中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

陸金山 (LU Jin-shan)

陸金山:   笛子演奏家陸金山,一九三七年十二月出生於河北省陽原縣,二零一九年七月二十五日病逝於天津。一九五六年,陸氏入河北藝術師範學院音樂系主修笛子專業,後轉入天津音樂學院,一九六一年,畢業留校任教,現任天津音樂學院民族管樂教研室副主任、教授、碩士研究生導師,他所研製的十二孔塤和鴛鴦塤,獲一九八六年全國發明展覽銀牌獎和一九八七年文化部文化科技成果獎。陸金山為中國音樂家協會會員,天津音樂家協會民族音樂委員,中國民族管弦樂學會會員,中國樂器學會會員。 LU Jin-shan         LU Jin-shan was born in December 1937 in Yangyuan, Hebei province and passed away of illness on July 25, 2019 in Tianjin. In 1956, he was admitted to the music department of the Hebei Arts Institute majoring in dizi performance. Later on, he was transferred to the Tianjin Conservatory. In1961, he graduated from the conservatory and was appointed as a teacher since then. He is now the professor, the postgraduate instructor, the vice-officer in charge of the wind section of the conservatory. His research and manufacture on the twelve-hole xun and the twin xun has got the silver medal of the National Discovery Exhibition Award 1986 and the Scientific Award of the Cultural Ministry 1987, respectively. He is a me

高明 (GAO Ming)

高明:   笛子演奏家高明,一九四一年九月九日出生於陝西佳縣,二零一五年十月十六日病逝於陝西。高氏於一九五九年三月,隨榆林代表團參加「陝西省第四屆民間音樂舞蹈匯演」,榮獲笛子獨奏優秀獎,同年調入陝西省樂團當演奏員。其處女作《草原之晨》在國慶十周年時由中央人民廣播電台向全國廣播,一九七八年起,開始研究唐代音樂遺風,並創作和演奏了仿唐排簫曲《春鶯囀》。一九八八年,出任陝西省歌舞團團長之職,四十多年來一直活躍於國內外舞台上,他是國家一級演奏員,中國音樂家協會會員,中國竹笛學會副會長,陝西省民族管弦樂學會副會長,嘗任陝西省歌舞劇院音樂舞蹈團藝術委員會主任、演出領導小組組長,西安唐樂宮藝術總監。 GAO Ming GAO Ming was born in September 9, 1941 in Jia county, Shaanxi province and passed away of illness on October 16, 2015 in Shaanxi. In 1959, he was selected to participate in the 4th Joint Performance of Folk Music and Dance of Shaanxi Province and got an honor prize of dizi performance. At the same year, he was appointed to the Shaanxi Province Orchestra as a performer. His maiden composition Morning on Grassland was broadcasted in celebration of the 10th National Day of China by the Central People’s Broadcasting Station. Since 1978, he has started to research the music of Tang dynasty and has composed some pieces in its style. In 1988, he was appointed to in charge of the Song and Dan

尚存寶  (SHANG Cun-bao)

尚存寶: 笛子演奏家、歌詞作家尚存寶,一九三九年五月二十六日出生,二○○二年九月三十日因病與世長辭,黑龍江省歌舞劇院國家一級演奏員、著名笛子演奏家、歌詞作家、撰稿人和主持人。曾任中國音樂家協會會員、中國民族管弦樂學會會員、中國音樂文學學會會員、黑龍江省音樂文學學會副秘書長、顧問、黑龍江省民族管弦樂學會副秘書長、黑龍江省歌舞劇院創作室主任等職。他作詞的歌曲《越過高山是平川》榮獲中國電視台全國廣播「每週一歌」評選一等獎。他作詞的另一首歌曲《故鄉土故鄉路》,中央電視台多次播放;由他配詞的民族器樂曲、彈唱與樂隊《黑土歌》更是譽滿海峽兩岸。 SHANG Cun-bao                SHANG Cun-bao was born on May 26, 1939 in Heilongjiang province and passed away of illness on September 30, 2002. He was a famous dizi performer, lyrics writer, editor and was appointed to be the national first class performer. He was a member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association, the National Orchestral Society of China, the Chinese Music and Literature Society and was the vice-secretary and consultant of the Heilongjiang Province Music and Literature Society, the vice-secretary of the Heilongjiang Province National Orchestral Society, the officer in charge of the creation section of the Song and Dance Theatre of Heilongj

