楊杉 (Yang Shan)
楊杉,青年笙演奏家。現任陝西省族管弦學會理事,陝西省歌舞劇院歌舞團笙聲部首席、獨奏演員,陝西省師範大學音樂學院外聘笙教師。連續獲得三屆由陝西省文化廳主辦的陝西省民族器樂大賽一等獎。移植笙重奏《俄羅斯民歌》被收錄於全國音樂藝術院校教學大綱《笙專業統編教材——第七冊》;《天之音•雲之響》(與白超合作)榮獲2017陝西省第三屆民族器樂新作品三等獎(政府獎)。 陝西省歌舞劇院民族樂團,是一個年輕而富有實力的樂團。自上世紀九十年代初以來,不斷活躍於國內、國際樂壇,著名作曲家趙季平先生曾擔任該團藝術總監,首演了一系列堪稱經典的民族器樂作品,如:民族管弦樂《慶典序曲》(趙季平作曲)、《黃土地組曲》(趙季平作曲)、《東渡》(趙季平作曲)、二胡協奏曲《籃花花敘事曲》(關銘作曲)、《西域駝鈴》(張列作曲)、琵琶協奏曲《弦頌》(崔炳元作曲)、民族管弦樂《秦腔》(程大兆作曲)。樂團多年來與著名樂團、著名指揮家、演奏家、歌唱家合作舉辦音樂會。尤其在致力於陝西 “長安樂派” 體系的發展建設方面,樂團身體力行,通過多套音樂會的成功演出,風格特徵愈具魅力,社會影響愈加廣泛。
陳煥庭 (CHEN Huanting)
李真貴 (LI Zhen-gui)
敲擊樂演奏家、教育家李真貴,一九四一年出生。李氏為四川省重慶人,自少喜愛國樂。一九六○年,考入中央音樂學院二胡專業,師從藍玉崧,一九六一年,轉習敲擊樂專業,隨民間音樂家朱勤甫、趙春峰學習民間鑼鼓和戲曲鑼鼓,一九六五年畢業,留校任教至今。為進一步完善該專業的建設,多次深入各地採風、搜集、整理各類民間打擊樂資料。曾任北京中央音樂學院民族音樂系系主任,亦為中國音樂家協會打擊樂學會副會長、中國民族管弦樂學會常務理事。李氏與作曲家合作,創編打擊樂作品《鼓詩》、《牛鬥虎》、《沖天炮》;民族管弦樂作品《湘西風情》等。另編有《中國打擊樂實用教程》一書,著文有《土家族打溜子的藝術特點》等。一九九一年九月,率中央音樂學院鼓樂隊參加山西國際鼓樂節,獲鑼鼓藝術表演金獎。 Ll Zhen-gui LI is a percussion master and educationalist. He was born in Sichuan in 1941. He studies in the Central Conservatory from 1960. In the beginning he learned erhu then changed to percussion under guidance of famous folk musicians. He graduated in 1965 and became a teacher in Central Conservatory since then. He was the previous department head of the Traditional Music Department in Central Conservatory. He ·is presently the director of the Traditional Orchestration Association. He has composed and jointly composed some percussion and orchestral works. Also he has wrote important essays and books for percussion music. In 199 1, the percussion group of Cen
安志順 (AN Zhi-shun)
敲擊樂演奏家安志順,陝西綏德人,國家一級演奏員,陝西省歌舞劇院古典藝術團樂隊指揮,中國音樂家協會會員,陝西音樂家協會理事,中國民族管弦樂學會理事,中國大提琴學會會員,陝西舞蹈家協會會員,陝西民族管弦樂學會副會長,陝西打擊樂學會會長。一九四七年從事音樂工作至今,曾在北京電影製片廠交響樂隊,中央樂團進修。先後創作、演奏了《老倆口比幹勁》、《金剛力士》、《春河激浪》、《滴水成音》、《老鼠娶親》、《運動場上》、《獅子戲鈴》等樂曲,並參加了《仿唐樂舞》、《唐都風情》的創作及演出,其代表作是他領銜演奏的《鴨子拌嘴》、《老虎磨牙》。《老倆口比幹勁》等七部作品獲優秀作品獎。《滴水成音》、《老鼠娶親》等五部作品獲優秀及創作獎,《獅子戲鈴》獲優秀表演獎,《雙龍戲梅》獲表演一等獎,《鴨子拌嘴》《老虎磨牙》等在第六屆亞洲音樂論壇和專題討論會上評為優秀作品和好作品。 AN Zhi-shun The great percussion master and China’s first grade artist AN Zhi-shun was born in Shaanxi. He has held many important posts in various professional units such as the Chinese Musicians’ Association, the Shaanxi Musicians’ Association, the Traditional Orchestration Association, the Cello Association, Shaanxi Dancers’ Association, Shaanxi Percussion Association etc .. He started his music career since 1947, and had worked and studied in the Symphony Orchestra of Beijing Movie Production Facotry and the Central Orchestra. He had composed numerous percussion pieces and the most famous
MA Guang-lu
馬光陸,墜胡演奏家馬光陸,一九三二年出生於河南鞏縣神堤村馬圪牢兒鄉,一九四八年,參加軍隊文工團;一九五三年,由重慶調職北京總政歌舞團任墜胡演奏員;一九五五年,在華沙第五屆世界青年聯歡節中比賽獲獎。演奏的代表作有:《新春樂》、《運輸忙》、《家鄉的喜訊》等。 MA Guang-lu was born in 1932 in Gong county, Henan province. In 1953 he was appointed as a zhuihu soloist of the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe. In 1955, he was awarded in a competition in the 5th World Youth Festival held in Warsaw. His representative pieces performed include Music for the New Year, Busy Transportation and Good News from Home.
