中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

古琴視頻樂曲庫 – Guqin Video Music Archive

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2. From the table below, Click the Chinese title to listen/watch the music. Click" →" or highlighted name to see more information about the music and performers.
字數曲目Programme NotesTitlePlay FormPerformersOther InformationSong Coding
2樵歌—>Qiao Ge (Woodcutter’s Song)Guqin SoloWU Wen-guang-V1002-02470
2長清—>Chang Qing (The Clearness in Grand)Guqin SoloWU Wen-guang-V1002-02471
2流水—>Flowing Water Guqin SoloLUI Pui-yuen-V1002-02561
2酒狂—>Man Crazy for WineGuqin SoloLUI Pui-yuen-V1002-02565
2流水—>Flowing WaterGuqin SoloLi Xiang-ting-V1002-03037
2欸乃—>Sound of Rowing a Boat Guqin SoloLi Xiang-ting-V1002-03039
2酒狂—>Man Crazy for WineGuqin SoloLi Xiang-ting-V1002-03041
2離騷—>LisaoGuqin SoloLi Xiang-ting-V1002-03048
2流水—>Flowing WaterGuqin SoloQIAO Shan-V1002-03183
2離騷—>LisaoGuqin SoloQIAO Shan-V1002-03184
2幽蘭—>Orchid in SeclusionGuqin SoloWU Wen-guang-V1002-V0002
2漁歌—>Song of the FishermanGuqin SoloWU Wen-guang-V1002-V0003
3古風操—>Gu Feng Cao (The Tune of Antiquity)Guqin SoloWU Wen-guang-V1003-02467
3神人暢—>Shen Ren Chang (The Song of King Yao)Guqin SoloWU Wen-guang-V1003-02468
3秋塞吟—>Qiu Sai Yin (Song of the Autumn Frontier)Guqin SoloWU Wen-guang-V1003-02469
3憶故人—>Memories of an Old FriendGuqin SoloLUI Pui-yuen-V1003-02563
3良宵引—>Tune for a Peaceful NightGuqin SoloLUI Pui-yuen-V1003-02564
3長門怨—>Mourning at Chang Men PalaceGuqin SoloLi Xiang-ting-V1003-03040
3憶故人—>Memories of an Old FriendGuqin SoloLi Xiang-ting-V1003-03042
3廣陵散—>Guang Ling Verse (Guangling San)Guqin SoloQIAO Shan-V1003-03185
3遁世操—>Song of a RecluseGuqin SoloCHENG Gong-liang-V1003-V0004
3長門怨—>Lament at Chang Men PalaceGuqin SoloGONG Yi-V1003-V0005
4漁樵問答—>A Dialogue between a Fisherman and a Woodcutter Guqin SoloLUI Pui-yuen-V1004-02562
4醉漁唱晚—>Evening Song of the Drunhen FishermanGuqin SoloLUI Pui-yuen-V1004-02566
4陽關三疊—>Song of YangguanGuqin SoloLi Xiang-ting-V1004-03038
4瀟湘水雲—>Mist and Cloud over the Xiao-Xiang RiversGuqin SoloGONG Yi-V1004-V0007
4洞庭秋思—>Autumn Sentiments on Lake DongtingGuqin SoloDING Cheng-yun-V1004-V0008
3釵頭鳳—>Phoenix HairpinQin SongQIAO Shan-V1103-V0006
4陽關三疊—>Song of YangguanQin SongQIAO Shan-V1104-V0010
4梅花三弄—>Three Variations of Plum BlossomQin Xiao Duet李蓬蓬、Li Xiang-ting-V1204-03046
