age of 90. In 1912, he followed his father WU Lan-sun to change their dwelling place to Suzhou. In the age of thirteen, he started to learn the qin under his father and later under WU Chen-yang who taught him The Mist and Clouds over Xiao-Xiang Rivers and Song of the Fisherman. After his graduation from the University of Suzhou, he started his teaching career in Jiangsu until his retirement.

周延甲 (ZHOU Yan-jia)

秦箏教育家、演奏家、西安音樂學院教授周延甲,一九三四年六月出生於山西省聞喜縣,二零一九年八月三日病逝於西安。一九五一年,開始參加縣文化館工作,一九五三年,考入西北藝術專科學校附中,後升入西安音樂專科學校(今西安音樂學院前身)師承中國古箏教育事業主要奠基人曹正和齊魯箏派名家高自成,一九五九年,畢業並留校任教,一九九七年,受聘香港演藝學院任全職導師一年。嘗為中國音樂家協會會員、中國音協古箏學會和中國民族管弦樂學會古箏專業委員會副會長、陝西秦箏學會會長、《秦箏》雜誌主編。整理編創了不少的箏曲,主要作品有《秦桑曲》、《姜女淚》(又名《長城調》)、《百花引》、《淒涼曲》等蜚聲海內外。 ZHOU Yan-jia ZHOU Yan-jia was born on June 1934 in Wenxi, Shanxi province and passed away of illness on August 3, 2019 in Xi’an. In 1953, he was admitted to the affiliated middle school of Xi Bei Arts Training School and later admitted to Xi’an Music School which is now the Xi’an Conservatory. He was learned the zheng under the famous musicians CAO Zheng and GAO Zhi-cheng. In 1959, after his graduation from Xi’an Conservatory, he became the teacher of the conservatory. In 1997, he was appointed as a tutor of the Hong Kong APA for one year. He is a member of the Musicians’ Association of China, vice president of the Zheng Society of the Musicians’ Association of China, vice president of the Committee

金治中 (JIN Zhi-zhong)

金治中先生,字泓州,雲南省昆明市人,一九四八年十月八日出生,二OO七年七月九日逝世。金先生早年畢業於雲南省化工學校,在雲南洞經音樂世家長大,擅長琵琶、三弦等樂器。一九六九年調入雲南省京劇院,從事專業音樂工作;一九八O年,在中國戲劇學院進修;一九七O年起研習操縵,先後師從李祥霆,吳景略及吳釗;一九八九年調入昆明人民廣播電台,任主任音樂編輯。為中國琴會理事,北京古琴研究會會員,雲南滇暉琴社社長,昆明泓州古琴院院長。 JIN Zhi-zhong was born on October 8, 1948 and passed away on July 9, 2007. His first name was Hong-zhou and his ancestral home was in Kunming, Yunnan Province. He was born in a music family and was skillful at playing pipa and sanxian. In 1969, he took his career in the Beijing Opera House in Yunnan. In 1970, he learned the qin under LI Xiang-ting, WU Jing-lue and WU Zhao. In 1989, he was transferred to the People’s Broadcasting Station of Kunming as music editor.

林毛根 (LIN Mao-gen)

潮箏演奏家林毛根,一九二九年二月出生於廣東揭陽的潮樂世家,二○○七年六月八日在汕頭因病與世長遲,其父林道耀為揭陽著名的椰胡演奏家,林氏曾拜著名潮樂及漢樂演奏家張漢齋為師習箏。一九四九年,起林氏在潮汕地區,歷任文工團團長、文化館館長、音樂曲藝團團長、歌舞團團長等職。林氏以演奏潮樂「活五調」見稱,一九九二年,其演奏之《潮州民間箏曲40首》結集出版,所著述的《潮樂的風格與「活五調」》、《談潮州箏》、《談二四譜》等發刊於《中國音樂》及《民族民間音樂研究》。又曾與張漢齋、何天佑、楊廣泉等合作,灌錄有潮樂唱片多輯。 LIN Mao-gen             LIN Mao-gen was born in February 1929 in Jieyang, Guangdong province and passed away of illness on June 8, 2007 in Shantou, Guangdong province. His father LIN Daoyao was a renowned musician of playing the Yehu. He learned the zheng under the famous musician ZHANG Han-zhai. In 1949, he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army of the Zhaoshan area, later was appointed as the head and manager of various artistic groups in that area. In 1992, the forty scores of his performances on the Chaozhou zheng music were published. Other articles related Chaozhou music were also be published on various publications. He had been making recordings with ZHANG Han-zhai, H

