中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

二胡視頻樂曲庫 – Erhu Video Music Archive

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字數曲目Programme NotesTitlePlay FormPerformerOther InformationSong Coding
2月夜—>Moonlit NightErhu soloYANG Guang-Xiong-V4002-01511
2彈樂—>Music for Pluck StringsErhu soloLIANG Ling-ling-V4002-01539
2秋韻—>Melody of AutumnErhu soloYU Hong-mei-V4002-01540
2秦風—>Tune of ShaanxiErhu soloJIN Wei-V4002-02665
2三味—>The Three Tastes of LifeErhu soloZHANG Zun-lian-V4002-04189
2竹韻—>The Sound of BambooErhu soloZHANG Zun-lian-V4002-04193
2月夜—>Moonlit NightErhu soloLIU Chang-fu-V4002-V0001
3病中吟—>Sigh of AilmentErhu soloZHOU Yao-kun-V4003-01514
3懷鄉行—>HomesickErhu soloSUN Feng-zhong-V4003-01515
3流波曲—>WanderingErhu soloLIU Chang-fu-V4003-01518
3昭君怨—>The Grievance of Lady ZhaojunErhu soloWANG Yi-qinCantonese MusicV4003-01520
3一枝花—>One Flower Erhu soloZHANG Fang-ming-V4003-01527
3姑蘇行Trip to SuzhouErhu soloDENG Jian-dong-V4003-01531
3閒居吟—>LeisureErhu soloZHU Jiang-bo-V4003-01535
3一枝花—>One Flower Erhu soloHE Chu-rong-V4003-01541
3皮影調—>Shadow TuneErhu soloCAO De-wei-V4003-02661
3翻身歌—>Song of EmancipationErhu soloZHAO Han-yang-V4003-02663
3郿鄠調—>Meihu TuneErhu soloYU Hong-mei-V4003-02667
3江河水—>River WaterErhu soloHU Zhi-ping-V4003-02668
3豫鄉行—>Trip to HenanErhu soloSONG Fei-V4003-02671
3信天遊—>A Shanbei MelodyErhu soloSUN Huang-V4003-02760
3病中吟—>Chant in SicknessErhu soloZHANG Zhao-V4003-04188
3江河水—>River WaterErhu soloREN Hua-qing-V4003-04190
3流波曲—>WanderingErhu soloLIU Chang-fu-V4003-V0002
3一枝花—>One Flower Erhu soloMA Xiang-hua-V4003-V0003
4陝北抒懷—>Emotions of ShanbeiErhu soloCHEN Yao-xing-V4004-01517
4寒春風曲—>Chilly SpringErhu soloXU Jiang-de-V4004-01519
4塞外情思—>Thoughts beyond the FrontiersErhu soloZHAO Ge-V4004-01529
4椰島風情—>Tropical CharmErhu soloCHEN JunCHEN JunV4004-01532
4葡萄熟了—>The Grapes Are RipeErhu soloZHOU Wei-V4004-01533
4北方情懷Feelings of the NorthErhu soloDUAN Yong-qiang-V4004-01537
4漢宮秋月—>Autumn Moon over the Han PalaceErhu soloZHANG Zun-lian-V4004-01542
4二泉映月—>Reflection of the Moon on Lake ErquanErhu soloTIAN Zai-li-V4004-01544
4河南小曲—>A Henan TuneErhu soloZHANG Zun-lian-V4004-02664
4姑蘇春曉—>Dawn of SuzhouErhu soloDENG Jian-dong-V4004-02666
4葡萄熟了—>The Grapes Are RipeErhu soloZHOU Wei-V4004-02669
4天山風情—>Scenery of TianshanErhu soloWANG Han-V4004-04185
4漢宮秋月—>Autumn Moon over the Han PalaceErhu soloWANG Jun-na-V4004-04186
4二泉映月—>Reflection of the Moon on Lake ErquanErhu soloLIU Chang-fu-V4004-V0004
4空山鳥語—>Birds Call in the MountainErhu soloSONG Fei-V4004-V0005
4漢宮秋月—>Autumn Moon over the Han PalaceErhu soloJIANG Xun-feng-V4004-V0006
4江南春色—>Spring Sceneries of JiangnanErhu soloZHU Chang-yao-V4004-V0007
4寒春風曲—>Chilly SpringErhu soloSONG Fei-V4004-V0008
4洪湖隨想—>Capriccio of HonghuErhu soloLIU Guang-yu-V4004-V0009
5豫北敘事曲—>Ballad of Yubei AreasErhu soloZHANG Qiang-V4005-01512
5流浪者之歌—>ZigeunerweisenErhu soloTANG Feng-V4005-01528
5草原新牧民—>New Shepherds on the GrasslandErhu soloLIU Chang-fu-V4005-02672
6藍花花敘事曲—>Story of LanfafaErhu soloXUE Ke-V4006-01536
7秦腔主題隨想曲—>Capriccio on a QinqiangThemeErhu soloJIANG Wen-hua-V4007-01524
7第一二胡狂想曲—>Erhu Rhapsody No.1Erhu soloXIE Qiang-V4007-01526
7第一二胡狂想曲—>Erhu Rhapsody No.1Erhu soloLIU Hong-V4007-01534
7秦腔主題隨想曲—>Capriccio on a QinqiangThemeErhu soloZHAO Han-yang-V4007-01545
7洪湖人民的心願—>Wish of the Honghu PeopleErhu soloLIU Guang-yu-V4007-02662
7卡門主題幻想曲—>Fantasy on the Theme of CarmenErhu soloZHOU Ruo-yu-V4007-04187
7第三二胡狂想曲—>Erhu Rhapsody No.3Erhu soloWANG Jun-na-V4007-04192
8引子與回旋隨想曲—>Fantasy on the Introduction and RondoErhu soloZHANG Zhao-V4008-04191
9陽光照耀著塔什庫爾干—>Sunshine on TaxkorganErhu soloYU Hui-sheng-V4009-01530
9陽光照耀著塔什庫爾干—>Sunshine on TaxkorganErhu soloMA Xiang-hua-V4009-01538
9陽光照耀著塔什庫爾干—>Sunshine on TaxkorganErhu soloYAN Jie-min-V4009-01543
3迷胡調—>Meihu TuneErhu DuetNIU Miao-miao、呼延梅文-V4203-02759
3曲江吟—>Tune of QujiangErhu soloJIN Wei、伴奏:西安音樂學院民族管弦樂團、指揮:閻惠昌-V4203-02765
3豐收曲—>Bumper HarvestErhu UnsonErhu Students of China Conservatory-V4203-04194
5歡樂的秦川—>Happiness in Shaanxi AreaErhu UnsonXian Conservatory-V4205-02758
7第四二胡狂想曲—>Erhu Rhapsody No.4Erhu soloLU Yi-wen、伴奏:上海飛雲民族樂團, 指揮:夏飛雲-V4207-01635