晁東旭 (CHAO Dong-xu)

  板胡演奏家晁東旭先生,一九六○年代,加入中國中央實驗歌劇院(後改中國歌劇舞劇院)民族樂團,為獨奏演員,曾為趙華等編劇之《友與敵》歌劇作曲,板胡作品有與劉洙合作的《春風楊柳》等。 CHAO Dong-xu     CHAO Dong-xu joined the traditional orchestra of the Central Experimental Opera House (now called China Song and Dance Theatre) as a soloist. He has composed for ZHAO Hua’s opera Friend and Enemy. His banhu solo piece Spring Willow in the Wind is composed together with LIU Zhu.

劉森 (LIU Sen)

劉森: 笛子演奏家、作曲家、指揮家及聲樂藝術指導劉森,一九三七年生於河北省保定市,自幼隨父親劉成鵬學習音樂,青年時代已為著名的笛子演奏家及作曲家。劉氏隨嚴良堃先生學習指揮藝術,以及隨沈湘先生、李晉瑋先生學習聲樂和歌劇藝術。曾任中央廣播民族管弦樂團(現中國廣播民族樂團)獨奏演員兼指揮,中國廣播合唱團、總政歌劇團、總政交響樂團及中國電視愛樂樂團指揮。現為中國廣播電視學會電視音樂藝術研究委員會副會長,中國音樂家協會、中國戲劇家協會及中國電視藝術家協會會員。他把中國古代旋宮轉調的技術再現於世,利用按半孔的方法解決了傳統六孔笛子演奏十二平均律並可任意轉調的難題,同時以獨創指法演奏超高音,擴展笛子的演奏音域。代表作有《鄉村小景》、《牧笛》、《小放牛》及所移植的《霍拉舞曲》等都是笛曲的經典,悠揚如歌的笛聲給人以莫大的享受,至今仍被世人所喜愛,為創立民族音樂的多元化藝術表現方法作出了開創性的成果。 LIU Sen              LIU Sen was born in 1937 in Baoding, Hebei province. He learned music from his father LIU Cheng-peng since he was a child and became famous in dizi performing at his youth. He studied the art of conducting under the famous conductor YAN Liang-kun and the art of vocal under SHEN Xiang and LI Jin-wei. He has been the soloist and conductor of the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra, the conductor of the China Broadcasting Choral Group, the Political Operatic Group, the Political Symphony Orchestra and the China Televi

周其昌 (ZHOU Qi-chang)

  板胡演奏家周其昌先生,為中國東北長春電影製片廠民族樂隊隊長、獨奏演員,曾隨「中國弓弦樂之神手」劉明源學習板胡技藝,與丁永盛合作,創作出著名板胡曲《春城節日》,後因肺病逝世於長春,其遺音還有《馬車在田野上奔馳》、《跑旱船》及其作品《趕著馬車喜盈盈》等等。 ZHOU Qi-chang     ZHOU Qi-chang was the team leader and soloist of the Chinese orchestra attached to Chang Chun Film Studio in north-east of China. He learned the banhu under LIU Ming-yuan, the renowned artist of Chinese string instruments. He has composed the banhu solo piece Festival in Changchun together with DING Yong-sheng. His performance album includes Horse-carriage Running in the Field, Pao Han Chuan and his composition Drive the Horse-carriage Happily, etc. He died of lung deceases in Chang Chun.

閆晉龍 (YAN Jin-long)

  閆晉龍,青年嗩呐演奏家,上海音樂學院嗩呐表演碩士研究生。第三屆CCTV民族器樂電視大賽職業組嗩呐第一名獲得者,師從著名嗩呐演奏家劉英教授。   9歲開始學習嗩呐,2004年考入武警部隊文工團,在部隊榮立三等功兩次。退役後,2010年以嗩呐專業第一的成績考入上海音樂學院民樂系。2014年又以民族管樂第一名的成績考取上海音樂學院碩士研究生。在校期間多次代表學校參加“上海之春”、“上海音樂學院新年音樂會”和國家大劇院等重要音樂會演出。並多次與著名指揮家夏飛雲、閻惠昌、王永吉、郭健明等合作獨奏作品,均獲各界人士好評。