雷雨聲 (LEI Yu-sheng)
音樂家雷雨聲,一九三二年六月出生於四川川江一船長之家,曾用名蓉生,自幼喜音樂,一九四八年,發表處女作《黃梅天》,一九四九年,舉家遷居香港,一九五○年,考入東北魯迅文學藝術學院作曲系,師承安波、李劫夫、霍存慧、寄明等,兼習長笛、小提琴,後又從丁鳴習作曲,從曹正習等,一九五六年,畢業後留校任教,期間的作品有高胡與箏三重奏《春天來了》與《對花》、《高胡協奏曲》等民族器樂曲。一九五六年,《春天來了》一曲獲遼寧省新作品獎,並參加第一屆全國音樂周,在莫斯科第六屆「世界青年聯歡節」上獲金質獎章,亦創作不少聲樂作品。一九六○年,調遼寧省歌劇院,一九八四年,調遼寧省歌舞劇院任副院長,一九九○年,任廣州華南師範大學音樂系教授,至退休。 LEI Yu-sheng Born in Sichuan in 1932. He loved music s ince childhood and composed his first work in 1948. He moved to Hong Kong with all his family in 1949. In 1950, he entered the Northeast Arts Institute and learned composing from different composers, and other instruments including flute, violin and zheng. In 1956, he graduated and became a teacher there. In those years, he had made some successful compositions including the “Spring “is Coming”. This piece of work had won many awards in Liaonin Music competition and the music festival in Moscow. Besides, instrumental, Lei also composed many vocal works. In 1960, he started to work in the Liaonin Opera House
李波 (LI Bo)
馬頭琴演奏家李波,一九五五年出生於中國內蒙古,畢業於內蒙古師範大學音樂系。現為中國音樂協會會員,內蒙古音樂家協會常務理事,中國北方民族藝術研究學會常務理事,日本著作權協會會員。他的代表作有《馬頭琴的傳說》、《遙遠的敖特爾》等。一九八七年,調入內蒙古廣播電視藝術團,一九八八年,內蒙古青城藝術節音樂比賽獲駿馬獎(第一名)。一九八九年,李波馬頭琴專輯盒帶發行同年在北京音樂廳與中國中央樂團合作演出。一九九五年,在日本發行了雷射唱片《遙遠的敖特爾》,同年,在日本成立了「李波馬頭琴基金會」。作為旅日馬頭琴演奏家,李波在日本被譽為「馬頭琴第一人」。他的演奏風格急似駿馬,輕似流雲,演奏技巧爐火純青。 LI Bo LI Bo was born in the lnner Mongolia in 1995. He graduated from the Music department of Mongolia College. Now he is a member of the China Musicians’ Association and standing member of the lnner Mongolian Musicians’ Association, standing member of China’s Northem Folk Art Research Society, member of Japan’s Copyright Association. LI Bo’s main selection includes The Tale of Matouqin. The Distant Ao Ter, etc. He worked and played his instrument in Momgolian Broadcasting and TV Troupe in 1987, the next year he won the first prize in the Inner Mongolian Qing City Art Festival. In 1989 his matouqin tape album w
布仁特古斯 (Burentegusi)
青年馬頭琴演奏家,蒙古族人,一九六九年出生於內蒙古興安盟;一九八四年,就讀於內蒙古藝術學校;一九九一年,畢業於中央民族學院音樂系,現任該院音樂系教師,曾出訪過新加坡等國家和地區。 Burentegusi Burentegusi is a young matouqin player. He was born in Inner Mongolia in 1969. He entered the Inner Mongolia School of Arts in 1984. He graduated from the Central Chinese Music Institute in 1991, and is now a teacher there. He has visited countries and regions including Singapore.
劉鈞 (LIU Jun)
四胡演奏家劉鈞先生,一九五○年代,加入河北省歌舞團,擅長演奏河北梆子樂器小四胡,因與趙義民合作《皮影牌子》,一曲成名,並得到趙敬智(琵琶)、徐里(揚琴)及王振先(中阮)的伴奏,名噪一時。 LIU Jun LIU Jun joined the Song and Dance troupe of Hebei Province in 1950s. He was good at playing the small sihu of Hebei. His composition the Shadow Tune together with ZHAO Yi-min gained him most fame. His performance on it was accompanied by ZHAO Jing-zhi (pipa), XU Li (yangqin) and WANG Zhen-xian (zhongruan).