張子盛 (ZHANG Zi-sheng)
張子盛先生,一九七一年八月一日出生於津門,一九九O年就學於天津東方業餘藝術學院,在津門老琴家高仲鈞先生的啟蒙下學習操縵,又先後請教於吳文光教授,及多位著名琴家,一九九二年榮獲杭州古琴賽“優秀演奏獎”(最高獎項),一九九四年主持創辦天津古琴會,一九九九年在天津文廟創辦了國內首家職業琴館,對琴樂薪傳不遺餘力。現為中國古琴考級專家評委,天津古琴會常務副會長,中國琴會理事等。 ZHANG Zi-sheng was born on August 1, 1971 in his ancestral home Tianjin. He studied the qin at Tianjin Dongfang Sparetime Art School under GAO Zhong-jun in 1990. He also studied under the well-known players such as LIU Li, WU Wen-guang, GONG Yi, LI Xiang-ting, etc. In 1994, he founded the Tianjin Guqin Society and planned and organized dozens of influential art and musical activities. In 1999, he founded his Guqin Art Centre in Tianjin. He is a member of the Chinese Traditional Musical Instruments Society, the Guqin Special Committee, the Nationalwide Guqin Grade Test Specialists Committee, and the vice chairman of the Guqin Special Committee, Tainjin Musicians’ Association.
陳閱聰 (CHEN Yue-cong)
陳閱聰先生,北京人,祖籍河南省靈寶縣,生於一九一七年,二OO八年逝世於北京。一九三八年畢業於北平大學工學院應化系,歷任東北大學教授,冶金部北京鋼鐵設計研究總院高級工程師等職。陳先生幼年時曾學鋼琴,十五歲拜師張友鶴先生門下學習操縵,屬諸城派琴家,十九歲即著有“古琴淺說”刊於一九三六年蘇州美術專科學校出版的《浪藝》。其後,又得楊葆元先生傳授琴法,六十多年來一直醉心於研究古琴藝術,他的演奏質樸純真,這應與老師們的教導和他的性格分不開的,因擅長琴曲《長門怨》,而有“陳長門”之稱。陳先生為北京古琴研究會會員,藏有宋代古琴“凍夜觀泉”。 CHEN Yue-cong was born in 1917 in Beijing and passed away in 2008 in Beijing. His ancestral home was in Lingbao, Henan Province. In 1938, he graduated from the department of Applied Chemistry, Peking University. He had been the professor of the Northeastern University and the Senior Engineer of the Steel Design Research Institute, Ministry of Metallurgy. Started with piano in early tears, he studied the qin at fifteen under ZHANG You-he. His Introduction to Guqin was written at nineteen and published in 1936 in a journal of the Suzhou Arts Institute. His special character and tutelage with ZHANG You-he made him indulged in the art of qin for over sixty years with a genuine and tranquil virtuosity.
高仲鈞 (GAO Zhong-jun)
高仲鈞先生,天津琴人,一九二一年出生於河北省霸縣,二OO三年在天津逝世,享年八十二歲。一九四一年從管平湖先生學習操縵,並曾參加第二次及第三次全國古琴打譜交流會,一九八O年正式教授古琴,一九九O年開辦天津東方藝術學院,為中國第一所古琴專門學校。 GAO Zhong-jun was born in 1921 in County Ba, Hebei Province. In 1941, he studied the qin under GUAN Ping-hu. He has been taken part in the second and third National Transcription of Qin Music Meeting. He started to teach the qin since 1980. In 1990, he founded the Eastern Art Academy in Tianjin which was the first school merely for teaching of qin.
陳熙珵 (CHEN Xi-cheng)
陳熙珵女士,北京人,一九四四年七月生於北京。自幼從父學習音樂,一九五九年在北京古琴研究會拜師古琴名宿管平湖門下,一九六O年考入中央音學院附中古琴專業,一九六三年升讀大學民樂系,一九六八年畢業於中國音樂學院古琴專業,就學期間,一直師從吳景略先生。一九七三年至一九九二年任浙江省歌舞劇院演員及音樂理論課老師,又任教於浙江藝術學院。現任全國民族樂器演奏藝術水平考級委員會古琴專家委員會委員。 CHEN Xi-cheng was born in July 1944 in Beijing. She was fond of music since her childhood. In 1959, she learned the qin under GUAN Ping-hu in Beijing. In 1963, she was admitted to the China Conservatory learned under WU Jing-lue and graduated in 1968 with qin performance as profession. From 1973 to 1992, she was the musician and theory teacher of the National Music Ensemble of the Zhejiang Song and Dance Troupe. She also offered courses of “History of Ancient Music in China” and “National Musical Instruments” in Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art.