閻紹一 (YAN Shao-yi)

板胡演奏家閻紹一先生,一九三六年出生於河北灤縣,一九八六年病逝於河北石家莊。一九四九年參加中國人民解放軍文工團從藝,一九五八年上調總政治部文工團樂隊任板胡演奏員,音樂才華得以充分發揮,著名板胡曲《河北花梆子》等即在此期間創編,一九六二年七月,北京音樂出版社出版其與王瑞檀合作之《板胡入門》,其中收入了閻氏早期的創作《狂歡》一曲。在此書的基礎上,後又出版《板胡演奏法》一書。「文革」結束後,閻氏即創作板胡曲《歡慶的日子》(與石寶儒合作),一九八三年,轉至石家莊鋼鐵工廠工會任職,仍致力於板胡藝術。一九八四年八月,北京人民音樂出版社出版其《板胡演奏法》,收入其創編的板胡曲有《歡迎新戰友》、《南蒲之春》、《對花》(與劉華成合作)、《練兵場上》及《河北花梆子》等。 YAN Shao-yi     YAN Shao-yi was born in 1936 in Luan county, Hebei province and passed away of illness in 1986 in Shi Jia Zhuang, Heibi province. In 1949, he joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army cultural work group. In 1958, he was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department as banhu performer. At that time, he composed the famous banhu piece Hebei Huabangzi. In 1962, the Beijing Music Publishing House published his Introduction Book of Banhu which included his early composition Revelry. Based on this book, he wrote the Performance Techniques of Banhu and has it be published on 1984. In which, he enclosed m

胡結續 (HU Jie-xu )

胡結續: 竹笛演奏家胡結續,一九三一年十二月出生於山西永濟。一九四九年,由西北人民軍政大學畢業後即從事音樂作曲、指揮和民族管樂器的演奏工作,一九八七年,被評為國家一級演奏員,成都音協常務理事,四川民族管弦樂學會副會長,四川民族管樂學會主席。還先後被聘為四川省高級職稱(文藝系列)評審委員會委員,全國民族器樂曲集成四川卷編委。主要的專著有:《笛子吹奏法》、《笛子基本功練習》、《笛子獨奏曲集》、《笛子實用教程》。音樂作品有:笛子獨奏曲《我是一個兵》(改編)、《賽馬會上》、《布穀鳥來了》、《讚家鄉》、《打靶歸來》等共約五十餘首。大型作品《石壕吏》(二胡協奏曲)、《兵車行》(笛子協奏曲)、《新婚別》(琵琶協奏曲)等約八首。發表的論文有《從喉音到自聲伴唱》、《吹笛雜談》、《吹笛音準問題瑣談》、《音樂陰陽說》等約五十多篇。二○○二年,參加全國首屆老年文藝會演,獲專業組金獎。 HU Jie-xu HU Jie-xu was born in December 1931 in Yongji, Shanxi province. In 1949, he graduated from the Northwest People’s Military and Politic University. He then took music as career and started to compose, conduct and perform of Chinese wind instruments. In 1987, he was appointed to be the national first class performer, and became the routine committee of the Chengdu Musicians’ Association, the vice president of the Sichuan Chinese National Orchestral Society, chairman of the Sichuan Chinese National Wind Society. He was also appointed as the adjudicator to the Sichuan high-level title and the editing

張倩淵 (ZHANG Qian-yuan)

張倩淵,中國音樂學院嗩呐專業教師,著名青年嗩呐演奏家。20歲獲得中國音樂最高獎「金鐘獎」金獎,之後又獲得中國政府最高獎「文華獎」金獎,也是嗩呐界唯一一位國內最高雙金獎的獲得者。   張倩淵,1989出生於浙江,6歲開始學習嗩呐,師從貴州籍嗩呐演奏家許偉老師。2001年考入上海音樂學院附中,師從著名嗩呐演奏家劉英教授。2007年以民樂系第一的成績考入上海音樂學院;同年跟隨著名管子演奏家胡志厚教授學習管子演奏。2011年以優異成績保送碩士研究生,成為全國唯一一位嗩呐專業的公費研究生。