TANG Chien-yuan

唐健垣先生,廣東省南海縣人,一九四六年出生於香港,唐先生琴藝師承吳宗漢、王憶慈伉儷及孫毓芹等名家,又於一九八O年代從吳景略大師習操縵之藝,追求雅、淡、含蓄、和、靜、完整,極具個人演奏風格。唐氏曾分別獲得過國立台灣師範大學文學士、香港中文大學語言學(甲骨文)碩士、美國康州威士連大學民族音樂學博士,其著作有《琴府》等多部學術著作。唐氏研究興趣除古琴外,還包括民樂、戲曲、甲骨文、考古、紫砂壺、茶藝,堪稱“雜家”。 TONG Kin-woon was born in 1946 in Hong Kong. His ancestral home was in Nanhai, Guangdong Province. He learned the qin under WU Zong-han, WANG Yi-ci, SUN Yu-qin, etc. In 1980, he further studied under WU Jing-lue. He compiled and published the Book of Qin Music (Ch’in Fu). Apart from playing the qin, he also felt interest in many other subjects like Chinese traditional music and Chinese operatic songs, collection of teapots, etc.

趙登山 (ZHAO Deng-shan)

箏演奏家趙登山,一九三三年二月六月出生於古箏之鄉山東鄆城楊寺村,二零二一年二月二十五日病逝於長春市。趙氏原名趙述詩,十四歲隨王登吉學習墜胡,又向樊西雨學習古箏,一九五零年,又拜趙玉齋為師,一九五三年,入東北音專學習,一九五四年,入東北人民藝術劇院工作,後調往吉林省歌舞團,一九八零年代中,調吉林省民族樂團。趙氏早年即創作並演奏新箏曲《春到田間》及《歡慶節日》等,八十年代,作有著名箏曲《鐵馬吟》,該曲得到箏界重視,廣受歡迎。 ZHAO Deng-shan ZHAO Deng-shan was born on February 6, 1933 in Yuncheng, Shandong and passed away of illness on February 25, 2021 in Changchun. He was formerly named ZHAO Shu-shi. When he was fourteen, he learned the zhuihu from WANG Deng-ji and the zheng from FAN Si-yu. In 1950, he further studied the zheng under ZHAO Yu-zhai. In 1953, he was admitted to the Dong Bei Music Training School. In 1954, he was appointed to People’s Art House of Dong Bei, later transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of Jilin Province. In mid of 1980, he was transferred to the Traditional Orchestra of Jilin Province. He had composed the new zheng pieces Spring in the Fields and Celebrating the Festival. In 1980’s, he composed the famous zheng piece Roar of Iron Horses which was well received by th

謝導秀 (ZIE Dao-xiu)

謝導秀先生,廣東省梅縣人,一九四O年出生於故鄉。謝先生一九六○年就讀於廣州音樂專科學校民樂系古琴專業,隨嶺南古琴名宿楊新倫學習操縵,得其真傳,尤特精擅《碧澗流泉》等嶺南派曲目,謝氏琴風古樸剛健,明快爽朗,對作育後進,不遺餘力,現任教於廣州星海音樂學院,並任廣東古琴研究會會長。 XIE Dao-xiu was born in 1940 in his ancestral home in Mei County, Guangdong Province. In 1960, he was admitted to the Guangzhou Conservatory to study the qin under YANG Xin-lun. He has inherited the arts of Lingnan School from his qin master. He was skillful in playing the Green Brook Running. He is now teaching the qin at Xinghai Conservatory in Guangzhou and also be the chairman of Guangdong Qin Association.

XU Tong-hua

胥桐華女士,原籍江蘇省丹陽市,一九O五年出生,一九六九年逝世。出身於船民家庭,其操縵學自蜀中鄭老先生,其後遷居揚州,又從胡氏習琴,因此兼善川派和廣陵派琴學藝術。一九五六年,應查阜西先生之邀參加全國琴人普查及錄音,她經常操奏的曲目有《醉漁唱晚》、《耕莘釣渭》、《普庵咒》、《漁樵問答》、《陽關三疊》、《梅花三弄》、《平沙落雁》等,查阜西先生曾對其彈奏的《平沙落雁》,評為“自成風格”。 XU Tong-hua was born in 1905 and passed away in 1969. Her ancestral home was in Danyang, Jiangsu Province. She learned the qin under an elderly man, Mr. ZHENG of the Sichuan School. After she changed her dwelling to Yangzhou, she learned the qin under master HU of Guangling School. In 1956, She was invited by ZHA Fu-xi to record down her performances which included Evening Song of the Drunken Fisherman, Cultivating at Shandong and Fishing at Shensi, Pu-an’s Incatation, A Dialogue between a Fisherman and a Woodcutter, Song of Yangguan, Three Variations of Plum Blossom, Wild Geese over the Calm Sands, etc.
