中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

澳門中樂團,是中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區政府文化局屬下的民族管弦樂團,成立於1987年,秉持「紮根澳門,面向世界,融匯中西,傳播文化」的理念,呈獻緊貼時代精神的中樂藝術,讓澳門樂迷聆賞精彩作品,讓中樂走近澳門大眾,同時向世界宣傳澳門形象,現任音樂總監兼首席指揮為彭家鵬 。創團不久,澳門中樂團應邀到多個國家和城市演出,弘揚澳門中西文化交融的特色,讓這張文化名片自此熠熠生輝。澳門回歸後,中樂團更走進校園及社區,向莘莘學子和普羅大眾致力推廣音樂藝術教育、培育青年樂手,藉以推動本地中樂普及和發展,提升社區的文藝氛圍。為進一步弘揚中華傳統文化,開展藝術教育工作,樂團自2003年起,進行了職業化改革,組成了一個聲部更全面的職業樂團,標誌著樂團邁向另一藝術發展新階段,讓澳門人引以為傲。樂團曾與多名聲譽卓著的指揮家、演奏家和藝術家合作,致力締造動人心弦的作品,並積極參與澳門國際音樂節、澳門藝術節、慶祝澳門回歸祖國等本地盛事演出,常演曲目既有傳統民族音樂,亦具備融合中西特色的原創中樂作品,包括關廼忠的組曲《澳門愛情故事》及《澳門狂想曲》系列、趙季平的《澳門印象》、唐建平的《澳門詩篇》、以及青年作曲家王丹紅的《澳門隨想曲》、羅麥朔創編的女聲與樂隊《七子之歌》、王辰威的《澳門明信片》、林心蘋的《濠鏡隨想》、李博禪的《澳門素描》……等等。樂團對外擔任澳門文化大使的角色,巡演足跡遍及葡萄牙、比利時、印度、果亞、新加坡、巴林王國等國家,以及近二十個內地省會和北京、上海、天津、重慶等重要城市,以融匯中西元素和當代氣息的中樂藝術,並促進國際交流合作。

The Macao Chinese Orchestra (MCO) is a Chinese traditional orchestra under the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. It was established in 1987 with the mission of “rooted in Macao, facing the world, integrating Chinese and Western cultures, and promoting cultural exchange”. The orchestra presents Chinese music that reflects the spirit of the times, allowing Macao audiences to enjoy wonderful performances and bringing Chinese music closer to the public in Macao. It also serves as a cultural ambassador, promoting the image of Macao to the world. The current Music Director and Chief Conductor is PANG Jia-pang.

Soon after its establishment, the MCO was invited to perform in various countries and cities, showcasing the unique blend of Chinese and Western cultures in Macao and shining a spotlight on this cultural gem. After the return of Macao to China, the orchestra expanded its reach to schools and communities, actively promoting music education and nurturing young musicians. It aims to popularize and develop local Chinese music, enhancing the artistic atmosphere of the community.

In order to further promote traditional Chinese culture and engage in artistic education, the orchestra underwent professionalization reform in 2003, forming a comprehensive professional orchestra with a wider range of sections. This marked a new stage of artistic development for the orchestra, which has become a source of pride for the people of Macao. The MCO has collaborated with renowned conductors, performers, and artists, striving to create moving and captivating works. The orchestra actively participates in local events such as the Macao International Music Festival, Macao Arts Festival, and celebrations of Macao’s return to China. Its repertoire includes traditional Chinese music as well as original Chinese compositions that incorporate both Chinese and Western elements, such as KUAN Nai-chung’s suite “Love Stories of Macao” and the “Macao Rhapsody” series, ZHAO Ji-ping’s “Impressions of Macao”, TANG Jian-ping’s “Macau Poems”, Wang Danhong’s “Macau Rhapsody”, Luo Maishuo’s choral work “Songs of the Seven Sisters” for female voices and orchestra, WANG Chen-wei’s “Macao Postcards”, LIN Xin-ping’s “Reflections of the Cotai Strip”, and LI Bo-chan’s “Sketches of Macao”, among others.

The orchestra serves as a cultural ambassador for Macao and has toured in countries such as Portugal, Belgium, India, Qatar, Singapore, and Bahrain, as well as nearly 20 provincial capitals in mainland China and important cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing. Through its art that combines Chinese and Western elements with contemporary flair, the MCO promotes international exchange and cooperation.