容思澤 (RONG Si-ze)
容思澤先生,原籍中國東北黑龍江省,滿族鑲白旗人,一九三一年九月九日出生於廣州,二O一O年三月十五日在香港逝世。其琴學為家傳,自曾祖慶瑞學習操縵於浙江錢塘李澄宇,後宦遊粵海,得與粵地琴友交,獲《古岡遺譜》、《悟雪山房琴譜》等流行粵地之名譜,遂成家學,娶側室李芝仙,並授琴藝,一八七三年著刋《琴瑟合譜》,越二年病故,家人遷户廣東番禺,民國後改「容」姓。李氏將琴學嫡傳三子容葆廷及孫容心言,再傳容思澤,其子孫亦繼承家學,現已延達六代,此為容氏琴學之淵源。容思澤先生遷居香港後,於一九五O年考入香港皇家警察,後轉民眾安全服務處工作,一九八五年退休,其間操縵不絕,除與港地琴人謝心回、盧家炳、蔡德允、饒宗頤諸先生往還外,還致力將祖學傳承,桃李滿門。 RONG Si-ze was born on September 9, 1931 in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province and passed away on March 15, 2010. Her ancestral home was in Heilungjiang Province, Northeastern China. He learned the qin under family tradition since their ancestor, Qing Rui, who learned it from LI Cheng-yu in late Qing Dynasty. Later on, Qing Rui worked away from his homeland to Guangdong and kept close with qin friends there. At that time, he got many famous scores including the Posthumous Scores of Gugang, Qin Scores of Wu Xue Shan Fang, etc. In 1873, he published his book, Qinse Hepu. His wife LI Zhi-xian learned the qin from him and taught it to his son and grand son RONG Bao-ting and RONG
李靜,生於濱海城市連雲港,自小得到靈山秀水的滋養和家庭藝術的薰陶,畢業於南京藝術學院古箏專業,師從閻愛華、涂詠梅、傅明鑒,在研修專業的同時注重汲取中國傳統文化的精華,間習古琴和書畫,使其融會貫通,形成 “深沉含蓄,恬靜秀雅” 的個人風格。在古箏音樂的演奏上,注重氣息的運用和樂句之間的交相呼應,準確的掌握了曲目的感情基調和藝術形象,使其演繹的作品氣韻生動,樂曲中流動著清新出塵的氣息。如同一幅幅疏密相間,濃淡有致的水墨畫,給人以強烈的思想共鳴,讓人不知不覺隨著樂曲一同沉浸在她的音樂世界裏。
段淑超,沈陌音樂學院2008級學生。曾榮獲中新國際音樂大賽專業組第三名;首屆遼寧、吉林、黑龍江 “天韻杯” 古箏大賽專業青年A組金獎及組合金獎。康濤,笛、簫演奏家、民樂指揮家,湖南師範大學音樂學院副教授、碩士研究生導師,中國竹笛專業委員會常務理事,湖南省竹笛藝術委員會常務副會長。
陳長林 (CHEN Chang-lin)
陳長林先生,曾用名“陳長齡”,福建省福州市人,一九三二年出生於福州。中國科學院計算技術研究所研究員,中國琴會常務理事,北京古琴研究會理事。一九四六年從父親陳澤鍠(琴趣)和表姨吳子美開始學習閩派琴藝,一九五一年參加“今虞琴社”,向吳景略、張子謙等琴家請益,一九五六年到北京,在中國科學院從事電腦研製工作,又參加“北京古琴研究會”,向查阜西等琴家學習,以閩派為基礎,兼收各派之長,形成自己的特點。一九五八年開始發掘、打譜琴曲《胡笳十八拍》、《大胡笳》(龍朔操)、《莊周夢蝶》等近三十曲。 CHEN Chang-lin was born in 1932 in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. Beforehand, he used CHEN Chang-ling as his name. In 1946, he began to learn the qin of Min School under his father CHEN Ze-huang and aunt WU Zi-mei. In 1951, he joined the Jinyu Qin Musicians Association and learned the qin under WU Jing-lue and ZHANG Zi-qian. In 1956, he worked at the Academia Sinica Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing as a research fellow. At that time, he joined the Beijing Qin Society and learned the qin under ZHA Fu-xi. Since1958, he wrote more than 30 articles on qin music research.
楊絲喬,湖南省第一師範第一附屬小學學生。曾獲第三屆香港國際民族器樂大賽古箏專項兒童組銀獎、湖南省 “敦煌•藍光杯” 古箏獨奏比賽兒童組一等獎,2015長沙市中小學獨唱、獨奏、獨舞比賽小學獨奏組一等獎。